Seki (セキ Seki), portrayed by Megumi Seki, is an original character from the 2009 live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
Dragonball Evolution[]
Seki lives in a poor village with her daughter, and she possessed a Dragon Ball. To save her daughter, she gave up her Dragon Ball to Lord Piccolo and Mai.
Seki is later seen in the middle of the ending credits looking after the wounded Piccolo.
- Though she was seemingly seen alive and well at the end of the film, this contradicts what happened earlier in the film as after handing the Dragon Ball over to Lord Piccolo and Mai, Mai cocked her weapon and the sound of it being fired offscreen could be heard implying that she had been murdered.
- Some fans have speculated that the Seki seen in the mid-credits' scene was actually Mai having shapeshifted herself to look like her.