"Plastic Spaceman" is one of the two deleted songs from Disney•Pixar's 1995 animated feature film Toy Story, written and performed by Randy Newman. It was replaced by "I Will Go Sailing No More".
Flying across the sky
Where there's injustice you'll find him!
Wherever a wrong to right,
Buzz Lightyear will join the fight!
Buzz Lightyear,
Buzz Lightyear,
Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz Lightyear...
Beyond the stars
A thousand light years distant
It's there my heart
May wonder no more
Three little words and all was gone
These bitter words
Made in Taiwan
Ahhh, Plastic Spaceman
Ahhh, Pla- Shut up!
Do you know how it feels to have a life,
then to have no life at all?
Do you know how much it hurts
When your head's in the clouds
And you fall
Like a million of my kind
(Plastic Spaceman)
Just a toy for children to play with
Made in Taiwan
Where will I find the strength to go on?
To face another dawn
But no, It can't be true!
I am deceived by my enemies
Of whom there are more than a few
And if I believe,
If I really believe I can fly
Then I'll fly!
Ohhh no
He falls like an autumn leaf
The Plastic Spaceman
Made in Taiwan