The Giant Ear is a creature appearing during the events of Weirdmageddon. It appears in the intro for the Weirdmageddon episodes.
The history of the creature is unknown. It is suggested that it has been cut of from the head of a giant. After the weirdness waves hit, the Giant Ear appeared.
The Book of Bill[]
Though not fully confirmed, a large ear is seen in the Theraprism, though it is significantly smaller than the actual ear.
The Giant Ear is, like the name suggests, a giant disembodied ear with a clear cut marking and open wound. It can't talk and has arms in its auricle. It floats as it doesn't have any legs.
Season 2
- 218. "Weirdmageddon 1: Xpcveaoqfoxso"
- 220-221. "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls"
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