Monthly wholesale electricity prices in Spain 2019-2024
The average wholesale electricity price in Spain amounted to 72.54 euros per megawatt-hour in September 2024, an increase compared to the previous month. Wholesale electricity prices in Spain skyrocketed in 2021 and 2022, the consequence of an energy supply shortage which severely impacted Europe.
Non-household and household electricity prices in Spain
Average annual electricity prices in Spain fluctuated between 40 and 65 euros per megawatt-hour prior to the impact of the energy supply shortage in 2021. Household electricity prices in Spain recovered in the first half of 2023, falling back to levels between 21 euro cents per kilowatt-hour and 24 euro cents per kilowatt-hour. However, despite having fallen since 2022, non-household electricity prices have not yet fully recovered to pre-energy supply shortage levels.
Spanish electricity market
The Spanish electricity market consists of two sectors: a regulated sector and a liberalized sector. Both sectors are dominated by two utility companies, Endesa and Iberdrola. The companies possessed a combined market share of nearly 75 percent within the regulated market in the year 2022, whereas their combined share of the liberalized market amounted to 62 percent that same year.