It's Magical! was a short-lived stage show at Tokyo Disneyland that ran from April 15, 1993 to April 14, 1994 as part of the park's 10th anniversary celebration. It was performed at the Cinderella Castle at Tokyo Disneyland. It is one of the few Tokyo Disneyland attractions performed in English.
Attraction Summary[]
The show opened when Mickey Mouse in his sorcerer outfit greets guests in the park to welcome the hero of Tokyo Disneyland, greeted by a group of colorful flower fairies, followed by Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale, and Minnie Mouse. Dancing in a celebration with the flower fairies with different colors with musical portions from Mary Poppins, the celebration is suddenly disrupted when Maleficent as she plans to cast dark magic to disrupt the celebration as she turns the colors into paleness, causing the fairies to lose their colors.
Mickey then summons an army of fairy knights to fight against Maleficent in the style of the famous "Sorcerer's Apprentice" style to surround her, but Maleficent wards off the knights, forcing Mickey to deal with Maleficent herself. Maleficent transforms into a dragon as Minnie gives Mickey a magic wand to stop Maleficent, but Mickey disappears when fighting against her, leaving only Minnie involved with her. Mickey reappears and fools Maleficent with a magical sword to which Mickey and Minnie work together to defeat Maleficent. With Maleficent defeated, the fairies return and the color is restored back to Tokyo Disneyland in celebration, followed by cameo appearances of Cinderella, Prince Charming, Aurora, Prince Phillip, Alice, White Rabbit, Peter Pan, Wendy, Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket, Snow White, and the Seven Dwarfs to come to the kingdom to celebrate (even Mickey's friends also return to celebrate). The Disney characters celebrate with the fairies in Tokyo Disneyland, with color back into the kingdom once again. The show ends when a giant inflatable Sorcerer Mickey balloon appears in front of the show, followed by Mickey saying, "It's magical, haha!"
- A similar show Splashtacular operated at Epcot from November 20, 1993 to June 11, 1994, but with all fantasy themes replaced with science fiction themes and ended the same year It's Magical ended.