Bulk Execution is failing when containers are partitioned by anything other than "id".
Error Message:
[2023-04-27 07:47:27,333] ERROR Could not upload record to CosmosDb, but tolerance is set to all. Error message: Unable to write record to CosmosDB:
{null}, value schema {null}, exception {{'ClassName':'BulkOperationFailedException','userAgent':'azsdk-java-cosmos/4.42.0 Linux/3.10.0-1160.88.1.el7.
x86_64 JRE/11.0.8','statusCode':400,'resourceAddress':null,'innerErrorMessage':'Request failed with effectiveStatusCode: {400}, effectiveSubStatusCod
e: {0}, kafkaOffset: {10}, kafkaPartition: {1}, topic: {test_topic}','causeInfo':null,'responseHeaders':'{x-ms-substatus=0}'}}
Expected Behavior
Bulk execution should work for any partition key selection.
Send messages to Cosmos DB via sink connector where container is partitioned by some value other than "id".
Additional Context
Workaround: disabling bulk execution when adding Connector in Kafka Connect environment avoids the issue:
"connect.cosmos.sink.bulk.enabled": false