Nakatsuka (中塚, Nakatsuka) is a middle school student and a gym member of the Kawahara Boxing Gym.
During middle school, he joined the Kawahara gym, which his parents did not like since they believed it was the reason for his poor grades in school.
Part III[]
Importance of the Support Role Arc[]
After Miyata Ichirō got done explaining his thoughts on Sendō Takeshi, Alfredo Gonzales, and Makunouchi Ippo formula and theory, Nakatsuka was suggested by Suzuki to give Miyata his middle school math problem homework that he had trouble on to have him solve it. Nakatsuka didn't feel that he could ask Miyata, but Suzuki believed Miyata was in a good mood. Nakatsuka gave him his homework, however, Miyata mentioned he had go to work and planned to give it back the next day, however, Nakatsuka was disappointed since his homework was due in the morning.
He is a fairly young male with short cut black hair, and big ears. He is shown wearing a dark t-shirt that has "Monkey" on the back.
- The surname Nakatsuka means "middle" (中) (naka) and "mound, hill/hillock, heap, knoll, pile, drift, stack, bank, grave" (塚) (tsuka).
- Nakatsuka is based on Morikawa Jouji's boxer Takahiro Nakatsuka' (中塚貴大) from the JB Sports Gym. They share the same surname and have a similar appearance. The "Monkey" shirt Nakatsuka wears is a reference to the real life Nakatsuka's association with monkeys and boxing, calling himself the "Monkey Boxer."