ESGS Logical Fallacies
" 'Contrariwise', continued Tweedledee, 'If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't,
it ain't. That's logic.' "
— Lewis Carroll, Through The Looking Glass, Ch. IV.
These fallacies are well-known and can be avoided, for the most part, using Aristotelian logic.
However, some fallacies are best avoided using the 'logic' of general semantics,
applying non-allness, non-identity and
self-reflexivity. Most fallacies can be avoided with some knowledge of science
and epistemology that the practice of general semantics helps to convey.
Fallacies of Distraction
Appeals to Motives in Place of Support
Changing the Subject
Inductive Fallacies
Causal Fallacies
Missing the Point
Fallacies of Ambiguity
Category Errors
Non Sequitur
Syllogistic Errors
Fallacies of Explanation
Fallacies of Definition
- False Dilemma: two choices are given when in fact there are three options or more. A special form is
- Argument from Ignorance (ad ignorantiam): because a proposition is not known to be
true/false it is aserted to be false/true
- Middle Ground: asserting that the 'middle' position between two extremes is correct
- Slippery Slope: a series of increasingly unacceptable consequences is drawn
- Wicked alternative: attempting to support one proposition by denouncing another, when the second is not opposite of the first.
- Complex Question (plurium interrogationum): two unrelated points are conjoined as a single proposition. It is the interrogative form of "Begging the Question" fallacy
- Red Herring (ignoratio elenchi): an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue
- Trivial Objections: attacking an opponent's position by focusing critical attention on some point less significant than the main point or basic thrust of the argument.
- Argumentum ad nauseam: incorrect belief that an assertion is more likely to be true, or is more likely to be accepted as true, the more often it is heard
- Nothing but objections (ad infinitum): continually raising objections as a means of avoiding the issue.
- Quoting out of context: manipulating a quote either from an authority, or from one's opponent, in such a way that the
original meaning of the statement is altered
Appeals to Motives in Place of Support
- Appeal to Force/Fear (ad baculum),
Appeal to Tradition (ad antiquitatem),
Appeal to Novelty (ad novitatem): the reader is persuaded to agree by force/fear/psychological pressure/tradition/novelty
- Appeal to Emotion/Prejudicial Language, with some special cases being
- Improper Use of a Cliché: using an aphorism or cliché in place of relevant evidence for a claim
- Appeal to Popularity/Belief (ad populum, ad numerum),
Appeal to Common Practice: a proposition is argued to be true because it is widely held to be true/widely
believed/widely practiced as a justification for the exemption
- Guilt by Association: a person rejects a claim simply because it is pointed out that people she dislikes accept the claim
- Fallacy of Opposition: those who disagree with you must be wrong and not thinking straight
- Argument by Innuendo: directing one's listeners to a particular, usually derogatory, conclusion, by a skillful choice of words or the
careful arrangement of sentences, which implicitly suggests but does not assert that conclusion. The force of the
fallacy lies in the impression created that some veiled claim is true, although no relevant evidence is presented
to support such a view.
- Attacking the Person (ad hominem): attacks on the person, subdivided into
- Appeal to Authority (ad verecundiam): the authority is not an expert in the field,
or experts in the field disagree, or the authority was joking, drunk, etc. A special form of it is:
- Style Over Substance: the manner in which an argument (or arguer) is presented is felt to affect the truth of the conclusion
- Occam's razor fallacy: "less is more, and more is less", "plurality should not be posited without necessity",
or "the simpler the explanation the better"
- Misuse of etymology: asserting that words should remain close to their etymological roots, and using such to
come to a certain conclusion
- Allness: belief that one can say everything there is to say about something (in order to achieve some kind of ideal perfection, scientific precision, etc.)
A special form is
- Overprecision: rejecting a concept as unusable because it has borderline cases or because the definition,
phrasing, syntax, grammar, or structure of the proposition or argument is not perfect
- Hasty Generalization (audiatur et altera pars): the sample is too small to support an inductive generalization about a population.
Special forms of it are:
- Accident (dicto simpliciter): a generalization is a applied because of recent personal events
when circumstances suggest that there should be an exception
- Spotlight: all members or cases of a certain class or type are like those that receive the most
attention or coverage in the media
- Converse Accident: an exception is applied in circumstances where a generalization should apply
- Gambler's Fallacy: an independent event is expected to be more probable to happen because other events happened before
- Unrepresentative/Biased Sample: the sample is unrepresentative of the whole/biased compared to the whole
- False Analogy: the two objects or events being compared are relevantly dissimilar
- Illegitimate Difference: attempting to defend an action or point of view as different from some other one, with
which it is allegedly confused, by means of a very careful distinction of language. In reality, however, the action
or position defended is no different in substance from the one from which it is linguistically distinguished.
- Slothful Induction: the conclusion of a strong inductive argument is denied despite the evidence to the contrary.
- Exclusion/Concealed Evidence: evidence which would change the outcome of an inductive argument is excluded from consideration
- Casual Oversimplification: oversimplifying the relevant casual antecedents of an event by introducing factors
insufficient to account for the event in question or by overemphasizing the role of one or more of those factors
- Fallacy Fallacy (ad logicam): arguing that a proposition is false because it has been presented
as the conclusion of a fallacious argument. Remember always that fallacious arguments can arrive at true conclusions
- Fake Precision: making a claim with the kind of mathematical precision that is impossible to obtain
- Begging the Question (petitio principii): the truth of the conclusion is assumed by the premises.
A special form of it is:
- Argument from Design: assigning a purpose to a fact and drawing a conclusion of the existence of a creator of that purpose
- Irrelevant Conclusion: an argument in defense of one conclusion instead proves a different conclusion
- Straw Man: the author attacks an argument different from (and weaker than) the opposition's best argument
- Rationalization: making excuses instead of addressing the issue
- Equivocation: the same term is used with two different meanings
- Amphiboly: the structure of a sentence allows two different interpretations
- Accent: the emphasis on a word or phrase suggests a meaning contrary to what the sentence actually says
- Composition: because the attributes of the parts of a whole have a certain property, it is argued
that the whole has that property. It is a special case of identification
- Division: because the whole has a certain property, it is argued that the parts have that property.
It is a special case of identification
- Affirming the Consequent: any argument of the form: If A then B, B, therefore A.
When stated in conditional form ("If A then B, therefore if B then A"), it is called "Converting a Conditional"
- Denying the Antecedent: any argument of the form: If A then B, Not A, thus Not B.
When stated in conditional form ("If A then B, therefore if Not-A then Not-B"), it is called "Improper Transposition"
- Inconsistency: asserting that contrary or contradictory statements are both true
- Divine Fallacy: drawing an irrelevant conclusion from some fact
- Subverted Support: the phenomenon being explained doesn't exist
- Non-support: evidence for the phenomenon being explained is biased
- Untestability: the theory which explains cannot be tested, or verification lie somewhere in the future
- Relativist/Subjectivist Fallacy: a claim might be true/false for others but false/true for the author
based on individual perception or whim
- Paradigm: taking one's own encapsulated world view, or system of thought (paradigm), or culture, as the
standard by which all other paradigms may be judged
- Limited Scope: the theory which explains can only explain one thing
- Limited Depth: the theory which explains does not appeal to underlying causes
- Ad hoc hypothesis: hypothesis used to explain away facts that seem to refute one's theory.
A special form of it is:
- "No true Scotsman. . .": an argument that takes the form of: "no Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge", which
is countered with "my friend Angus likes sugar with his porridge", but is followed by the rejoinder, "Ah yes,
but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge"
- Identifications:
- Idiosyncratic language: charging words with personal meaning which alter their usual meanings
- Lip service: verbal agreement unsupported in action or true conviction
- Inference from a Label: assuming that the evaluative or identifying words or phrases attached
to people or things constitute a sufficient reason for the drawing of conclusions about the objects to which such
labels are attached. See non-identity for a general description of identification.
- Word Magic (ad lapidem): assume word means existence, bare assertion, no evidence, no argument
- Reification-Hypostatization (objectification): reification occurs when an abstract concept is treated as a concrete thing
- Personification: attributing human traits to other creatures or reading purpose into inanimate configurations
- Too Broad: the definition includes items which should not be included
- Too Narrow: the definition does not include all the items which should be included
- Failure to Elucidate: the definition is more difficult to understand than the word or concept being defined
- Circular Definition (a contrario proof of the existence of undefined terms):
the definition includes the term being defined as a part of the definition
- Conflicting Conditions: the definition is self-contradictory
Some of the web sources that were extensively used to build these pages:
- The Nizkor Project: Fallacies
- Stephen Downes' Guide to Logical Fallacies
- The Atheism Web: Logic and Fallacies
- Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy Files
- The Skeptic's Dictionary: Fallacies
- Bergmann, Merrie, James Moor, and Jack Nelson. The LogicBook. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
- Barker, Stephen F. The Elements of Logic. Fifth Edition.McGraw-Hill, 1989.
- Boolos, George, and Jeffrey, Richard. Computability andLogic. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 1980.
- Bergmann, Merrie, James Moor, and Jack Nelson. The LogicBook. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1990.
- Cederblom, Jerry and Paulsen, David. Critical Reasoning. 5th Edition, Jerry Cederblom University of Nebraska, Omaha, David Paulsen The Evergreen State College, Published by Wadsworth Publishing
- Copi, Irving M. and Cohen, Carl. Introduction to Logic. Eighth Edition, Macmillan, 1990.
- Engel, S. Morris. With Good Reason: An Introduction to Informal Fallacies. 5th Edition, St. Martin's Press, 1994.
- Gianelli, A.P. Meaningful Logic. Bruce PublishingCompany, 1962.
- Haack, Susan. Philosophy of Logics. Cambridge University Press, 1978.
- Huff, Darrell. How to Lie With Statistics. W.W. Norton, 1954.
- Hughes, G.H., and Cresswell, M.J. An Introduction to Modal Logic. Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1968.
- Jason, Gary. Introduction to Logic. Jones and Bartlett,1994.
- Jager, Ronald. Essays in Logic From Aristotle to Russell. Prentice-Hall, 1963.
- Jeffrey, Richard. Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits.McGraw-Hill, 1981, 1967.
- Kelly, David. The Art of Reasoning. W.W. Norton, 1988.
- Pospesel, Howard. Introduction to Logic: PropositionalLogic. Second Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1984.
- Purtill, Richard L. Logic for Philosophers. Harperand Row, 1971.
- Thomason, Richmond. Symbolic Logic: An Introduction.Collier-Macmillan, 1970.
- Weston, Anthony. A Rulebook for Arguments. Hackett, 1987.
© ESGS, 2002.