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| brothers | 201 Brüder {pl} | |
| econ. Brothers <Bros.> | 85 Gebrüder {pl} <Gebr.> | |
| brothers | 8 Gebrüder {pl} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| among brothers {adv} | unter Brüdern | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| blood brothers | Blutsbrüder {pl} | |
| brothers german [archaic] | leibliche Brüder {pl} | |
| brothers-german [archaic] | leibliche Brüder {pl} | |
| foster brothers | Pflegebrüder {pl} | |
| ling. lit. Grimm Brothers | Brüder Grimm {pl} | |
| ling. lit. Grimm Brothers | Gebrüder Grimm {pl} | |
| half-brothers | Halbbrüder {pl} | |
| relig. Marist Brothers [Marist Brothers of the Schools] | Maristenbrüder {pl} [Maristen-Schulbrüder] | |
| twin brothers | Zwillingsbrüder {pl} | |
| hist. victual brothers | Vitalienbrüder {pl} | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| both my brothers | meine beiden Brüder {pl} | |
| both the brothers | beide Brüder {pl} | |
| brothers and sisters | Geschwister {pl} | |
| mil. brothers in arms | Waffenbrüder {pl} | |
| mil. brothers in arms [also: brothers-in-arms] | Kriegskameraden {pl} | |
| relig. brothers in faith [professors of the same creed] | Konfessionsverwandte {pl} [veraltet] [Brüder im Glauben] | |
| brothers in spirit [fig.] | Brüder {pl} im Geiste [fig.] | |
| mil. brothers-in-arms | Waffenbrüder {pl} | |
| mil. brothers-in-arms [also: brothers in arms] | Kampfgefährten {pl} | |
| brothers-in-law | Schwäger {pl} | |
| circle of brothers | Bruderschaft {f} | |
| feud between brothers | Bruderzwist {m} | |
| pair of brothers | Brüderpaar {n} | |
| war of brothers | Bruderkrieg {m} | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| band of blood brothers | verschworener Haufen {m} [ugs., oft pej.] | |
| hist. relig. spec. band of four brothers | Vierbrüderbund {m} [Zinzendorf, Schäffer, Watteville, Rothe] | |
| relig. brothers in the faith | Glaubensbrüder {pl} | |
| full brothers and sisters | vollbürtige Geschwister {pl} | |
| half brothers and sisters | halbbürtige Geschwister {pl} | |
| half-brothers and sisters | Halbgeschwister {pl} | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| Do you have any brothers or sisters? | Hast du Geschwister? | |
| How many brothers and sisters have you got? | Wie viele Brüder und Schwestern hast du? | |
| lit. quote One people will we be, a band of brothers, no danger, no distress shall sunder us. [trans.: Sir Thomas Martin] | Wir wollen sein ein einzig Volk von Brüdern, in keiner Not uns trennen und Gefahr. [Rütli-Schwur in Friedrich Schillers "Wilhelm Tell"] | |
| quote We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. [William Shakespeare in Henry V] | Wir wenigen, wir wenigen Glücklichen, wir Schar von Brüdern. | |
| without any brothers or sisters {adj} {adv} [postpos.] | geschwisterlos | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God | Barmherzige Brüder {pl} vom heiligen Johannes von Gott [Männerorden] | |
| relig. brothers of the poor life [Fraticelli] | Brüder {pl} des armen Lebens [Fratizellen] | |
| relig. Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony | Antoniterorden {m} | |
| relig. Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony | Antoniter-Orden {m} | |
| hist. Livonian Brothers of the Sword | Schwertbrüderorden {m} | |
| hist. relig. Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem [Teutonic Order] | Orden {m} der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus der Heiligen Maria in Jerusalem [Deutscher Orden] | |
| relig. Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Karmeliten {pl} <OCarm> [Orden der Brüder der allerseligsten Jungfrau Maria vom Berge Karmel] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| film F Agnes and His Brothers | Agnes und seine Brüder [Oskar Roehler] | |
| film F All the Brothers Were Valiant [Richard Thorpe] | Die schwarze Perle | |
| lit. RadioTV F Band of Brothers [Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg] [based on the book Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose] | Band of Brothers - Wir waren wie Brüder | |
| film F Blues Brothers 2000 [John Landis] | Blues Brothers 2000 | |
| film F Brothers Blue [Marc Meyer, pseudonym of Luigi Bazzoni] | Blu Gang | |
| film F Duck Soup [Leo McCarey] | Die Marx Brothers im Krieg | |
| lit. F Joseph and His Brothers | Joseph und seine Brüder [Thomas Mann] | |
| film F Love Happy [David Miller] | Die Marx-Brothers im Theater | |
| lit. F Mowgli's Brothers [Rudyard Kipling] | Mowglis Brüder | |
| film RadioTV F Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Eine Braut für sieben Brüder | |
| film F Step Brothers [Adam McKay] | Die Stiefbrüder | |
| lit. F The Black Brothers | Die Schwarzen Brüder [Lisa Tetzner, Kurt Held] | |
| film F The Blues Brothers [John Landis] | Blues Brothers | |
| film F The Brothers Grimm [Terry Gilliam] | Brothers Grimm | |
| lit. F The Brothers Karamazov [Fyodor Dostoevsky] | Die Brüder Karamasow / Karamasoff [Fjodor Dostojewski] | |
| lit. F The Brothers Lionheart [Astrid Lindgren] | Die Brüder Löwenherz | |
| film F The Brothers McMullen [Edward Burns] | Kleine Sünden unter Brüdern | |
| film F The Brothers Rico [Phil Karlson] | Hyänen der Straße | |
| lit. F The Four Skillful Brothers [Am.] [Grimm Brothers] | Die vier kunstreichen Brüder [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F The Three Brothers [Grimm Brothers] | Die drei Brüder [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F The Twelve Brothers [Grimm Brothers] | Die zwölf Brüder [Brüder Grimm] | |
| lit. F The Two Brothers [Grimm Brothers] | Die zwei Brüder [Brüder Grimm] | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| zool. T | | |
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