Black Lightning (Volume 2) was an ongoing comic book series published from 1995 to 1996 spanning a total of thirteen issues. The series featured the titular hero Black Lightning. The series was written by Black Lightning creator Tony Isabella and primarily illustrated by Eddy Newell. Controversial disputes between Isabella and the series' editors led to Isabella being fired from the title after issue #8.[1] He was replaced by David DeVries, who finished out the series.
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #1
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #2
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #3
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #4
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #5
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #6
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #7
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #8
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #9
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #10
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #11
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #12
- Black Lightning (Volume 2) #13
See Also
- Black Lightning Recommended Reading
- Black Lightning (Volume 1)
- Black Lightning (Volume 2)
- Black Lightning (Volume 3)
- Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands (Volume 1)
- Black Lightning: Year One (Volume 1)
- Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 1)
- Detective Comics (Volume 1):
- Justice League of America (Volume 2)
- Outsiders (Volume 1)
- World's Finest (Volume 1)