| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| nasal {adj} [relating to the nose] | 300 Nasen- | |
| sth. scented [with the nose] | 121 etw. witterte | |
| sth. scents [with the nose] | 89 etw. wittert | |
| stuffy {adj} [nose] | 34 verstopft [Nase] | |
| scented {past-p} [with the nose] | 22 gewittert | |
| runny {adj} [nose] | 19 laufend | |
| blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose] | 13 schneuzend [alt] | |
| aquiline {adj} [nose, face] | 10 dinarisch [Nase, Gesicht] [veraltet] | |
| blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose] | schnäuzend | |
| blown {adj} {past-p} [nose] | geschnäuzt | |
| buttony {adj} [bouquet, nose, etc.] | knopfförmig | |
| anat. zool. platyrrhine {adj} [having a short broad nose] | breitnasig | |
| anat. zool. platyrrhine {adj} [having a short broad nose] | flachnasig | |
| med. rhinogenous {adj} [originating in or transmitted by way of the nose] | rhinogen [in der Nase entstanden, von ihr ausgehend] | |
| sb. picks [teeth, nose] | jd. pult | |
Verben |
| to run [nose] | 20 triefen | |
| to retrohale [expel the smoke through the nose when smoking a cigar] | [beim Zigarrerauchen den Rauch durch die Nase ausatmen] | |
Substantive |
| med. cold [runny nose] | 672 Schnupfen {m} | |
| anat. conk [Br.] [coll.] [a person's nose] | 198 Zinken {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
| anat. snout [coll.] [a person's nose] | 106 Rüssel {m} [ugs.] [Nase eines Menschen] | |
| beak [coll.] [a person's nose] | 74 Zinken {m} [ugs.] [leicht derb] [menschliche Nase] | |
| conk [Br.] [coll.] [nose] | 48 Riechkolben {m} [salopp] [(große) Nase] | |
| hooter [Br.] [coll.] [nose] | 35 Zinken {m} [ugs.] [Nase] | |
| anat. bridge [of the nose] | 30 Sattel {m} | |
| anat. schnoz [Am.] [coll.] [nose] | 26 Zinken {m} [ugs.] [Nase] | |
| schnozzle [Am.] [coll.] [big nose] | 13 Knolle {f} [ugs.] [große Nase] | |
| anat. conk [Br.] [coll.] [a person's nose] | 10 Riecher {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
| schnozzle [Am.] [coll.] [nose] | 9 Zinken {m} [ugs.] [Nase] | |
| anat. schnozz [Am.] [sl.] [human nose] | 8 Rüssel {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
| anat. base [of the nose, neck, etc.] | 6 Ansatz {m} [der Nase, des Halses usw.] | |
| conk [Br.] [coll.] [nose] | 5 Kolben {m} [ugs.] [Nase] | |
| hooter [Br.] [coll.] [nose] | 5 Gesichtserker {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Nase] | |
| med. cold [runny nose] | Strauchen {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [mundartlich für: Schnupfen] | |
| conker [coll.] [blow to the nose] | Schlag {m} auf die Nase | |
| hongi [traditional nose kiss (Maori greeting custom)] | Hongi {m} [»Nasenkuss«, Begrüßungsform der Maori] | |
| honker [coll.] [dated] [large nose] | Zinken {m} [ugs.] [leicht derb] [große Nase] | |
| med. rhinophyma [nodular swelling and congestion of the nose] | Rhinophym {n} [knollige Nasenverdickung] | |
| anat. schnozzola [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [human nose] | Zinken {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to bash sth. open [one's head, forehead, nose, etc.] | sichDat. etw. aufschlagen [Kopf, Stirn, Nase usw.] | |
| to bash sth. open [sb.'s head, nose, etc.] | jdm. etw. aufschlagen [Kopf, Nase usw.] | |
| to be stuffed [e.g. nose] | verstopft sein [z. B. Nase] | |
| to stick out [nose] | hervorspringen | |
| to wrinkle up [nose] | rümpfen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| med. aging nose [age-related changes in the nose] | Altersnase {f} | |
| celestial nose [turned-up nose] | Himmelfahrtsnase {f} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| med. ENT clinic [ear, nose, and throat clinic] | HNO-Klinik {f} [Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik] | |
| jobs med. ENT surgeon [ear, nose and throat surgeon] | HNO-Chirurg {m} [Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Chirurg] | |
| face mask [cover of mouth and nose for disease protection] | Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung {f} | |
| med. hump nose [hooked nose] | Höckernase {f} | |
| nose lines [facial lines or wrinkles that appear at the sides of the upper portion of the nose] | Nasenrückenfalten {pl} | |
| tools radio pliers {pl} [one pair] [snipe-nose cutting pliers] | Radiozange {f} [Flachrundzange mit Schneide] | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| on the nose {adv} [esp. Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [precisely, exactly, as in: at seven on the nose] | genau [z. B. um genau 7 Uhr] | |
| sth. projects too far [e.g. building, nose] | etw. steht zu weit vor [z. B. Gebäude, Nase] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| big fat conk [Br.] [coll.] [big nose] | Knolle {f} [ugs.] [große Nase] | |
| tech. nose and groove [also: groove and nose] | Nase und Nut [auch: Nut und Nase] | |
| med. parrot beak (deformity) [nose deformity] | Papageienschnabeldeformität {f} [Papageienschnabelnase] | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| idiom It's no skin off my back. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [less common than: ... nose] | Das beißt mich nicht. [ugs.] [bes. südd.] [juckt mich nicht, macht mir nichts aus] | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| areas of skin exposed to sunlight [such as the nose, bald head, neck] | Sonnenterrassen {pl} (des Körpers) [ugs.] [bes. der Sonne ausgesetzte Körperstellen (z. B. Nase, Glatze)] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| lit. F the herb called sneeze-with-pleasure [Nose, the Dwarf, trans. John Oxenford and C. A. Feiling] | das Kräutlein Niesmitlust [Wilhelm Hauff, Der Zwerg Nase] | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| fish T | | |
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