One by One is a traditionally animated short film directed by Pixote Hunt and released by Walt Disney Pictures on August 31, 2004, as an extra feature on the DVD release of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride Special Edition included on Disc 2 of said film.[1] The short intended to be one of the segments for the proposed but never completed Fantasia 2006.[2]
The film shows a story of children from a South African town flying kites down a hill after one boy is inspired by a colorful feather floating from the sky. The children find materials from places all over the town and produce equally colorful kites. After a walk, they fly the kites and release them into the sky for the ending of the film.
The short film takes its title and inspiration from One by One, a "freedom song" written and performed by Lebo M for The Lion King. Although the song was cut from the final film, it did make it into the Disney Theatricaladaptation, before being used on this short.[1]