0000 0004 1569 9707
Name: |
Houston (Tex.) University
Houston (Tex.) Unversity
University Houston, Tex
University of Houston
University of Houston central campus
University of Houston (University or College)
University of Houston-University Park
Dates: |
began 2012-04-01 |
Location / Nationality: |
United States Texas Houston
Creation class: |
Language material
Projected medium
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Related names: |
Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System
Evans, Richard Isadore
Myrick, Henry Nugent
Symposium on Literature and the Arts, English and German Romanticism Cross Currents and Controversy 1981, Houston, Tex
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
University of Houston Central Campus (see also from)
University of Houston System (see also from)
University of Houston-University Park
University of Houston-University Park (see also from)
Wand, S. S.
Wand, Su Su
Titles: |
Advances in fracture research : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fracture (ICF7), Houston, Texas, 20-24 March 1989
Advances in gas chromatography;
Bayou., Le
Bioresources for development the renewable way of life ; [papers presented at the Internat. Conference on Biopotentials for Development held Nov. 5 - 11, 1978 at the Univ. of Houston]
Central actions of angiotensin and related hormones
Clean air for an urban environment: a community action seminar, proceedings.
Composite materials for offshore operations : proceedings of the First International Workshop
Contemporary Latin America; a selection of papers.
Cougar (Houston, Tex. : 1934)
cougar., The
Daily cougar., The
Deutsche Romantik and English romanticism papers from the Univ. of Houston 3. Symposium on Literature and the Arts "English and German Romanticism, Cross Currents and Controversy"
Digital history using new technologies to enhance teaching and research.
Encouraging reflective practice in education : an analysis of issues and programs
English and German romanticism: cross-currents and controversies [the following essays were selected from papers delivered at a Symposium on Engl. and German Romanticism at the Univ. of Houston in 1981].
Forum (Houst. Tex., 1956)
Forum (Houston, Tex.)
Houston journal of international law
Houston journal of mathematics
Houston law review
ICOSAHOM 95 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods : Houston, Texas, 5-9 June, 1995
Jean Piaget with Bärbel Inhelder
long range effects of a language stimulation program upon Negro educationally disadvantaged first grade children, The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) summer faculty fellowship program
Notable contributors to the psychology of personality
Permanent partnership; continuing education: the lifelong association of adult Texans and their colleges and universities. A study for the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System.
Problems of law, politics, and economic development in Latin America : proceedings of a conference held on March 7, 1975, under the auspices of the Latin American Studies Program, University of Houston and the American Society of International Law
signature works
Solid waste in urban environments: a community action seminar; proceedings.
Texas journal of distance learning TJDL., The
Tour. hotel ind. Indo-China Southeast Asia
Tourism and hotel industry in Indo-China & Southeast Asia : development, marketing, and sustainability : conference proceedings.
University of Houston alumni directory
University of Houston exhibition of Bibles and related materials, Christmas 1970.
Using new technologies to enhance teaching and research
Notes: |
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