Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Apr 8‒Jun 17, 1906 | Dvacátá výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze [Twentieth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 1 | artist associations |
Nov 27, 1909‒Jan 9, 1910 | XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 3 | artist associations |
Jan‒Feb 1911 | S. V. U. Manes. XXXV. výstava. (Členská) [S. V. U. Manes. XXXV. Exhibition. (Member's)] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 1 | artist associations |
Nov‒Dec 1911 | Hagenbund. Kollektivausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Manes. Prag | Vienna | Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse | 1 | artist associations |
27. Wiesner Ad.: Stíny [Shadows]
painting: oil
Dvacátá výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze [Twentieth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
360. Na pláži [On the Beach]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
361. Studie [Study]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
362. V čekárně [In the Waiting Room]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
73. Ranní lázeň [Morning Bath]
- Handwritten annotation next to cat. no. 73: "olej" [oil].
S. V. U. Manes. XXXV. výstava. (Členská) [S. V. U. Manes. XXXV. Exhibition. (Member's)] Prague |
101. Morgenbad
Hagenbund. Kollektivausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Manes. Prag II., Prague |