- The Weekly Standard war ein politisches Wochenmagazin in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Es galt als bedeutendes Sprachrohr des Neokonservatismus in den USA. Ihm wurde Einfluss auf Teile der Bush-Regierung nachgesagt. Seit 2009 wurde das Blatt von dem Milliardär Philip Anschutz finanziert. Am 14. Dezember 2018 kündigten die Besitzer die Einstellung des Magazins an. Die letzte Ausgabe erschien am 17. Dezember 2018. (de)
- The Weekly Standard est un hebdomadaire fondé en 1995, très proche des néoconservateurs et des républicains américains. Il publie des auteurs néoconservateurs comme Robert Kagan et William Kristol. Le 14 décembre 2018, Clarity Media Group a annoncé la fin de la publication du magazine. (fr)
- The Weekly Standard was an American neoconservative political magazine of news, analysis and commentary, published 48 times per year. Originally edited by founders Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes, the Standard had been described as a "redoubt of neoconservatism" and as "the neocon bible." Its founding publisher, News Corporation, debuted the title on September 18, 1995. In 2009, News Corporation sold the magazine to a subsidiary of the Anschutz Corporation. On December 14, 2018, its owners announced that the magazine was ceasing publication, with the last issue published on December 17. Sources attribute its demise to an increasing divergence between Kristol and other editors' shift towards anti-Trump positions, and the magazine's audience's shift towards Trumpism. Many of the magazine's articles were written by members of conservative think tanks located in Washington, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the Hudson Institute, and the Foreign Policy Initiative. Individuals who wrote for the magazine included Elliott Abrams, Peter Berkowitz, John Bolton, Ellen Bork, David Brooks, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Christopher Hitchens, Harvey Mansfield, Cynthia Ozick, Joe Queenan, and John Yoo. The magazine's website also produced regular online-only commentaries and news articles. The site's editorial stance was described as neoconservative. (en)
- The Weekly Standard era una rivista politica statunitense di notizie, analisi e commenti, pubblicata 48 volte all'anno. Originariamente curato dai fondatori Bill Kristol e Fred Barnes, lo Standard era definito di orientamento neoconservatore. La casa editrice fondatrice, News Corporation, fece debuttare la testata il 18 settembre, 1995. Nel 2009, News Corporation vendette la rivista a una consociata di Anschutz Corporation. Il 14 dicembre 2018, i suoi proprietari hanno annunciato che la rivista stava cessando la pubblicazione, e l'ultimo numero fu pubblicato il 17 dicembre. Le fonti attribuiscono la sua fine a una crescente divergenza tra Kristol e lo spostamento di altri giornalisti verso posizioni anti-Trump e lo spostamento del pubblico della rivista verso il trumpismo. Molti degli articoli della rivista sono stati scritti da membri di think tank conservatori con sede a Washington, tra cui l'American Enterprise Institute, l'Ethics and Public Policy Center, la Foundation for Defense of Democracies, l'Hudson Institute e la Foreign Policy Initiative. Tra gli autori che hanno scritto per la rivista si possono citare Elliott Abrams, Peter Berkowitz, John Bolton, Ellen Bork, David Brooks, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Christopher Hitchens, Harvey Mansfield, Cynthia Ozick, Joe Queenan e John Yoo. Il sito web della rivista continua a pubblicare regolarmente commenti e articoli. (it)
- The Weekly Standard – amerykański, neokonserwatywny tygodnik opiniodawczy należący do News Corporation. Pierwszy numer pisma ukazał się 17 września 1995. Do głównych redaktorów należą: William Kristol (założyciel) oraz Fred Barnes. Nakład tego czasopisma wynosi ok. 83 tys. egzemplarzy. (pl)
- 标准周刊(英語:The Weekly Standard),又译作每周标准、旗帜周刊,是一本美国具有重要影响力的保守派政治和文化杂志,集新闻、分析和评论于一体,停刊前每年出版48期。该杂志最初由创始人比尔·克里斯托和(Fred Barnes)编辑,以强烈的亲以色列和支持美伊战争的立场而闻名,被誉为“新保守主义的堡垒”("redoubt of neoconservatism")和“新保守主义的圣经”( "the neocon bible")。 该杂志的创始出版商新闻集团(News Corporation)于1995年9月18日首发该刊。2009年,新闻集团将该杂志出售给(Anschutz Corporation)的子公司。2018年12月14日,其所有者宣布该杂志停刊,最后一期于12月17日出版。 (zh)
- The Weekly Standard war ein politisches Wochenmagazin in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Es galt als bedeutendes Sprachrohr des Neokonservatismus in den USA. Ihm wurde Einfluss auf Teile der Bush-Regierung nachgesagt. Seit 2009 wurde das Blatt von dem Milliardär Philip Anschutz finanziert. Am 14. Dezember 2018 kündigten die Besitzer die Einstellung des Magazins an. Die letzte Ausgabe erschien am 17. Dezember 2018. (de)
- The Weekly Standard est un hebdomadaire fondé en 1995, très proche des néoconservateurs et des républicains américains. Il publie des auteurs néoconservateurs comme Robert Kagan et William Kristol. Le 14 décembre 2018, Clarity Media Group a annoncé la fin de la publication du magazine. (fr)
- The Weekly Standard – amerykański, neokonserwatywny tygodnik opiniodawczy należący do News Corporation. Pierwszy numer pisma ukazał się 17 września 1995. Do głównych redaktorów należą: William Kristol (założyciel) oraz Fred Barnes. Nakład tego czasopisma wynosi ok. 83 tys. egzemplarzy. (pl)
- 标准周刊(英語:The Weekly Standard),又译作每周标准、旗帜周刊,是一本美国具有重要影响力的保守派政治和文化杂志,集新闻、分析和评论于一体,停刊前每年出版48期。该杂志最初由创始人比尔·克里斯托和(Fred Barnes)编辑,以强烈的亲以色列和支持美伊战争的立场而闻名,被誉为“新保守主义的堡垒”("redoubt of neoconservatism")和“新保守主义的圣经”( "the neocon bible")。 该杂志的创始出版商新闻集团(News Corporation)于1995年9月18日首发该刊。2009年,新闻集团将该杂志出售给(Anschutz Corporation)的子公司。2018年12月14日,其所有者宣布该杂志停刊,最后一期于12月17日出版。 (zh)
- The Weekly Standard was an American neoconservative political magazine of news, analysis and commentary, published 48 times per year. Originally edited by founders Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes, the Standard had been described as a "redoubt of neoconservatism" and as "the neocon bible." Its founding publisher, News Corporation, debuted the title on September 18, 1995. In 2009, News Corporation sold the magazine to a subsidiary of the Anschutz Corporation. On December 14, 2018, its owners announced that the magazine was ceasing publication, with the last issue published on December 17. Sources attribute its demise to an increasing divergence between Kristol and other editors' shift towards anti-Trump positions, and the magazine's audience's shift towards Trumpism. (en)
- The Weekly Standard era una rivista politica statunitense di notizie, analisi e commenti, pubblicata 48 volte all'anno. Originariamente curato dai fondatori Bill Kristol e Fred Barnes, lo Standard era definito di orientamento neoconservatore. Il sito web della rivista continua a pubblicare regolarmente commenti e articoli. (it)