- Les Sàtires són un recull de poemes satírics escrits per l'autor romà Juvenal al final del segle i i al començament del segle ii. (ca)
- Satiry je název knihy, obsahující překlad pěti knih satir, jejichž autorem je Iuvenalis. Satiry, jichž je celkem šestnáct, jsou zaměřeny na nedostatky, vady a nedobré poměry v císařském Římě. Překlad byl pořízen podle vydání L. Friedlaendera (Lipsko 1985) se zřetelem k novým kritickým vydáním, které uspořádali Pierre de Labriolle a Francois Villeneuve (Paris 1967) a Ulrich Knoche (München 1950). Z latinského originálu přeložil, předmluvou, vysvětlivkami a ediční poznámkou doplnil Zdeněk K. Vysoký. Knihu vydalo Nakladatelství Svoboda v roce 1972 jako 13. svazek edice Antická knihovna. (cs)
- Las Sátiras son una recopilación de poemas satíricos escritos por el autor romano Juvenal entre finales del siglo I y comienzos del siglo II. Algunos estudios recientes apuntan a que probablemente el primero de sus libros pudo ser publicado en el año 100 o 101. (es)
- Les Satires sont une œuvre poétique écrite par l'écrivain latin Juvénal en hexamètres dactyliques. (fr)
- The Satires (Latin: Saturae) are a collection of satirical poems by the Latin author Juvenal written between the end of the first and the early second centuries A.D. Juvenal is credited with sixteen known poems divided among five books; all are in the Roman genre of satire, which, at its most basic in the time of the author, comprised a wide-ranging discussion of society and social mores in dactylic hexameter. The sixth and tenth satires are some of the most renowned works in the collection. The poems are not individually titled, but translators have often added titles for the convenience of readers.
* Book I: Satires 1–5
* Book II: Satire 6
* Book III: Satires 7–9
* Book IV: Satires 10–12
* Book V: Satires 13–16 (Satire 16 is incompletely preserved) Roman Satura was a formal literary genre rather than being simply clever, humorous critique in no particular format. Juvenal wrote in this tradition, which originated with Lucilius and included the Sermones of Horace and the Satires of Persius. In a tone and manner ranging from irony to apparent rage, Juvenal criticizes the actions and beliefs of many of his contemporaries, providing insight more into value systems and questions of morality and less into the realities of Roman life. The author employs outright obscenity less frequently than Martial or Catullus, but the scenes painted in his text are no less vivid or lurid for that discretion. The author makes constant allusion to history and myth as a source of object lessons or exemplars of particular vices and virtues. Coupled with his dense and elliptical Latin, these tangential references indicate that the intended reader of the Satires was highly educated. The Satires are concerned with perceived threats to the social continuity of the Roman citizens: social-climbing foreigners, unfaithfulness, and other more extreme excesses of their own class. The intended audience of the Satires constituted a subset of the Roman elite, primarily adult males of a more conservative social stance. Scholarly estimates for the dating of the individual books have varied. It is generally accepted that the fifth book must date to a point after 127, because of a reference to the Roman consul Lucius Aemilius Juncus in Satire 15. A recent scholar has argued that the first book should be dated to 100 or 101. Juvenal's works are contemporary with those of Martial, Tacitus and Pliny the Younger. (en)
- Le Satire di Giovenale (titolo originale: Saturae) costituiscono l'unica produzione letteraria giunta ai nostri giorni del poeta latino vissuto fra l'anno 50 e il 140 d.C. Complessivamente 3873 esametri, suddivisi in sedici satire, pubblicate in cinque libri secondo un ordine forse indicato dall'autore stesso:
* I:1-5;
* II: 6;
* III: 7-9;
* IV: 10-12;
* V: 13-16. Dell'ultima satira ci rimangono solo i sessanta esametri iniziali. Questa lacuna, presente in tutti i codici, si deve probabilmente alla perdita di una pagina dell'archetipo, secondo Ettore Paratore.Le Satire di Giovenale sono l'ultima espressione del genere definito da Quintiliano come romano per eccellenza (satura tota nostra est, Quint. Inst. orat., X, 1, 93), il che tra l'altro doveva convenire benissimo a Giovenale, odiatore dei Graeculi e della loro letteratura e filosofia. (it)
- Sátiras é uma coleção de poemas satíricos escritos pelo autor romano Juvenal no final do Século I e início do Século II. (pt)
- Les Sàtires són un recull de poemes satírics escrits per l'autor romà Juvenal al final del segle i i al començament del segle ii. (ca)
- Satiry je název knihy, obsahující překlad pěti knih satir, jejichž autorem je Iuvenalis. Satiry, jichž je celkem šestnáct, jsou zaměřeny na nedostatky, vady a nedobré poměry v císařském Římě. Překlad byl pořízen podle vydání L. Friedlaendera (Lipsko 1985) se zřetelem k novým kritickým vydáním, které uspořádali Pierre de Labriolle a Francois Villeneuve (Paris 1967) a Ulrich Knoche (München 1950). Z latinského originálu přeložil, předmluvou, vysvětlivkami a ediční poznámkou doplnil Zdeněk K. Vysoký. Knihu vydalo Nakladatelství Svoboda v roce 1972 jako 13. svazek edice Antická knihovna. (cs)
- Las Sátiras son una recopilación de poemas satíricos escritos por el autor romano Juvenal entre finales del siglo I y comienzos del siglo II. Algunos estudios recientes apuntan a que probablemente el primero de sus libros pudo ser publicado en el año 100 o 101. (es)
- Les Satires sont une œuvre poétique écrite par l'écrivain latin Juvénal en hexamètres dactyliques. (fr)
- Sátiras é uma coleção de poemas satíricos escritos pelo autor romano Juvenal no final do Século I e início do Século II. (pt)
- The Satires (Latin: Saturae) are a collection of satirical poems by the Latin author Juvenal written between the end of the first and the early second centuries A.D. Juvenal is credited with sixteen known poems divided among five books; all are in the Roman genre of satire, which, at its most basic in the time of the author, comprised a wide-ranging discussion of society and social mores in dactylic hexameter. The sixth and tenth satires are some of the most renowned works in the collection. The poems are not individually titled, but translators have often added titles for the convenience of readers. (en)
- Le Satire di Giovenale (titolo originale: Saturae) costituiscono l'unica produzione letteraria giunta ai nostri giorni del poeta latino vissuto fra l'anno 50 e il 140 d.C. Complessivamente 3873 esametri, suddivisi in sedici satire, pubblicate in cinque libri secondo un ordine forse indicato dall'autore stesso:
* I:1-5;
* II: 6;
* III: 7-9;
* IV: 10-12;
* V: 13-16. (it)