They first appeared when Doofenshmirtz orders them to capture the original Perry, along with his owners Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher after they learn about Perry-1's occupation as a secret agent. The Norm-Bots try to capture the three, but they escape.
They later appear when Doofenshmirtz lay down a plan to successfully trap Phineas and Ferb by using a captive Perry as a hostage. The Norm-Bots later hold the three, along with the boys' sister Candace-1, prisoner as Doofenshmirtz orders them to fix his Other DImension-inator in his ultimate plan to unleash his Norm-Bots into the 1st Dimension Tri-State Area. The boys refuse, but when Doofenshmirtz-1 found out exactly what the boys did to power up the machine, Doofenshmirtz orders his Norm-Bots to send Perry-1, the kids, and even Doofenshmirtz-1 to their doom by having them fed to his pet Goozim. However, Candace manages to rescue the five by defeating a number of Norm-Bots right before she herself is captured by several more.
Despite Candace being captured and the five having escaped, Doofenshmirtz couldn't care less as he still got his machine to work. With that in mind, Doofenshmritz unleashes his vast army of Norm-Bots into the 1st Dimension Tri-State Area, and they start threatening people to submit themselves to Doof's reign. However, thanks to the efforts of their friends, Phineas-1 and Ferb-1 are able to take down several Norm-Bots. As Doofenshmirtz is about to unleash more Norm-Bots, Phineas-1 and Perry-1 arrive to stop him by smashing the satellite, causing the remaining Norm-Bots to deactivate and fall into the pavements, much to Doofenshmirtz's anger. However, Doofenshmirtz later changes his mind of taking over the Tri-State Area after the Doofenshmirtz-1 convinces him to stop by giving him his childhood toy train, in order to resolve the only backstory that Doof had in his childhood. Touched by this and feeling very embarrassed about the rampage he has caused, Doofenshmirtz revealed that he has implanted a self-destruct mechanism to all Norm-Bots and activates it, causing all Norm-Bots to self-destruct, leaving no evidence of the invasion.
It appears that in the movie they used CGI for the Norm Bots unlike the original.
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