0000 0001 2134 9453
Name: |
David Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor (Spaeterer Name)
David Lloyd George
David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor
David Lloyd George (britischer Politiker)
David Lloyd George (British Liberal politician and statesman)
David Lloyd George (britisk politikar)
David Lloyd George (britisk politiker)
David Lloyd George (Brits politicus)
David Lloyd George (britský politik)
David Lloyd George (brittisk politiker)
David Lloyd George (personnalité politique britannique)
David Lloyd George (politico britannico)
David Lojd Çorç
Deividas Loidas Džordžas
Deivids Loids Džordžs
Dejvid Lojd Džordž
Devid Lloyd Corc
Dwyfor, David Lloyd George (comte de)
Dwyfor, David Lloyd George ((Earl Lloyd George of))
Dwyfor, David Lloyd George of (Spaeterer Name)
Dwyfor, David Lloyd George (Spaeterer Name)
Dwyfor, David Lloyd of (Spaeterer Name)
Dwyfor, Lloyd-George of
Dzhorzh, David Lloĭd
George (D.; 1863-1945)
George (D. Lloyd)
George, David (Frueherer Name)
George, David L.
George, David Lloyd
George, ... Lloyd
George, Lloyd David
Gwynedd, David Lloyd George
Gwynedd, David Lloyd George (Spaeterer Name)
Gwynedd, David Lloyd George ((Viscount))
Lloĭd Dzhorzh, David
Lloyd (D.; 1863-1945)
Lloyd George, ..
Lloyd George (1863-1945)
Lloyd George, D.
Lloyd George (D.; 1863-1945)
Lloyd George, David
Lloyd George, David (Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor)
Lloyd George, David Lloyd George
Lloyd George, David Lloyd George ((1st Earl))
Lloyd George, David Lloyd George ((Earl))
Lloyd George, Dawid
Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, David
Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David (1st Earl)
Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David (Earl)
Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David Lloyd George ((Earl))
Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David (Spaeterer Name)
Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, Earl
Loyd Dzʹsordzʹs
Loyd Dzshordzsh
Loyd Dzśordzś
Loyd Gʹorgʹ, Daṿid
Loyd George (David)
Ντέιβιντ Λόυντ Τζορτζ
Давид Лойд Ҷорҷ
Девід Ллойд Джордж
Дейвид Лойд Джордж
Дејвид Лојд Џорџ
Дејвид Лојд Џорџ (британски политичар и премиер)
Джордж (Д; 1863-1945)
Джордж, Дэвид Ллойд
Дэвід Лойд Джордж
Ллойд (Д; 1863-1945)
Ллойд-Джордж, Д
Ллойд-Джордж (Д; 1863-1945)
Ллойд-Джордж, Дэвид
Ллойд Джордж, Дэвид (британский политический деятель)
Ллойд Жорж Дэвид
დევიდ ლოიდ-ჯორჯი
Դեյվիդ Լլոյդ Ջորջ
ג'ורג', דיויד לויד-
ג'ורג', דייוויד לויד
ג'ורג'-לויד, דיויד
דייוויד לויד ג'ורג'
לויד-ג'ורג', דוד
ديفيد لويد جورج
دیوید لوید جرج (سیاستمدار بریتانیایی)
डेभिड लोयोर्ड जोर्ज
डेविड लौय्ड जार्ज
डेव्हिड लॉइड जॉर्ज
เดวิด ลอยด์ จอร์จ
ဒေးဗစ် လွိုက်ဂျော့ချ်
Dates: |
1863-1945 |
Creation class: |
Computer file
Language material
Manuscript language material
Musical sound recording
Creation role: |
author of afterword, colophon
Related names: |
Blumberg, Georges
Blumberg, Georges (co-author)
Bonnefon, Charles (co-author)
Churchill, Winston Sir, 1874-1965
Coates, Zelda K.
Dunning, Norman G.
Fairman, Richard (co-author)
Goodman, Paul (co-author)
Grande-Bretagne Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George) (see also from)
Great Britain Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George) (see also from)
Guedalla, Philip (1889-1944))
Guedalla, Philip (co-author)
Jones, Jack (co-author)
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener Earl, 1850-1916
Lloyd George R (1889-1968 Richard)
Lloyd George, David
Mantoux, M.
Morgan, Kenneth Owen
Morgan, Kenneth Owen (co-author)
O'Neill, Laurence (1864-1943)
Samson, Emily D. (co-author)
Simon, Helene
Stevenson, F. L.
Thiès, Henri
Thiès, Henri (co-author)
Veer, W. de (1865-)
Veer, Willem (1865-)
Victoria, Vesta (co-performer)
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow
Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924))
Wit, Peter
YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
Yeats, William Butler (co-author)
Виноградов, Кирилл Борисович (1921-2003)
Ротштейн, Федор Аронович (1871-1953)
Эттли К. Р (1883-1967 Клемент Ричард)
内山, 賢次 (1889-1971)
Titles: |
Bessere Zeiten. -
Better times
British war aims
Ce que dit Lloyd George après 4 ans de guerre...
Chaim Weizmann a tribute on his 70 th birth day
Coal and power. -
Correspondence. Selections
Dank des Britischen Parlaments an Heer und Marine
Durch den Weltkrieg zur Demokratie Rede in Glasgow vom 29. Juni 1917
Empire's honour, The
England [and] Germany
England before the First great War
Entente, Germany and the Bolsheviks, The
Europeesche oorlog, De
Fact v. fiction : Mr. Lloyd George's statement on shipping and food supplies
Family letters 1885-1936
Fête nationale belge Belgian independence day
Für die Demokratie und den Weltfrieden
Glasoviti govori
great crusade, The : extracts from speeches delivered during the war
guerra europea, La
guerre actuelle. Son passé, son avenir
history of Anglo-Soviet relations, A
Irish Free State (Agreement) Bill
Is it peace ? by... David Lloyd George,...
Ist wirklich Friede?
Kampf um den englischen Boden. -, Der
Krieg ein Vor- u. Rückblick ; Bericht dreier Reden geh. von d. Ersten Lord d. Admiralität, Winston Churchill (im Unterhaus, am 27. Nov. 1914), d. Kriegsminister, Earl Kitchener (im Oberhaus, am 26. Nov. 1914) u. d. Finanzminister David Lloyd George (im Unterhaus, am 27. Nov. 1914)
La révolution irlandaise : 1916-1922
La vérité sur les réparations et les dettes de guerre
La Vérité sur les réparations et les lettres de guerre. Traduit de l'anglais par Georges Blumberg
La Victoire(War memoirs). Traduction de Henri Thies
Les Buts de guerre de la Grande-Bretagne
Les Heures décisives(War memoirs). Traduit de l'anglais par Henri Thies
Letter from Emilie Harmsworth to David Lloyd George, Military Secretary, War Office, London, regarding Lieutenant Walther Reinhardt's offer to return her brother Captain Henry Telford Maffett's personal belongings
Letters addressed mainly to Lady Gregory (with some addressed to Sir W. Gregory) from well-known political and literary figures including H.H. Asquith, Margot Asquith, Augustine Birrell, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Pádraic Colum, Éamon de Valera, Aubrey de Vere, John Devoy, W.G. Fay, Frank Gallagher, William Gladstone, W.G. Grace, David Lloyd George, Count John McCormack, Ramsay MacDonald, J.G. Mahaffy, Sydney Morgan, Standish O'Grady, and George Wyndham
liberal outlook, The
Lloyd George family letters, 1885-1936
Lords, the land and the people, The
Mein Anteil am Weltkrieg
Mémoires de guerre. II. Traduction de Charles Bonnefon
Memoirs of the Peace conference
Men and munitions. -
My darling Pussy : the letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson, 1913-41
Napoleon and Palestine, by Philip Guedalla... Foreword by Israel Zangwill... Afterword by... David Lloyd George...
Old age in the new world, by Emily D. Samson... [Foreword by D. Lloyd George.]
Organizing prosperity. -
Peace and retrenchment. The Prime minister's call to the nation.
Peace proposals and the attitude of the allies
people's budget, The
peoples budget, 1909., The
Pour la démocratie et la paix du monde. Les Déclarations de Lloyd George et du Président Wilson, janvier 1918
Pravda o mirnykh dogovorakh
Prawda o Traktacie Wersalskim.
Proposiciones de paz, J la actitud de los aliados Discurso pronunciado porel primer Ministro dela Grand Bretana... El 19 de Diciembre de 1916, Las
proposte di pace e l'atteggiamento degli alleati discorsi pronunciati il 19 decembre 1916, alla Camera dei communi, e il 12 gennaio 1917 al Guidhall [!] di Londra, Le
Samuel Chadwick
Sekai taisen kaikoroku.
Sil-Vara. Englishe Melukheh-mener, 1918:
Slings and arrows. Sayings chosen from the speeches of the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George
Souvenirs de guerre de D. Lloyd George,...
Souvenirs de guerre... ("War memoirs".)
Spain and Britain
Speech on the budget
Spring of youth
Through terror to triumph.
Truth about reparations and war-debts, by..., David Lloyd George, The
Truth about the peace treaties
Unemployment, Can land settlement solve?
Unfinished journey, by Jack Jones, with a preface by the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George...
vérité sur les réparations et les dettes de guerre
Victoria en marcha
Voennye memuary
Voices of history a collection of very famous speeches, broadcasts and historic moments
Vredes-voorstellen en de houding der gealliëerden : redevoering van den Engelschen premier, the Rt. Hon. Mr. Lloyd George, op 19 December 1916.
Waarheid en verdichting : Mr. Lloyd George's verklaring betreffende de scheepvaart en voedselvoorziening
Waarvoor Groot-Brittannië strijdt : een heldere uiteenzetting van de oorlogs-doeleinden
Wahrheit über Reparationen und Kriegsschulden
War memoirs of David Lloyd George
War : prospect and retrospect.
We can conquer unemployment. Mr Lloyd George's pledge
When the war will end Mr. Lloyd George's speech at Glasgow, 29 June, 1917
Where are we going?
Why are you making war on Ireland! : Stop your war on Ireland now!
wit & wisdom of Lloyd George, The
Wspomnienia wojenne.
ʿEngliyšeʿ mlwkah-meʿneʿr
Мир ли это? Европейский кризис 1922-1923 годов
Правда о мирных договорах, 1957:
Contributed to or performed: |
Century in Sound, The |
Notes: |
Sources: |