- El SmithGroup es una firma internacional de arquitectura, ingeniería y planificación. Fundada en la ciudad de Detroit, la más importante de l estado de Míchigan, en 1853 por el arquitecto Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup es la firma de arquitectura e ingeniería en funcionamiento continuo más antigua de los Estados Unidos que no es una subsidiaria de propiedad total. El nombre de la empresa se cambió a Field, Hinchman & Smith en 1903, y luego a Smith, Hinchman & Grylls en 1907. En 2000, la empresa cambió su nombre a SmithGroup. En 2011, la empresa incorporó a su empresa hermana, JJR, a su nombre, convirtiéndose en SmithGroupJJR. A partir del 1 de agosto de 2018, la empresa volvió a cambiar su nombre a SmithGroup. A partir de 2018, se encuentra entre las 50 principales firmas de arquitectura según Architect Magazine, la revista oficial de American Institute of Architects y también está clasificada como la sexta firma de arquitectura / ingeniería más grande de los Estados Unidos. Tiene oficinas en 15 ciudades: Ann Arbor, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Los Ángeles, Madison, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, Shanghái y Washington Se expandió fuera de América del Norte al abrir una oficina en Shanghái, China, en diciembre de 2013. Los arquitectos notables de la empresa incluyen Minoru Yamasaki, Wirt C. Rowland, C. Howard Crane y . (es)
- SmithGroup est une entreprise américaine d'architecture et d'ingénierie. Fondée à Détroit en 1853 par l'architecte Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup a porté également les noms de Field, Hinchman & Smith à partir de 1903 et Smith, Hinchman & Grylls à partir de 1907. Ce n'est qu'en 2000 que l'entreprise a adopté son nom actuel avec une période d'utilisation du nom SmithGroupJJR de 2011 à 2018 à la suite de l'intégration d'une filiale, JJR. En date de 2019, SmithGroup se classe parmi les cinquante meilleurs cabinets d'architecture selon Architect: The Journal of the American Institute of Architects, le magazine officiel de l'American Institute of Architects (AIA). L'entreprise compte une quinzaine d'implantations aux États-Unis et une à l'international, en Chine. Les architectes notables du cabinet incluent Minoru Yamasaki, (en), (en) et (en). (fr)
- SmithGroup is an international architectural, engineering and planning firm. Established in Detroit in 1853 by architect Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup is the longest continually operating architecture and engineering firm in the United States that is not a wholly owned subsidiary. The firm's name was changed to Field, Hinchman & Smith in 1903, and it was renamed Smith, Hinchman & Grylls in 1907. In 2000, the firm changed its name to SmithGroup. In 2011, the firm incorporated its sister firm, JJR, into its name, becoming SmithGroupJJR. As of August 1, 2018, the firm changed its name back to SmithGroup. As of 2019, it ranks among the top 50 architecture firms according to Architect Magazine, the official magazine of AIA and also ranked as the 6th largest architecture/engineering firm in the U.S. The firm is composed of client industry-focused practices serving Cultural, Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Mixed-Use, Parks & Open Spaces, Science & Technology, Senior Living, Urban Environments, Waterfront and Workplace markets. The firm has offices in 19 cities: Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Madison, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Washington, D.C. The firm expanded outside North America by opening an office in Shanghai, China, in December 2013. Notable architects from the firm include Minoru Yamasaki, Wirt C. Rowland, C. Howard Crane, William Kapp and Rosa T. Sheng. (en)
- 스미스그룹(SmithGroup)은 디트로이트 가디언 빌딩에 본사를 두고 있는 미국 건축, 도시 계획 및 설계, 조경건축 및 엔지니어링 회사이다. 1853년에 건축가 (Sheldon Smith), Luckett & Farley와 함께 디트로이트에 설립되었으며 미국에서 가장 길게 운영중인 건축 및 엔지니어링 회사이다. 2000년에 회사의 이름을 Smith, Hinchman & Grylls에서 SmithGroup 으로 변경하였으며 또, 2011년에는 자매 회사 JJR을 통합하여 현재의 이름인 SmithGroupJJR이 되었다. 2016년, 미국건축사협회, AIA에 공식 잡지인 'Architect Magazine'에 따르면, 건축회사로서 상위 15위 건축 회사에 포함되었다. 이 회사는 열개의 도시:디트로이트 앤아버, 시카고, 달라스, 로스앤젤레스, 매디슨, 피닉스, 샌프란시스코, 상하이, 워싱턴,d.c.에 위치하고 있다. 미국 건축회사인 스미스그룹은 현재 북미 외부 지역에 사무소를 개소 확장하고 있으며, 최근 2013년 12월에 중국 상하이에 지사를 열었다. 스미스그룹 출신 유명 건축가로는 뉴욕에 있는 세계 무역 센터를 설계하였던 미노루 야마사키, 워트 C. 로우랜드, C. 하워드 크레인 등이 있다. (ko)
- SmithGroup — международная архитектурно-инженерная и планировочная компания, основанная в Детройте в 1853 году архитектором Шелдоном Смитом (англ. Sheldon Smith). Старейшей архитектурная и инженерная компания США в полной собственности, т. е. не является дочерней. Штаб-квартира в Детройте, штат Мичиган, офис также расположен в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс. (ru)
- Architecture, Building Enclosure Consulting, Campus Planning, Campus Strategy & Analytics, Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Energy & Environmental Modeling, Fire Protection & Life Safety Engineering, Historic Preservation, Interiors, Lab Planning, Landscape Architecture, Lighting Design, Medical Planning, MEP Engineering, Programming, Strategy, Structural Engineering, Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Urban Planning (en)
- SmithGroup — международная архитектурно-инженерная и планировочная компания, основанная в Детройте в 1853 году архитектором Шелдоном Смитом (англ. Sheldon Smith). Старейшей архитектурная и инженерная компания США в полной собственности, т. е. не является дочерней. Штаб-квартира в Детройте, штат Мичиган, офис также расположен в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс. (ru)
- El SmithGroup es una firma internacional de arquitectura, ingeniería y planificación. Fundada en la ciudad de Detroit, la más importante de l estado de Míchigan, en 1853 por el arquitecto Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup es la firma de arquitectura e ingeniería en funcionamiento continuo más antigua de los Estados Unidos que no es una subsidiaria de propiedad total. El nombre de la empresa se cambió a Field, Hinchman & Smith en 1903, y luego a Smith, Hinchman & Grylls en 1907. En 2000, la empresa cambió su nombre a SmithGroup. En 2011, la empresa incorporó a su empresa hermana, JJR, a su nombre, convirtiéndose en SmithGroupJJR. A partir del 1 de agosto de 2018, la empresa volvió a cambiar su nombre a SmithGroup. (es)
- SmithGroup est une entreprise américaine d'architecture et d'ingénierie. Fondée à Détroit en 1853 par l'architecte Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup a porté également les noms de Field, Hinchman & Smith à partir de 1903 et Smith, Hinchman & Grylls à partir de 1907. Ce n'est qu'en 2000 que l'entreprise a adopté son nom actuel avec une période d'utilisation du nom SmithGroupJJR de 2011 à 2018 à la suite de l'intégration d'une filiale, JJR. L'entreprise compte une quinzaine d'implantations aux États-Unis et une à l'international, en Chine. (fr)
- SmithGroup is an international architectural, engineering and planning firm. Established in Detroit in 1853 by architect Sheldon Smith, SmithGroup is the longest continually operating architecture and engineering firm in the United States that is not a wholly owned subsidiary. The firm's name was changed to Field, Hinchman & Smith in 1903, and it was renamed Smith, Hinchman & Grylls in 1907. In 2000, the firm changed its name to SmithGroup. In 2011, the firm incorporated its sister firm, JJR, into its name, becoming SmithGroupJJR. As of August 1, 2018, the firm changed its name back to SmithGroup. (en)
- 스미스그룹(SmithGroup)은 디트로이트 가디언 빌딩에 본사를 두고 있는 미국 건축, 도시 계획 및 설계, 조경건축 및 엔지니어링 회사이다. 1853년에 건축가 (Sheldon Smith), Luckett & Farley와 함께 디트로이트에 설립되었으며 미국에서 가장 길게 운영중인 건축 및 엔지니어링 회사이다. 2000년에 회사의 이름을 Smith, Hinchman & Grylls에서 SmithGroup 으로 변경하였으며 또, 2011년에는 자매 회사 JJR을 통합하여 현재의 이름인 SmithGroupJJR이 되었다. 2016년, 미국건축사협회, AIA에 공식 잡지인 'Architect Magazine'에 따르면, 건축회사로서 상위 15위 건축 회사에 포함되었다. 이 회사는 열개의 도시:디트로이트 앤아버, 시카고, 달라스, 로스앤젤레스, 매디슨, 피닉스, 샌프란시스코, 상하이, 워싱턴,d.c.에 위치하고 있다. 미국 건축회사인 스미스그룹은 현재 북미 외부 지역에 사무소를 개소 확장하고 있으며, 최근 2013년 12월에 중국 상하이에 지사를 열었다. (ko)