Within the framework of the CSP 'Metatranscriptomics of Forest
Soil Ecosystems' project, we are aiming to explore the interaction
of forest trees with communities of soil fungi, including
ectomycorrhizal symbionts that dramatically affect
bioenergy-relevant plant growth, and saprotrophic soil fungi
impacting carbon sequestration in forests. We are sequencing the
metatranscriptome of soil fungi (i.e., wood decayers, litter and
humus saprotrophs, and ectomycorrhizal symbionts) in woody debris,
litter/humus, rhizosphere and ectomycorrhizal roots of ecosystems
representative of major Earth ecosystems, the boreal, temperate and
mediterranean forests. We are also sequencing the genome of the
most abundant fungal species harvested on studied sites to serve as
the foundation for a reference database for metagenomics of fungi
and for a comprehensive survey of the potential soil fungal
Amongst the frequent soil fungi, Mortierella elongata
Linnem. is one of most common representatives of genus
Mortierella, a genus that contains of 150 described
species. Mortierella elongata grows saprotrophically in
the soil, or as an endophyte in healthy plant roots. Its quick
growth is due in part to coenocytic mycelium that has occasional
septa and frequently anastomosing, dichotomously branched hyphae.
Hyphae often bear mitotically produced chlamydospores and
stylospores. Mortierella elongata is considered to be
haploid and heterothallic (although some isolates have been
recorded as homothallic). Asexual sporulation is not common for
this species. Zygospores (meiotic products of the sexual cycle) may
be produced in culture, but are rare.
Mortierella elongata is a common and ubiquitous species.
For instance, it has been reported from alpine ecosystems of Norway
(4 km above sea level), arid agricultural areas of India and
deserts, and coastal regions of Mexico. Mortierella
elongata grows well in a range of soil types, from pH levels
of 4 to 7, and shows preference for litter and upper organic soil
horizons. Mortierella elongata has been isolated from
forest soils including virgin steppe in Ukraine as well as soils
from Duke Forest, where it was found to be one of the most
prevalent species of soil fungi. Its ecological function is not
clearly understood.
Mortierella elongata belongs to a basal clade of fungi
classified as the Mortierellomycotina. Recent phylogenetic
studies place this phylum in an intermediate position between the
other Zygomycota s.l., Glomeromycota and
Dikarya. The Mortierellomycotina are thought to
include the first terrestrial fungi to develop distinct fruiting
Genome Reference(s)
Uehling J, Gryganskyi A, Hameed K, Tschaplinski T, Misztal PK, Wu S, Desirò A, Vande Pol N, Du Z, Zienkiewicz A, Zienkiewicz K, Morin E, Tisserant E, Splivallo R, Hainaut M, Henrissat B, Ohm R, Kuo A, Yan J, Lipzen A, Nolan M, LaButti K, Barry K, Goldstein AH, Labbé J, Schadt C, Tuskan G, Grigoriev I, Martin F, Vilgalys R, Bonito G
Comparative genomics of Mortierella elongata and its bacterial endosymbiont Mycoavidus cysteinexigens.
Environ Microbiol. 2017 Aug;19(8):2964-2983. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13669