0000 0001 2321 5475
Name: |
Chavel, Vaclav
Gavel, Vaclav
Gavel, Vat︠s︡lav
Haei̕er, Wacilafu
Hapel, Pačchŭllapchŭ
Havel, V.
Havel, Václau
Havel, Václav
Haveli, Vac'lav
Havelo, Václavo
Havels, V.
Havels, Vāclavs
Haveru, Vatsurafu
Hawei'er, Wacilafu
Khavel, Vat︠s︡lav
Гавел, Вацлав
ハヴェル, ヴァーツラフ
ハベル, バーツラフ
Dates: |
1936-2011 |
Creation class: |
Computer file
Language material
Manuscript language material
Musical sound recording
Nonmusical sound recording
Notated music
Projected medium
Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
Creation role: |
author of afterword, colophon
author of introduction, etc.
bibliographic antecedent
writer of accompanying material
writer of preface
Related names: |
Abrams, Erika (1952-...)
Aymonin, Marcel (1911-1984)
Aymonin, Marcel (co-author)
Bacelar, Manuela (1943-)
Blackwell, Vera (1924-)
Bollack, Sabine
Česko Prezident (1993-2003 : Havel) (see also from)
Československo Prezident (1989-1992 : Havel) (see also from)
Crawshaw, Steve (co-author)
Czech Republic President (1993-2003 : Havel) (isRelatedTo)
Czech Republic President (1993-2003 : Havel) (see also from)
Czechoslovakia President (1989-1992 : Havel) (isRelatedTo)
Czechoslovakia President (1989-1992 : Havel) (see also from)
Davids, Tinke
Davids, Tinke (pseud. van C.E. van Amerongen-van Straten.)
Errera, Roger
Faure, Barbora (co-author)
Freimanová, Anna (co-author)
Glucksmann, André (co-author)
Havel, Ivan M. (co-author)
Havel, Václav
Havlová, Dagmar (1953-; Beziehung familiaer; see also from)
Havlová, Olga (1933-1996; Beziehung familiaer; see also from)
Hribar, Manja
Hvížďala, Karel (1941-...)
Hvížďala, Karel (co-author)
Janouch, František (co-author)
Jungmannová, Lenka (co-author)
Kárnet, Jiří (co-author)
Kohout, Pavel (co-author)
Koleva, Maria (co-author)
Liu, Xiao bo (co-author)
Meldegg, Stephan (1937-...)
Morávek, Vladimír (co-author)
Novotná, Jana
Palec, Ivan
Precan, Vilém
Prokop, Karel (co-author)
Reisenauer, Pavel (co-author)
Rubeš, Jan (co-author)
Šulc, Jan (1965-...)
Tatarka, Dominik
Vimr, Vladimir (co-author)
Vladislav, Jan
Vladislav, Jan (1923-)
Vontorcik, Emil
Weiner, Richard (1884-1937)
Wilson, Paul R. (1941-)
Wilson, Paul Robert (1941-)
Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej
Zapletal, Svato (1946-)
Zelenka, Jan
本多, 正英 (1932-)
Titles: |
À vrai dire livre de l'après-pouvoir notes, carnets et entretiens avec Karel Hvížďala, 1986-2006
Am Anfang war das Wort Texte von 1969 bis 1990
amour et la vérité doivent triompher de la haine et du mensonge discours traduits du tchèque par Barbora Faure, Jan Rubeš et Zlata Chatel, L'
Angst vor der Freiheit Reden des Staatspräsidenten
art of the impossible, The : politics as morality in practice : speeches and writings, 1990-1996
Asanace hra o pěti jednáních
Briefe an Olga Betrachtungen aus dem Gefängnis
Brieven aan Olga : overdenkingen uit de gevangenis
C'est pour demain et autres pièces inédites
Cartas a Olga reflexões da prisão
Cirkus Havel
Dálkový výslech
démon du consentement, la fin d'une époque, Le : traité fantastique
Deutsche und Tschechen : Geschichte, Kultur, Politik
Disturbing the peace : a conversation with Karel Hvížďala
Do různých stran Eseje a články z let 1983 - 1989
Dopisy od Olgy
Dopisy Olze
Ekonomie dobra a zla
Essais politiques
Fassen Sie sich bitte kurz
faute, La
Fête en plein air
Feuer, das ewig brennt
Fjernforhør : Samtale med Karel Hvížďala
Fünfzehn Stimmungen
Gartenfest, Das
Gauneroper, Die
grande roue sur les motifs de John Gay pièce en quatorze tableaux
Horský hotel
Hry : soubor her z let 1963-1988
increased difficulty of concentration, The
Interrogatoire à distance
Josef Capek, 1963.
Korespondence 1978–2001
Largo Desolato
Letní přemítání
Letters to Olga : June 1979-September 1982
Lettres à Olga
Macht der Mächtigen oder Die Macht der Machtlosen, Die
memorandum, The
Moc bezmocných a jiné eseje
Moral in Zeiten der Globalisierung
Naar alle windstreken
night of the barbarians, The : memoirs of the communist persecution of the Slovak cardinal
No enemies, no hatred selected essays and poems
note de service, de Vaclav Havel, mise en scène Jean-Louis Roux, traduction d'après la traduction anglaise de Vera Blackwell, Roch Carrier, La
O divadle
O lidskou identitu úvahy, fejetony, protesty, polemiky, prohlášení a rozhovory z let 1969-1979
O svobodě a moci
Odcházení hra o pěti dějstvích
Open letters : selected writings, 1965-1990
open society and its enemies, The
Petits actes de rébellion
Plays. Selections
plus belle histoire de la liberté, La
Poging om in de waarheid te leven : essay over Charta 77
Posmrtný deník přísně tajná odpověď Václavu Havlovi
potere dei senza potere, Il ; postfazione di Luciano Antonetti
pouvoir des sans-pouvoir, Le
Power of the powerless citizens against the state in central-eastern Europe
Prase aneb Václav Havel's hunt for a pig
Prezident v Bratislave
Prosím stručně
Quelques mots sur la parole
Rapport dont vous êtes l'objet
samtene Revolutionär, Der
Šest a Sex & Rr osm jednoaktových her
Siła bezsilnych
Slovo o slovu
Small acts of resistance
Spiskowcy i inne utwory dramatyczne
Summer meditations
To the Castle and back ; translated from the Czech by Paul Wilson
Tod und Unsterblichkeit im Buddhismus
uncanny era, An : conversations between Václav Havel and Adam Michnik
Uzinduzi [Die Vernissage]
Václav Havel 1999-2003
Vaclav Havel, à Paris, en stakhanoviste (travailleur méritant) signe "À vrai dire", son livre d'après-pouvoir à la librairie Compagnie, 58 rue des Écoles, ce 13 avril 2007...
Václav Havel : living in truth : twenty-two essays published on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus Prize to Václav Havel
Václav Havel's hunt for a pig
Vaněk-Trilogie Theaterstücke
Vážení občané projevy červenec 1990-červenec 1992
Versuch, in der Wahrheit zu leben
view from Prague, The : the expectations of world leaders at the dawn of the 21st century
Von Tieren und Menschen
Výzva k transcendenci
We are children just the same : Vedem, the secret magazine by the boys of Terezín
word about words
year of the frog, The : a novel
Zahradní slavnost : Hra o čtyřech dejstvich
Zaoczne przesłuchanie
Žebrácká opera
Zeugen der Hoffnung
Ztížená možnost soustředění
Ztížené možnosti : tři hry z šedesátých let
ジェブラーツカー・オペラ : 乞食オペラ
Notes: |
Associated Language:
Josef Čapek, 1963
New York times WWW site, Dec. 19, 2011 (in obituary published Dec. 18: Vaclav Havel; b. Oct. 5, 1936, northern Bohemia; d. Sunday [Dec. 18, 2011], aged 75; Czech writer and dissident whose eloquent dissections of Communist rule helped to destroy it in revolutions that brought down the Berlin Wall and swept Mr. Havel himself into power)
Vat︠s︡lav Gavel, 1992
Vat︠s︡lav Khavel, 1992
Sources: |