Batman: KnightsEnd is the seventh installment of the 9-volume 25th anniversary edition reprinting the Batman: Knightfall crossover storyline. The stories collected here were originally published from July to September 1994.
This trade paperback collects stories from the following issues:
- Batman #509: "Spirit of the Bat"
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat #29: "Manimal: Proving Ground"
- Detective Comics #676: "Too Many Ninjas"
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #62: "Devils"
- Robin (Volume 2) #8: "Death's Door"
- Catwoman (Volume 2) #12: "Fire in the Sky"
- Batman #510: "Return of the Bat"
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat #30: "Wild Knights, Wild City"
- Detective Comics #677: "Flesh and Steel"
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #63: "Climax"
- Robin (Volume 2) #9: "The Triumph"
- Catwoman (Volume 2) #13: "Catfish"
- Showcase '94 #10: "Aftermath"