He is first seen delivering the invitations to the Royal Ball. He later accompanies the Grand Duke in finding the girl whose foot fits into the glass slipper. His job is to carry the slipper, and to try it on the young ladies' feet. When the slipper won't fit Anastasia's foot, she kicks his head into the piano keys. He also tries to make the slipper fit Drizella's foot, which it doesn't. As he and the Grand Duke are about to leave, Cinderella rushes downstairs to the Duke. Lady Tremaine, in her determination to keep Cinderella from having a happy ending that her own daughters won't have, trips the Herald bearing the glass slipper, causing it to smash. Luckily, Cinderella has the other slipper, which is fitted by the Grand Duke.
The Herald appears on Once Upon a Time, episode "The Other Shoe", known Jacob and is portrayed by Max Lloyd-Jones. He is the love interest of Clorinda.