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GitHub - Majid-Derhambakhsh/menu-manager: Menu Manager library for manage the menu & items with support click event
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Menu Manager library for manage the menu & items with support click event.

Version : 0.1.0

  • Type : Embedded Software.

  • Support :

             - All MCU with your custom library  
             - AVR/ARM STM32 series with character_lcd/7Segment library   
  • Program Language : C/C++

  • Properties :

Initialization and de-initialization functions:

void Menu_PageInit(Page_TypeDef **_page_list, Page_TypeDef *_root_page);

Menu operation functions:

void Menu_ShowPage(Page_TypeDef *_page);
void Menu_ShowCurrentPage(void);
uint8_t Menu_GetCurrentPageID(void);
void Menu_ResetCurrentPage(void);
void Menu_SelectNextItem(Page_TypeDef *_page);
void Menu_SelectNextItem_CurrentPage(void);
void Menu_SelectPreviousItem_CurrentPage(void);
void Menu_OpenSelectedPage(void);
void Menu_BackToPreviousPage(void);
void Menu_RunClickEvent(void);





#define _MENU_PUTS(x)
#define _MENU_PUTCH(x)
#define _MENU_CLEAR()
#define _MENU_GOTOXY(x,y)



Menu control macros:

#define __MENU_EnableBackToPreviousPage
#define __MENU_EnableGoToNewPage
#define __MENU_EnableSelectNextItem
#define __MENU_EnableSelectPreviousItem

#define __MENU_DisableBackToPreviousPage
#define __MENU_DisableGoToNewPage
#define __MENU_DisableSelectNextItem
#define __MENU_DisableSelectPreviousItem

How to use this driver

The Menu Manager library can be used as follows:

1.1 Menu configuration in the menu_manager_conf.h header, for example:

  • Options for 16*2 Alphanumeric LCD (use Character-Lcd library):

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add required libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    #include "CHARACTER_LCD/character_lcd.h"
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add required namespace ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    //using namespace x;
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Your OBJ/VAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    //extern x y;
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Display configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    #define _USE_LCD_DISPLAY
    //#define _USE_7SEGMENT_DISPLAY
    #define _NMB_OF_DISPLAY_LINES  2
    #define _NMB_OF_DISPLAY_COLUMN 16
    //#define _7SEGMENT_DISPLAY xDisplay
    /* ~~~~~~~ Add your custom display methods ~~~~~~~~ */
    //#define _MENU_PUTS(x)     Lcd_PutString(x)
    //#define _MENU_PUTCH(x)    Lcd_PutChar(x)
    //#define _MENU_CLEAR()     Lcd_Clear()
    //#define _MENU_GOTOXY(x,y) Lcd_GotoXY(x,y)
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~ Library configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    //#define _MENU_CURSOR_DISABLE
    #define _MENU_CURSOR_CHAR '>'      
  • Options for 7Segment with 4 column (use 7Segment-Library):

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add required libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    #include "SevenSegment/seven_segment.h"
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add required namespace ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    using namespace Display;
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Your OBJ/VAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    extern SSegment MainDisplay;
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Display configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    //#define _USE_LCD_DISPLAY
    #define _NMB_OF_DISPLAY_LINES  1
    #define _NMB_OF_DISPLAY_COLUMN 4
    #define _7SEGMENT_DISPLAY MainDisplay
    /* ~~~~~~~ Add your custom display methods ~~~~~~~~ */
    //#define _MENU_PUTS(x)     Lcd_PutString(x)
    //#define _MENU_PUTCH(x)    Lcd_PutChar(x)
    //#define _MENU_CLEAR()     Lcd_Clear()
    //#define _MENU_GOTOXY(x,y) Lcd_GotoXY(x,y)
    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~ Library configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    //#define _MENU_CURSOR_DISABLE
    #define _MENU_CURSOR_CHAR '-'      

2.1 Initialize:

  • Declare Page_TypeDef menu structures, for example:

     Page_TypeDef mainMenu;
     Page_TypeDef mainMenu_Display;
     Page_TypeDef mainMenu_Sound;
  • Declare a PageList_TypeDef page list and set it, for example:

     PageList_TypeDef pageList[number of pages] = {&mainMenu, &mainMenu_Display, &mainMenu_Sound};
  • Declare (PageItemName_TypeDef - PageItemID_TypeDef & ClickEvent_TypeDef) page informations and set it, for example:

     PageItemName_TypeDef mainMenuItemsName[number of items][max length of items names] = {"Display","Sounds","About"};
     PageItemID_TypeDef   mainMenuItemsID[number of items] = {ID,ID,ID}; 
     ClickEvent_TypeDef   mainMenuItemsClickEvent[number of items] = {Click event,Click event,Click event};
        /* ..... Main menu - Display menu ..... */
        PageItemName_TypeDef dispPageItemsName[number of items][max length of items names] = {"Backlight"};
        PageItemID_TypeDef   dispPageItemsID[number of items] = {ID};
        ClickEvent_TypeDef   dispPageItemsClickEvent[number of items] = {ScreenBackLightEnDis_ClickEvent};
        /* ..... Main menu - Sound menu ..... */
    • Tips
      Tip 1: Each ID is for a page (Page_TypeDef)
      Tip 2: If the ID is the same as the parent ID, it will not enter the new page
      Tip 3: If you do not need to execute your commands in the items click, set the event value to NullClickEvent
  • Declare click event functions, for example:

     void ScreenBackLightEnDis_ClickEvent(void)
        // My commands for run in Backlight clicks
  • Config & Initialize pages, for example:

     mainMenu.ID = ID of this page;
     mainMenu.ItemsID = mainMenuItemsID;
     mainMenu.ItemsName = mainMenuItemsName;
     mainMenu.ClickEvent = mainMenuItemsClickEvent;
     mainMenu.ItemsQuantity = Number of items;
     mainMenu.ItemsNameLength = Max length of items names;
     mainMenu.ParentID = Parent ID of this page;
     mainMenu.SelectedItem = 0;
     mainMenu.DefaultItem = 0;
     mainMenu_Display.ID = ID of this page;
     mainMenu_Display.ItemsID = dispPageItemsID;
     mainMenu_Display.ItemsName = dispPageItemsName;
     mainMenu_Display.ClickEvent = dispPageItemsClickEvent;
     mainMenu_Display.ItemsQuantity = Number of items;
     mainMenu_Display.ItemsNameLength = Max length of items names;
     mainMenu_Display.ParentID = Parent ID of this page (in this example: ID of mainMenu);
     mainMenu_Display.SelectedItem = 0;
     mainMenu_Display.DefaultItem = 0;
     mainMenu_Sound ...
     Menu_PageInit(pageList, &mainMenu);  mainMenu is root page of this example

3.1 Using menu operation functions, for example:

   void MyBackKey(void)
   void MyUpKey(void)
   void MyEnterKey(void)
   void MyDownKey(void)
      Menu_SelectNextItem_CurrentPage(); /* Or using Menu_SelectNextItem(&page_name) */

Developer: Majid Derhambakhsh