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Related to Wang: Wang Chung
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the family name of the dynasty of Korean rulers founded by Wang Kon during the period of the Koryo state (918-1392).



an ancient Chinese term designating the ruler of the country in the period of the Yin (16th to 11th centuries B.C.) and Chou (11th to third centuries B.C.) dynasties. It later came to be the highest title among the aristocracy and was given to members of the royal family and honored officials. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages the rulers of the states or principalities of Korea also bore the title “Wang.”

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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relationship is both very important and very complex," Wang said.
Amazingly, even when Chen Bijun was put in prison after the Japanese surrender, Nationalist jailers refrained from referring to her by her maiden name; instead, they addressed her as either "Madame Wang" or "Mr.
Ma's critics, however, see the allegations as a political vendetta being waged against Wang.
During the meeting, Kim told Wang that the Workers' Party of Korea and the government have "the unswerving will" to carry on the legacy of Kim Jong Il and to deepen the traditional friendship between the two countries, according Xinhua.
If the Hong Kong government approved, I would hop on a plane and come," Wang told radio station RTHK.
Wang broke free to jump into an 8- 4 lead and despite Saina's best efforts led 11- 6 before the two minute breather.
She launched her now iconic Vera Wang program with Wedgwood in 2002 and it has since become a cornerstone of many retailers' bridal registry business.
Without missing a beat, Wang continued to accelerate through the intersection and flee the scene of the crime.
An avid rap music fan, as seen on his TikTok videos, Wang also likes hip hop wear for comfort.
Among others, the RCI will review all documents and evidence relating to the discovery of the temporary transit camps and graves in Wang Kelian.
He seeks damages against Wang for breach of the settlement agreement in the amount of $60,000.
China is willing to work with France and Italy and meet each other halfway, enhance strategic communication, and consolidate strategic mutual trust and cooperation, so as to inject new impetus to bilateral ties and positive energy into the international community, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said, Trend reported citing Xinhua.