Superman: Lois and Clark 2 - Home Again is a seven-part Superman storyline published as a backup in Action Comics (Volume 1), written by Dan Jurgens with art by Lee Weeks. It serves as a sequel to Superman: Lois and Clark (Volume 1), also created by Jurgens and Weeks. The story follows Jon Kent, as he encounters Glyanna, a princess from another world who has need for a Kryptonian.
- Action Comics #1051
- Action Comics #1052
- Action Comics #1053
- Action Comics #1054
- Action Comics #1055
- Action Comics #1056
- Action Comics #1057
Recommended Reading
Links and References
Superman Family Storyline This event or storyline is specifically related to Superman, or to members of the Superman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Superman Storylines category. |