Researcher specialized in all things video and audio advertising. Michele Majidi also covers advertising-related topics for Spain and Italy.
Research Experte
Michele Majidi
Neueste Veröffentlichungen
- Advertising & Marketing Most valuable Italian brands 2024
- Advertising & Marketing Presidential candidate & party group TV political ad spend U.S. 2024
- Advertising & Marketing Presidential candidates’ political ad spend U.S. 2024
- Advertising & Marketing Top PR firms with major operations in the U.S. 2023, by global net fees
- Advertising & Marketing Most polluting ad production activity areas worldwide 2023, by carbon emissions
- TV advertising in the U.S. - statistics & facts
Advertising & Marketing - Holiday season advertising in the United States - statistics & facts
Advertising - Political advertising in the U.S. - statistics & facts
Advertising & Marketing - TikTok advertising and marketing in the United States - statistics & facts
Advertising - TV advertising worldwide - statistics & facts
Advertising & Marketing
Most valuable Italian brands worldwide in 2024, by brand value (in billion U.S. dollars) Political advertising spending on TV of presidential candidates and interest groups in the United States as of October 2024 (in million U.S. dollars) Political advertising spending on TV, digital, and radio ads of presidential candidates in the United States as of September 2024 (in million U.S. dollars) Leading public relations (PR) firms with major operations in the United States in 2023, by global net fees (in million U.S. dollars) Leading advertising production activity areas by carbon emissions in Europe, Australia, and North America in 2023 (in tCO2e)
Statistics and facts on TV advertising in the United States Statistics and facts on holiday season advertising in the United States Statistics and facts about political advertising in the United States Statistics and facts on TikTok advertising and marketing in the United States Statistics and facts on TV advertising worldwide
Michele Majidi
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