1633 Edition (A)
1635 Edition (B)
1669 Edition (G)
Cambridge Balam ms. (C2)--
St. Paul's ms. (SP1)
Trinity College, Dublin, ms. 877 (DT1)
Dolaucothi ms. (WN1)
O'Flahertie ms. (H6)
Westmoreland ms. (NY3)
The Lady Carew Holograph (O15)
The development of DigitalDonne began in the spring of 2005, after Texas A&M University acquired and made available for our use a substantial collection of early Donne editions from the library of the late I. A. Shapiro and shortly thereafter purchased scans of the St. Paul's ms. for addition to the collection. Over the following several years, partly supported by NEH funds, we obtained images of the other manuscripts listed to the left and have prepared electonic editions of them as time has permitted. In the beginning of this project, our editors' efforts were heavily supported by the Center for the Study of Digital Libraries and by Cushing Memorial Library and Archives at Texas A&M. Since 2013 the Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR) has provided indispensable institutional support.
Mutatis mutandis, each edition comprises the following features:
The preparation of this website has been made possible in part by grants from the Division of Research Programs of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency. Any views, findings, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.