| French | English | |
| en panne {adj} | down [out of order] | |
| occup. au chômage {adj} | redundant [esp. Br.] [out of work] | |
| réfléchi {adj} | thoughtful [well thought out] | |
| debout {adj} [éveillé] | up [coll.] [out of bed] | |
Verbs |
| arracher qc. [dent] | 4 to pull sth. [take out] | |
| arranger qc. [aussi fig.] | 2 to fix sth. [also fig.] [sort out] | |
| tendre qc. [corde, fil, câble] | 2 to tighten sth. [by stretching out] | |
| fin. s'endetter | to borrow [take out debt] | |
| équi. hist. caparaçonner qc. [cheval] | to caparison sth. [horse] [to deck out in rich decorative coverings] | |
| censurer qc. [expurger] | to censor sth. [edit out] | |
| caviarder qc. | to censor sth. [to edit out] | |
| combiner qc. [planifier] | to contrive sth. [work out] | |
| jaillir | to eruct [erupt, spew out] | |
| exécuter qc. [réaliser] | to execute sth. [carry out, put into action] | |
| ajuster qc. | to fix sth. [repair, remedy, neaten, sort out] | |
| proscrire qc. [bannir, interdire] | to foreclose sth. [exclude, rule out] | |
| déterrer qc. | to grub sth. [dig out] | |
| contrôler qc. [soumettre à une vérification] | to inspect sth. [carry out checks] | |
| hist. naut. faire passer qn. sous la quille en guise de châtiment | to keelhaul sb. [form of punishment and potential execution once meted out to sailors at sea] | |
| sport mettre qn. K.-O. | to KO sb. [knock sb. out] | |
| immo. louer qc. | to let sth. [esp. Br.] [rent (out)] | |
| choper qn. [fam.] | to nobble sb. [sl.] [catch out] | |
| faire l'impasse sur qc. | to omit sth. [miss out on purpose, skip] | |
| déborder [faire saillie] | to project [jut out] | |
| saillir | to project [stick out] | |
| décrasser qc. [poêle, casserole] | to scour sth. [clean out] | |
| échelonner qc. | to stagger sth. [space out at intervals] | |
| occup. faire grève | to strike [come out on strike] | |
| faire le tri de qc. | to winnow sth. [fig.] [sort out, remove, from a group or mass] | |
Nouns |
| enlèvement {m} | 2 removal [taking out] | |
| débours {m} | disbursement [money paid out] | |
| déboursement {m} | disbursement [paying out] | |
| élimination {f} | disposal [throwing out, rejection] | |
| issue {f} [sortie] | egress [way out] | |
| mil. exfiltration {f} | exfiltration [removal of personnel out of a hostile area] | |
| expiration {f} | exhalation [breathing out] | |
| sport centre {m} de fitness | gym [for working out] | |
| disposition {f} [fait d'arranger - des couverts] | setting [laying out] | |
| ling. épellation {f} | spelling [spelling out] | |
2 Words: Others |
| épuisé par une nuit blanche {adj} {past-p} | bleary-eyed [fig.] [tired out] | |
| Fous le camp, salaud ! [fam.] [loc.] | Gertcha cowson! [Br.] [sl.] [dated] [Get out of here you bastard!] | |
| Debout ! [hors du lit] | Get up! [out of bed] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| être fauché | to be broke [idiom] [out of money] | |
| tech. être hors d'usage | to be down [coll.] [out of operation] | |
| inform. être hors service | to be down [coll.] [out of operation] | |
| être levé [personne] | to be up [out of bed] | |
| être essouflé | to be winded [out of breath] | |
| foutre qn. à la porte | to chuck sb. out [coll.] [throw out] | |
| mettre la clé / clef sous la porte [loc.] | to close down [go out of business] | |
| répartir qc. entre qn. | to divide sth. between sb. [share out] | |
| se lever | to get up [from a chair, out of bed] | |
| se lever | to get up [get out of bed] | |
| toucher à sa fin | to give out [idiom] [be used up, run out] | |
| littérat. s'essouffler [auteur] | to go stale [fig.] [run out of ideas] | |
| tenir | to last out [hold out] | |
| relever qc. [souligner] | to pick sth. out [also: to pick out sth.] [highlight] | |
| fin. dépanner qn. [fam.] [aider] | to see sb. right [sl.] [Br.] [help sb. out financially] | |
| jaillir | to spew (out) [gush out] | |
| dépanner qn. [fam.] [aider] | to tide sb. over [help sb. out] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| être agacé | to be worked up [stressed out] | |
| se tenir à quatre [loc.] | to bite one's lip [idiom] [to avoid saying something out of place] | |
| épancher son cœur | to open one's heart [pour out one's feelings] | |
| se démener comme un diable dans un bénitier [loc.] | to struggle like mad [idiom] [to get oneself out of a predicament] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marengo [1800] | Battle of Marengo [1800] [French forces under First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte defeated and drove the Austrian forces out of Italy, consolidating Napoleon's political position] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Smolensk [1812] | Battle of Smolensk [1812] [1st major battle of the French invasion of Russia, where the Grande Armée drove the Russian Army out of the city] | |
| hist. mil. pol. première guerre {f} balkanique [1912 - 1913] | First Balkan War [1912 - 1913] [Balkan League forced the Ottoman Empire out of Europe] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| se découper sur qc. | to be in contrast to sth. [stand out against a background] | |
| faire traîner son repas [loc.] | to draw out one's meal [idiom] [take a long time over, drag out] | |
| dépanner qn. [fam.] [aider] | to give sb. a leg up [fig.] [idiom] [help sb. out] | |
| se tenir peinard [fam.] [loc.] | to keep one's nose clean [coll.] [idiom] [stay out of trouble] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} des Pyramides [1798] | Battle of the Pyramids [1798] [also: Battle of Embabeh] [French army, under Napoleon Bonaparte, scored a decisive victory, wiping out almost the entire Ottoman army located in Egypt] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| prov. Loin des yeux, loin du cœur. | Out of sight, out of mind. | |
| Attention, tout va se débiner, sauvons-nous ! [fam.] | Watch out, everything's going to fall apart, let's get out of here! | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| se mettre en route | to strike out (on a journey) [set out] | |