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Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [19th]

Übersetzung 1 - 56 von 56

Englisch Deutsch
hist. [years of rapid industrial expansion in Germany at the end of the 19th century]
Gründerzeit {f}
theatre [19th-century Austrian stock comic character]Staberl {m}
archi. urban [elegant neighbourhood with detached houses from the late 19th and early 20s century in Vienna]Cottage {n} [auch: Cottageviertel] [in Wien]
lit. mus. theatre [farce with singing, popular in the 19th century]Posse {f} mit Gesang
hist. mil. [literally: "chain-dogs", pejorative nickname of uniformed military police units of German forces of the 19th and 20th century]Kettenhunde {pl} [fig.] [ugs.] [Bezeichnung der Feldgendarmerie in dt. Streitkräften des 19. und 20. Jh.]
archi. urban [tenement from the late 19th century]Gründerzeithaus {n} [Zinshaus]
hist. mil. [three-star general of the artillery branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.]General {m} der Artillerie
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the 19th and 20th cent. German Armed Forces calvary corps]General {m} der Kavallerie
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the infantry branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.]General {m} der Infanterie
for. bobsleigh [Br.] [mid 19th cent., originally US, denoting a sleigh made of two short sleighs coupled together and used for hauling logs]Doppelschlitten {m} [zum Langholztransport]
hist. bushranger [Aus.] [19th century]Straßenräuber {m}
hist. pol. Carbonari [a 19th century Italian Unitarian secret society]Carbonari {pl} [auch: Karbonari] [italienischer, unitaristischer Geheimbund im 19. Jahrhundert]
hist. drum [evening tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century]Abendgesellschaft {f} [bes. im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert]
philos. existentialism [19th and 20th century]Existenzphilosophie {f}
publ. Krünitz [standard 18th/19th-century German encyclopedia]Krünitz {m} [ugs.] [Oekonomische Encyklopädie]
hist. Merneptah [also: Merenptah] [pharaoh of the 19th dynasty]Merenptah {m} [auch: Merneptah, Menepthah] [Pharao der 19. Dynastie]
hist. spec. Mfecane [19th-century period of wars in southern Africa]Mfecane {f}
lit. Parnassians {pl} [group of French poets of the 19th cent.]Parnassiens {pl} [frz. Dichtergruppe des 19. Jh.]
hist. naut. transp. spitz [19th century river barge]Péniche {f} [aus 19. Jahrhundert]
hist. mil. supernumeraries [excess personnel in German Armed Forces in the 18th and 19th centuries]Überkomplette {pl}
curr. hist. thaler [large coins used in Germanic countries during the 15th-19th centuries]Taler {pl}
curr. hist. thaler [large coins used in Germanic countries during the 15th-19th centuries]Thaler {pl} [altertümlich] [Taler]
curr. hist. thalers [large coins used in Germanic countries during the 15th-19th centuries]Taler {pl}
curr. hist. thalers [large coins used in Germanic countries during the 15th-19th centuries]Thaler {pl} [altertümlich] [Taler]
hist. mil. Towarzysz [lancer, Prussian Army, 19th cent.]Towarzysz {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 19. Jh.]
2 Wörter: Substantive
hist. acad. big science [19th century]Großwissenschaft {f}
hist. Chisholm Trail [cattle route, USA, 19th C.]Chisholm Trail {m} [Herdenweg in den Vereinigten Staaten]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeit {f} [Stil]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeitstil {m}
hist. Jewish emancipation [in 18th-19th century Europe]Judenemanzipation {f}
hist. law Jews' edict [Bavarian 19th century law limiting the number of Jewish families]Judenedikt {n} [Königreich Bayern, 19. Jh.]
hist. pol. middling states [Germany, 19th century]Mittelstaaten {pl} [Deutschland, 19. Jh.]
hist. mil. military policeman [Germany, mid 19th century until 1945]Feldgendarm {m}
acad. natural scientist [especially as understood in 18th & 19th centuries; usually a layman]Naturforscher {m}
hist. sociol. New Woman [feminist ideal of the late 19th century]Neue Frau {f} [feministisches Ideal des späten 19. Jahrhunderts]
hist. prairie schooner [America, 19th C.]Planwagen {m} [19. Jh., Amerika]
hist. law registration law [Bavarian 19th century law allowing only the firstborn male Jews to start a family]Matrikelgesetz {n}
hist. lit. theatre sentimental tragicomedy [popular in the late 18th/early 19th cent.]weinerliche Komödie {f}
cloth. hist. smoking cap [19th-century fashion]Raucherkappe {f} [veraltet]
cloth. hist. smoking cap [19th-century fashion]Rauchermütze {f} [veraltet]
archi. hist. spa style [building style typical for spa and health resorts, late 19th / early 20th century]Bäderarchitektur {f}
hist. pol. Splendid Isolation [British foreign policy 19th century]Splendid Isolation {f} [britische Außenpolitik des 19. Jahrhunderts]
hist. mil. swagger stick [stick of non-commissioned officers in German forces of the 18th and 19th centuries used for punishment of soldiers]Korporalsstock {m}
hist. journ. yellow press [pej.] [Am.] [late 19th century]Hetzpresse {f} [pej.]
3 Wörter: Andere
hist. fin-de-siècle {adj} [attr.] [of the end of the 19th century]des Fin de Siècle [nachgestellt] [aus der Zeit des ausgehenden 19. Jh.]
3 Wörter: Substantive
geogr. hist. 19th-century England [also: 19th century England]das England {n} des 19. Jahrhunderts
hist. Austrian Imperial A-roads [Br.] [19th/early 20th c.]österreichische Reichsstraßen {pl} [19./frühes 20. Jh.]
urban elegant residential area [esp. late 19th or early 20th century]Villenviertel {n}
hist. Frozen Charlotte (doll) [19th-century doll named after the "Fair Charlotte" American folk ballad]Frozen Charlotte {f} [beliebte Porzellanpuppe der viktorianischen Epoche]
hist. James-Younger Gang [a notable 19th-century gang of American outlaws]James-Younger-Bande {f} [auch: James-Younger-Gang]
law Serjeants-at-law <SL> [archaic] [elitist order of barristers in England until the 19th century][bis in das 19. Jahrhundert eine elitäre Vereinigung von Anwälten in England]
hist. relig. spec. Wissenschaft des Judentums [Science of Judaism: 19th century movement]Wissenschaft {f} des Judentums
hist. young historical school [also: Young Historical School] [19th. cent. German historical group]junghistorische Schule {f}
4 Wörter: Substantive
hist. pol. enemies of the Empire [19th-century Germany]Reichsfeinde {pl}
hist. relig. Friends of the Light [19th-century German religious group]Lichtfreunde {pl} [Verein der Protestantischen Freunde]
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
lit. F The Story of the Three Bears [a British 19th-century fairy tale of which three versions exist]Goldlöckchen und die drei Bären
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