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| comm. fair {adj} [attr.] [trade fair] [e.g. attendance, catalogue, day, exhibit, hall] | 64 Messe- [z. B. Besuch, Katalog, Tag, Exponat, Halle] | |
| games gambling {adj} [attr.] [e.g. addiction, casino, debts, hall, loss] | Spiel- [Glücksspiel-] [z. B. Sucht, Kasino, Schulden, Halle, Verlust] | |
Substantive |
| archi. foyer [entrance hall] | 93 Eingangshalle {f} | |
| furn. seating [in a theatre, cinema, lecture hall etc.] | 57 Bestuhlung {f} | |
| room [hall, big room] | 45 Saal {m} [für Sitzungen etc.] | |
| constr. ind. workshop [factory hall] | 32 Werkhalle {f} | |
| mus. house [performance hall] [fig.] | 27 Haus {n} [Konzert-, Opernsaal] [fig.] | |
| theatre orchestra [main seating area in a theater or concert hall] | 17 Parterre {n} | |
| dojo [Japanese martial arts training hall] | 15 Dojo {n} [Ort, an dem japanische Kampfkünste gelehrt werden] | |
| archi. hall [Br.] [esp. in names: Hall] [manor] | 6 Gutshaus {n} [Herrenhaus] | |
| archi. geogr. (the) Römer [city hall of Frankfurt am Main, Germany] | (der) Römer {m} [Rathaus der Stadt Frankfurt am Main] | |
| [rural school hall of residence] | Landschulheim {n} | |
| acad. archi. hall [dining hall, assembly room] | [Speise- und Versammlungsraum in College, Universität] | |
| relig. Unverified zendo [also: Zendo] [meditation hall] | Zendo {m} [Meditationsraum] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| archi. castle hall [hall of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period] | Burgsaal {m} | |
| archi. castle hall [palace hall] | Schlosssaal {m} | |
| archi. relig. church hall [parish hall] | Gemeindehaus {n} | |
| archi. hist. cloth hall [cloth-traders' hall] [free-standing guildhall] | Gewandhaus {n} | |
| archi. hist. urban communal palace [town hall] | Kommunalpalast {m} [Rathaus] | |
| sports fencing room [hall] | Fechtboden {m} [Raum, Saal, in dem gefochten wird] | |
| archi. hall house [also: hall-house] [often as a gloss on "Dielenhaus"] | Dielenhaus {n} | |
| jobs hall manager [of exhibition, sports or market hall] | Hallenmeister {m} [Hallenleiter] | |
| psych. sociol. intimate space [up to 1.5 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | intime Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [bis 0,45 m] | |
| municipal building [city hall] | Rathaus {n} | |
| psych. sociol. personal space [1.5 ft - 4 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | persönliche Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [0,45 m - 1,2 m] | |
| psych. sociol. public space [12 ft - 25 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | öffentliche Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [3,6 m - 7,6 m] | |
| reverberation effect [desired or unwanted] | Halleffekt {m} [erwünschtes oder unerwünschtes Auftreten von Hall] | |
| archi. secular building [palace, town hall etc.] | Profanbauwerk {n} | |
| psych. sociol. social space [4 ft - 12 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | soziale Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [1,2 m - 3,6 m] | |
| bot. World Rose [coll.] [Hall-of-Fame rose] | Weltrose {f} [höchste Auszeichnung für eine Rose] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| math. (Hall's) marriage theorem | Heiratssatz {m} [Satz von Hall] | |
| city hall clock [also: City Hall clock] | Rathausuhr {f} | |
| archi. TrVocab. Unverified New Town Hall [town hall of Hanover] | Neues Rathaus {n} [Rathaus von Hannover] | |
| archi. TrVocab. Red City Hall [town hall of Berlin] | Rotes Rathaus {n} [von Berlin] | |
| refusal of entry [e.g. stadium, concert hall] [denial of access] | Zutrittsverwehrung {f} | |
| jobs theatre smaller scale performer [in a revue, music hall, poetry slam etc.] | Kleinkünstler {m} | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| archi. Town Hall facade / façade [also: town hall facade / façade] | Rathausfassade {f} [auch: Rathaus-Fassade] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| film F Down to Earth [Alexander Hall] | Eine Göttin auf Erden | |
| film F I Am the Law [Alexander Hall] | Im Namen des Gesetzes | |
| lit. F Major's Muslin [Marie-Louise Hall] | So schön und so allein | |
| film lit. F Passing [1929 novel: Nella Larsen; 2021 film: Rebecca Hall] | Seitenwechsel | |
| film F Winnie the Pooh [Stephen J. Anderson, Don Hall] | Winnie Puuh | |
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