| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| awkward {adj} [problem, question, situation] | 1857 heikel | |
| roundabout {adj} [answer, question] | 357 umständlich | |
| responded {past-p} [to a question] | 74 erwidert | |
| anyway {adv} [to intensify a question, as in: "What did you want, anyway?"] | 71 denn [als Verstärkung in Fragen, wie z. B.: "Was wolltest du denn?"] | |
| sb. responds [to a question] | 60 jd. beantwortet | |
| pecuniary {adj} [e.g. affairs, compensation, embarrassment, question, resources] | 58 Geld- [z. B. Angelegenheiten, Entschädigung, Verlegenheit, Frage, Mittel] | |
| embarrassing {adj} [situation, question, etc.] | 47 verfänglich | |
| facile {adj} [question, comparison] | 37 vordergründig | |
| sb. responded [to a question] | 23 jd. beantwortete | |
| answerable {adj} [of a question] | 20 beantwortbar | |
| circumlocutionary {adj} [answer, question] | 13 umständlich [Antwort, Frage] | |
| unanswerable {adj} [question] | 12 unbeantwortbar | |
| unquestioned {adj} [not called into question] | 9 unhinterfragt | |
| quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"] | Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»] | |
| Totally! [coll.] [Yeah!] [when answering a question] | Auf jeden! [ugs.] [Verkürzung von „Auf jeden Fall!“] | |
Verben |
| to pose [question] | 1567 aufwerfen [Frage] | |
| to hedge [a question] | 1146 ausweichen | |
| to answer sth. [a question, a letter] | 452 etw. beantworten [eine Frage, einen Brief] | |
| to contest sth. [call sth. into question] | 351 etw. anzweifeln [etw. infrage stellen] | |
| to be [e.g. name, question] | 299 lauten [z. B. Name, Frage] | |
| to interpose [remark, question] | 294 einwerfen [Bemerkung, Frage] | |
| educ. to pick sb. [teacher: pick a pupil to answer a question or do a task] | 36 jdn. drannehmen [ugs.] [Lehrer: einen Schüler aufrufen] | |
| RadioTV [to participate in sth. as a viewer or member of an audience e.g. a game show, in order to hazard a guess at the answer of a posed question] | bei etw.Dat. mitraten | |
| to agitate sth. [discuss or debate (a question, a matter, etc.)] | etw. zur Erörterung stellen [eine Frage, eine Angelegenheit etc.] | |
| to challenge sth. [to call sth. into question] | etw.Akk. (kritisch) hinterfragen | |
| to grill sb. [fig.] [question intensely] | jdn. grillen [Redewendung] [ins Kreuzverhör nehmen] | |
| to grill sb. [fig.] [question intensely] | jdn. ausgiebig befragen | |
| to stump sb. [coll.] [e.g. question] | jdn. aus der Fassung bringen [z. B. Frage] | |
Substantive |
| matter [substance, also: subject, question] | 799 Materie {f} | |
| issue [question] | 548 Frage {f} [Thema] | |
| issue [key question] | 176 Kernfrage {f} | |
| clarification [question, situation] | 170 Abklärung {f} [Frage, Situation] | |
| inquiry [question] | 124 Frage {f} | |
| interrogation [question] | 64 Frage {f} | |
| question [problem, formulation of a question] | 45 Fragestellung {f} | |
| aspect [of question, subject etc.] | 26 Seite {f} [Aspekt] | |
| pol. [question of who will be the next chancellor candidate of a party] | Kanzlerfrage {f} | |
| pol. [question of who will be the next chancellor candidate of a party] | K-Frage {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Kanzlerfrage] | |
| answerability [e.g. of a question] | Beantwortbarkeit {f} | |
| pol. backstop [proposal in Brexit negotiations of the Irish border question] | Backstop {m} [Vorschlag für die nordirisch-irische Grenze bei den Brexit-Verhandlungen] | |
| comp. QM GQM [initialism for goal, question, metric] | Goal Question Metric [ohne Artikel] <GQM> | |
| poser [coll.] [difficult problem or question] | harte Nuss {f} [ugs.] | |
| poser [difficult question] | knifflige Frage {f} | |
| poser [perplexing question] | verwirrende Frage {f} | |
| stumper [extremely difficult question] [coll.] | knifflige Frage {f} | |
| subquestion [also: sub-question] | Teilfrage {f} | |
| teaser [difficult question] | schwierige Frage {f} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark, etc.] | zweideutig [doppelsinnig] | |
| I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.] | Ich war's. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat] | |
| I did. [answering the question WHO did sth.] | Das war ich. [Antwort auf die Frage, WER etw. getan hat] | |
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