Letter, 1789 Sept. 16, Rock Landing [Georgia to] Governor [George] Walton / Robert Forsyth

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Letter Robert Forsyth [unclear text: S A [State Agent] ]
16th September 1789
Ordered [deleted text: [unclear text: to be ] ] [deleted text: [illegible text] ] [added text: Mr. Hillhouse ] [document torn] [illegible text]

29th Octor. [October] 1789


[unclear text: Governor ] Walton

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Rock Landing
16th Sepr. [September] 1789
His Honor Governor Walton,
I am honored with your two favours [favors] of the 14th and have just time to answer 'em [them] by an express who this moment sets out for Augusta with Lrs. [Letters] to The Hon [Honorable] Commissioners [unclear text: of ] Congress -- Your Letter expresses a wish that I should imediately [immediately] [unclear text: ride ] to Augusta in order to give the necessary information with respect to Provisions, this is not in my power, for my every attention is

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required here and indeed my hands are full. -- The Commissioners have never yet been able to procure a satisfactory estimate of the [unclear text: Prov.'s [Provisions] ] to be expected from the Contractor [unclear text: Mr. Hillhouse ] ; hitherto the Indians have been pretty well supply'd [supplied] but as he is not in Camp I cannot forw'd [forward] you the necessary information.
The Gentlemen Commissioners have just return'd [returned] frm. [from] McGillivrays Camp and I trust their warm endeavours [endeavors] to detain the Indians may prevail

I am respectfully Yr. [Your] Honors Most Obdt. Serv. [Obedient Servant]
[Signed] Rob. [Robert] Forsyth
