Legends was a 1986- 1987 event that showcased the New Earth continuity created following the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips, launched a plot to defeat Earth's heroes by turning public opinion against them. The event crossed over from the eponymous six-issue miniseries by John Ostrander, Len Wein and John Byrne into many series.
Several new ongoing series and miniseries were spun out of this event; Cosmic Boy, The Flash, Justice League, Shazam!: The New Beginning, and thd Suicide Squad
In the Arrowverse, Legends were a team of superheroes and villains recruited by the Time Master Rip Hunter to save humanity from the immortal tyrant Vandal Savage. The original members were the Atom, White Canary, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave. Several other individuals also joined the group, like Vixen, Steel, Zari Tomaz, Kid Flash, Ava Sharpe, "Charlie", Nora Darhk, John Constantine, Mona Wu, Behrad Tarazi, Astra Logue, Gary Green, Gideon, and Spooner.
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See Also