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| Deutsch » Nur in dieser Sprache suchen
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| unsympathetic {adj} [unlikeable, unappealing] [esp. of figures in novels, films etc.] | 101 unsympathisch | |
| unsympathetically {adv} [unlikeable, unappealing] [esp. of figures in novels, films etc.] | 10 unsympathisch | |
Verben |
| photo. to wash sth. [films, prints] | etw.Akk. wässern [Filme, Abzüge] | |
Substantive |
| film movies [esp. Am.] [films] | 145 Filme {pl} [Kinofilme] | |
| journ. review | 132 Kritik {f} [Besprechung eines Buchs, Films etc.] | |
| film lit. neol. prequel | 94 Prequel {n} [Film/Buch mit Vorgeschichte eines erfolgreichen Films/Buches] | |
| film frame | 37 Einzelbild {n} [eines Films] | |
| photo. grain | 31 Körnigkeit {f} [eines Films] | |
| film dubbing | 22 Fassung {f} [Synchronisation eines Films] | |
| reviewer [of books, plays, films, etc.] | 17 Rezensent {m} | |
| film compositing | 14 Mischung {f} [des Films] | |
| photo. graininess | 12 Körnigkeit {f} [eines Films] | |
| film tech. frame | 8 Kader {n} [Einzelbild eines Films] | |
| reviewers [of books, plays, films, etc.] | 6 Rezensenten {pl} | |
| film speed | Empfindlichkeit {f} [eines Films] | |
| film end of the movie [esp. Am.] | Filmende {n} [Ende des Films] | |
| film end of a movie [esp. Am.] | Filmende {n} [Ende eines Films] | |
| film film guy [Br.] [also: guy in films] | Filmfritze {m} [Filmfachmann] [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| film heroine of the film | Filmheldin {f} [Heldin des Films] | |
| film heroine of a film | Filmheldin {f} [Heldin eines Films] | |
| agr. ecol. film waste {sg} [esp. of agricultural films] | Folienabfälle {pl} [bes. Agrarfolien] | |
| film movies [esp. Am.] [cinema films] | Kinofilme {pl} | |
| MedTech. photo. film grain | Körnigkeit {f} [eines Films] | |
| film running time | Länge {f} [eines Films] | |
| running time [of an engine, a clock, a film or a DVD, etc.] | Laufzeit {f} [eines Motors, einer Uhr, eines Films oder einer DVD etc.] | |
| exposure value <EV> | Lichtwert {m} <LW> [eines Films] | |
| reviewer [female] [of books, plays, films, etc.] | Rezensentin {f} | |
| tech. tools skiving machine [e.g. for hoses, plastic films] | Schälmaschine {f} [z. B. für Schläuche, Folien] | |
| film support | Schichtträger {m} [eines Films] | |
| tape base | Schichtträger {m} [eines Films] | |
| electr. sheet resistance [measure of resistance of thin films] | Schichtwiderstand {m} | |
| film photo. black and whites [coll.] [films] | Schwarzweißfilme {pl} | |
| film lit. RadioTV subject matter [of a book, film etc.] | Stoff {m} [eines Buchs, Films etc.] | |
| comp. film poster frame [preview picture of a film] | Titelbild {n} [Vorschaubild eines Films] | |
| film topliner | Topliner {m} [fachsprachlich für: wichtigster Star eines Films] | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| film Editor - John Miller [film editing by John Miller] | Schnitt: John Miller [z. B. im Abspann eines Films] | |
5+ Wörter: Verben |
| to sink without trace [e.g. remake of a film] | (spurlos) von der Bildfläche verschwinden [Idiom] [z. B. Remake eines Films] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| film lit. F Bomba the Jungle Boy [a series of American boy's adventure books / films, lit.: Roy Rockwood, film: Ford L. Beebe] | Bomba, der Dschungelboy [Serie von Jugendbüchern und Filmen] | |
| film lit. F Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [book: Roald Dahl, films: Mel Stuart (1971), Tim Burton (2005)] | Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik | |
| film lit. F The End of the Affair [novel: Graham Greene (1951); films: Edward Dmytryk (1955), Neil Jordan (1999)] | Das Ende einer Affäre | |
| film theatre F The Rainmaker [play: N. Richard Nash, films: Joseph Anthony (1956), John Frankenheimer (1982)] | Der Regenmacher | |
| film lit. F The Stepford Wives [novel: Ira Levin, films: Bryan Forbes, Frank Oz] | Die Frauen von Stepford | |
| film F Hoodwinked! [Blue Yonder Films] | Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung | |
| film lit. F All Quiet on the Western Front [novel; films: Lewis Milestone (1930), Delbert Mann (1979)] | Im Westen nichts Neues [Roman: Erich Maria Remarque; Filmtitel] | |
| film F A Farewell to Arms [novel: Ernest Hemingway (1929); films: Frank Borzage (1932), Charles Vidor (1957)] | In einem anderen Land | |
| film lit. F Murder on the Orient Express [novel: Agatha Christie; various films] | Mord im Orientexpress | |
| film lit. F Solaris [novel: Stanisław Lem; films: Boris Nirenburg and Lidiya Ishimbayeva (1968), Andrei Tarkovsky (1972), Steven Soderbergh (2002)] | Solaris | |
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