- En medicina, se llama efluvio telógeno a uno de los tipos de alopecia (pérdida de cabello) más frecuentes después de la alopecia androgénica. Se debe a una anomalía en el ciclo de crecimiento del cabello que da origen a una pérdida excesiva de pelos en la fase telógena. Es un proceso reversible que puede estar desencadenado por numerosas causas, entre ellas el estrés psicológico, parto, determinados fármacos, dietas hipocalóricas, intervenciones quirúrgicas, hipertiroidismo e hipotiroidismo. En general el proceso se resuelve tras el cese del factor causante y se produce la recuperación completa. En muchas ocasiones no existe una causa clara, en este caso el cuadro recibe el nombre de efluvio telógeno idiopático. (es)
- Telogen effluvium is a scalp disorder characterized by the thinning or shedding of hair resulting from the early entry of hair in the telogen phase (the resting phase of the hair follicle). It is in this phase that telogen hairs begin to shed at an increased rate, where normally the approximate rate of hair loss (having no effect on one's appearance) is 125 hairs per day. There are 5 potential alterations in the hair cycle that could lead to this shedding: immediate anagen release, delayed anagen release, short anagen syndrome, immediate telogen release, and delayed telogen release.
* Immediate anagen release occurs when follicles leave anagen and are stimulated to enter telogen prematurely. The effects become visible 2–3 months later with increased telogen effluvium.
* Delayed anagen release, most commonly associated with pregnancy, involves the prolongation of anagen under the effect of pregnancy hormones, resulting in delayed but synchronous and heavy postpartum hair shedding.
* Short anagen syndrome is characterized by an idiopathic and persistent telogen hair shedding, as well as the inability to grow hair long. This is a result of the shortening of the duration of anagen, meaning a greater number of telogen hairs at any given time, and is responsible for the majority of chronic TE cases.
* Immediate telogen release generally occurs with drug-induced shortening of telogen leading to the premature reentrance of follicles to anagen, which causes a massive release of club (telogen) hairs. Drugs such as minoxidil can precipitate immediate telogen release.
* Delayed telogen release involves a prolonged telogen phase followed by a delayed transition to anagen. This occurs in animals with synchronous hair cycles that shed their hair or winter coats seasonally. This is also sometimes responsible for seasonal hair loss in humans. Emotional or physiological stress may result in an alteration of the normal hair cycle and cause the disorder, with potential causes including eating disorders, crash diets, pregnancy and childbirth, chronic illness, major surgery, anemia, severe emotional disorders, hypothyroidism, and drugs. Diagnostic tests, which may be performed to verify the diagnosis, include a trichogram, trichoscopy and biopsy. Effluvium can present with similar appearance to alopecia totalis, with further distinction by clinical course, microscopic examination of plucked follicles, or biopsy of the scalp. Histology would show telogen hair follicles in the dermis with minimal inflammation in effluvium, and dense peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrate in alopecia totalis. Vitamin D levels may also play a role in the normal hair cycle. Many new cosmetic treatments have been reported, including stemoxydine, Nioxin, minoxidil, and a leave-on technology combination: caffeine, niacinamide, panthenol, dimethicone, and an acrylate polymer (CNPDA). This treatment has shown to increase the diameter of existing, individual scalp hair fibres by 2–5 μm, yielding a significant increase of approximately 10% in the cross-sectional area of each hair. Additionally, CNPDA-thickened hairs also demonstrate altered mechanical properties of thicker fibres; increased suppleness/pliability, and increased ability to withstand force without breaking. (en)
- Per Telogen effluvium in campo medico si intende una caduta di capelli molto intensa senza che compaiano chiazze glabre, tali manifestazioni risultano molto comuni. Un tipico caso si vede dopo una gravidanza per via della cessazione dell'effetto protettivo degli estrogeni. (it)
- Łysienie telogenowe – forma łysienia niebliznowaciejącego, charakteryzująca się rozproszonym, zwiększonym wypadaniem włosów. Inną odmianą choroby jest jej forma chroniczna. (pl)
- Eflúvio ou deflúvio é o termo dermatológico para designar a perda de cabelos decorrente de um distúrbio no ciclo de vida capilar. Existem dois tipos de eflúvio: anágeno e telógeno, na dependência de qual segmento do ciclo capilar está sendo acometido. O eflúvio anágeno é característico nos pacientes submetidos à quimioterapia. Contudo, pode ocorrer em diversas situações: medicamentos, inflamação e infecção aguda sistêmica. O eflúvio telógeno, mais comum e predominando no sexo feminino, tem como principais causas a deficiência nutricional (anemia), estresse emocional e alterações hormonais (por exemplo, tireóide). (pt)
- 休止期脫髮,又稱靜止期脫髮、壓力性掉髮(Telogen effluvium),乃指人體毛髮提早進入休止期而造成短時間內大量脫落的情形 。此種情況可能會發生在身體任何部位的毛髮,但由於掉髮比其它部位的脫毛更容易注意到,因此許多診斷都是以頭髮掉落為主要症狀。 (zh)
- En medicina, se llama efluvio telógeno a uno de los tipos de alopecia (pérdida de cabello) más frecuentes después de la alopecia androgénica. Se debe a una anomalía en el ciclo de crecimiento del cabello que da origen a una pérdida excesiva de pelos en la fase telógena. Es un proceso reversible que puede estar desencadenado por numerosas causas, entre ellas el estrés psicológico, parto, determinados fármacos, dietas hipocalóricas, intervenciones quirúrgicas, hipertiroidismo e hipotiroidismo. En general el proceso se resuelve tras el cese del factor causante y se produce la recuperación completa. En muchas ocasiones no existe una causa clara, en este caso el cuadro recibe el nombre de efluvio telógeno idiopático. (es)
- Per Telogen effluvium in campo medico si intende una caduta di capelli molto intensa senza che compaiano chiazze glabre, tali manifestazioni risultano molto comuni. Un tipico caso si vede dopo una gravidanza per via della cessazione dell'effetto protettivo degli estrogeni. (it)
- Łysienie telogenowe – forma łysienia niebliznowaciejącego, charakteryzująca się rozproszonym, zwiększonym wypadaniem włosów. Inną odmianą choroby jest jej forma chroniczna. (pl)
- 休止期脫髮,又稱靜止期脫髮、壓力性掉髮(Telogen effluvium),乃指人體毛髮提早進入休止期而造成短時間內大量脫落的情形 。此種情況可能會發生在身體任何部位的毛髮,但由於掉髮比其它部位的脫毛更容易注意到,因此許多診斷都是以頭髮掉落為主要症狀。 (zh)
- Telogen effluvium is a scalp disorder characterized by the thinning or shedding of hair resulting from the early entry of hair in the telogen phase (the resting phase of the hair follicle). It is in this phase that telogen hairs begin to shed at an increased rate, where normally the approximate rate of hair loss (having no effect on one's appearance) is 125 hairs per day. There are 5 potential alterations in the hair cycle that could lead to this shedding: immediate anagen release, delayed anagen release, short anagen syndrome, immediate telogen release, and delayed telogen release. (en)
- Eflúvio ou deflúvio é o termo dermatológico para designar a perda de cabelos decorrente de um distúrbio no ciclo de vida capilar. Existem dois tipos de eflúvio: anágeno e telógeno, na dependência de qual segmento do ciclo capilar está sendo acometido. (pt)