- Welsh Guards (deutsch Waliser Garde) ist der Name eines britischen Garde-Grenadierregiments, das heute als Teil der britischen Armee in der Garde-Division (Guards Division) Dienst ableistet. Es gehört zu den fünf Leibregimentern von König Charles III. (de)
- Los Guardias Galeses (en inglés Welsh Guards) es el nombre de uno de los regimientos granaderos británicos que forma parte del Ejército Británico, concretamente en la división de guardia. La Guardia de Gales es uno de los cinco regimientos que están a las órdenes del rey Carlos III del Reino Unido. Además, Carlos III sirve a este regimiento como coronel del batallón. (es)
- Les Welsh Guards (litt. « Gardes gallois ») constituent l'un des cinq régiments d'infanterie de la Garde du souverain britannique (les Royal Foot Guards) de la British Army. Le colonel depuis 1975 est le prince de Galles. (fr)
- The Welsh Guards (WG; Welsh: Gwarchodlu Cymreig), part of the Guards Division, is one of the Foot Guards regiments of the British Army. It was founded in 1915 as a single-battalion regiment, during the First World War, by Royal Warrant of George V. Shortly after the regiment's formation, it was deployed to France where it took part in the fighting on the Western Front until the end of the war in November 1918. During the inter-war years, the regiment undertook garrison duties in the United Kingdom, except 1929–1930 when it deployed to Egypt, and late 1939 when it deployed to Gibraltar. The regiment was expanded to three battalions during the Second World War, and served in France, North Africa, Tunisia, Italy and Western Europe. In the post war period, the regiment was reduced to a single battalion and saw service in Palestine, Egypt, West Germany, Aden, Northern Ireland, and Cyprus. In 1982, the regiment took part in the Falklands War. In the 21st century, the regiment has deployed as peacekeepers to Bosnia, and on operations to both Iraq and Afghanistan. (en)
- Le Guardie Gallesi (Welsh Guards, abbreviato in WG), parte della Divisione Guardie, sono uno dei reggimenti di Guardie a piedi dell'esercito britannico. (it)
- As Welsh Guards são tropas de infantaria de elite do Exército britânico, integrantes da Household Division. São as de criação mais recente, em 1915, quando da expansão do exército britânico durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, quando quase todas as regiões do Império foram forçadas a fornecer regimentos próprios. O coronel atual das Welsh Guards é o príncipe Carlos. (pt)
- 威爾斯衛隊(英語:The Welsh Guards,WG,威爾斯語:Gwarchodlu Cymreig)是英國的衛兵師之一,也是陸軍的御林軍之一。威爾斯衛隊由喬治五世下令創建,於1915年2月26日成立,參與了第一次世界大戰、第二次世界大戰及福克蘭戰爭,現時主要為執行儀仗職務及於阿富汗戰爭作戰。 (zh)
- Валлийская гвардия (англ. Welsh Guards (WG), валл. Gwarchodlu Cymreig) — пехотный полк в британской армии, в составе Гвардейской дивизии. По старшинству занимает пятое, последнее, место после Ирландского гвардейского полка. Сформирован в 1915 году. Участвовал в Первой и Второй мировых войнах. Дальнейшая служба включала подавление беспорядков в Египте в начале 1950-х годов, участие в Фолклендской войне, миротворческих операциях и в Боснии, конфликте в Северной Ирландии, военных действиях в Ираке и Афганистане. 9 мая 2010 года 2-я рота 1-го батальона полка приняла участие в параде, посвященном 65-летию победы в Великой Отечественной войне. (ru)
- Welsh Guards (deutsch Waliser Garde) ist der Name eines britischen Garde-Grenadierregiments, das heute als Teil der britischen Armee in der Garde-Division (Guards Division) Dienst ableistet. Es gehört zu den fünf Leibregimentern von König Charles III. (de)
- Los Guardias Galeses (en inglés Welsh Guards) es el nombre de uno de los regimientos granaderos británicos que forma parte del Ejército Británico, concretamente en la división de guardia. La Guardia de Gales es uno de los cinco regimientos que están a las órdenes del rey Carlos III del Reino Unido. Además, Carlos III sirve a este regimiento como coronel del batallón. (es)
- Les Welsh Guards (litt. « Gardes gallois ») constituent l'un des cinq régiments d'infanterie de la Garde du souverain britannique (les Royal Foot Guards) de la British Army. Le colonel depuis 1975 est le prince de Galles. (fr)
- Le Guardie Gallesi (Welsh Guards, abbreviato in WG), parte della Divisione Guardie, sono uno dei reggimenti di Guardie a piedi dell'esercito britannico. (it)
- As Welsh Guards são tropas de infantaria de elite do Exército britânico, integrantes da Household Division. São as de criação mais recente, em 1915, quando da expansão do exército britânico durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, quando quase todas as regiões do Império foram forçadas a fornecer regimentos próprios. O coronel atual das Welsh Guards é o príncipe Carlos. (pt)
- 威爾斯衛隊(英語:The Welsh Guards,WG,威爾斯語:Gwarchodlu Cymreig)是英國的衛兵師之一,也是陸軍的御林軍之一。威爾斯衛隊由喬治五世下令創建,於1915年2月26日成立,參與了第一次世界大戰、第二次世界大戰及福克蘭戰爭,現時主要為執行儀仗職務及於阿富汗戰爭作戰。 (zh)
- The Welsh Guards (WG; Welsh: Gwarchodlu Cymreig), part of the Guards Division, is one of the Foot Guards regiments of the British Army. It was founded in 1915 as a single-battalion regiment, during the First World War, by Royal Warrant of George V. Shortly after the regiment's formation, it was deployed to France where it took part in the fighting on the Western Front until the end of the war in November 1918. During the inter-war years, the regiment undertook garrison duties in the United Kingdom, except 1929–1930 when it deployed to Egypt, and late 1939 when it deployed to Gibraltar. (en)
- Валлийская гвардия (англ. Welsh Guards (WG), валл. Gwarchodlu Cymreig) — пехотный полк в британской армии, в составе Гвардейской дивизии. По старшинству занимает пятое, последнее, место после Ирландского гвардейского полка. Сформирован в 1915 году. Участвовал в Первой и Второй мировых войнах. Дальнейшая служба включала подавление беспорядков в Египте в начале 1950-х годов, участие в Фолклендской войне, миротворческих операциях и в Боснии, конфликте в Северной Ирландии, военных действиях в Ираке и Афганистане. (ru)