- L'Almirall de la Flota Richard Howe, 1r comte Howe, KG (8 de març de 1726 - 5 d'agost de 1799) fou un oficial naval britànic. Després de servir durant tota la Guerra de Successió Austríaca, es va guanyar una reputació pel seu paper en operacions amfíbies contra la costa francesa com a part de la política britànica de descendència naval durant la Guerra dels Set Anys. També va participar, com a capità naval, en la decisiva victòria naval britànica a la , el novembre de 1759. A Amèrica del Nord, Howe és més conegut pel seu servei durant la Guerra de la Independència dels Estats Units, on va actuar com a comandant naval i comissari de pau amb els rebels nord-americans; també va realitzar un reeixit relleu durant el Gran Setge de Gibraltar en les etapes posteriors de la Guerra. Posteriorment, Howe va comandar la victoriosa flota britànica durant el Gloriós Primer de Juny el juny de 1794, durant les Guerres de la Revolució Francesa. (ca)
- Richard Howe, 1. hrabě Howe, 4. vikomt Howe (Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, 4th Viscount Howe, 4th Baron Howe of Glenawly, 1st Baron Howe of Langar, 6th Baronet Howe of Compton) (8. března 1726, Londýn, Anglie – 5. srpna 1799, Londýn, Anglie) byl britský admirál a úspěšný námořní vojevůdce válek 18. století v Evropě a v koloniích. Pocházel ze šlechtické rodiny, po matce byl spřízněn s hannoverskou dynastií a vzdáleným bratrancem britského krále Jiřího III. Za zásluhy byl v roce 1782 povýšen na hraběte, v letech 1783–1788 byl britským ministrem námořnictva (první lord admirality). V závěru kariéry dosáhl nejvyšší možné hodnosti velkoadmirála (Admiral of the Fleet), 1796) a obdržel Podvazkový řád (1797). Jeho mladší bratr William Howe byl generálem a za války proti USA vrchním velitelem v severní Americe. (cs)
- ريتشارد هاو (بالإنجليزية: Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe) (8 مارس 1726 في لندن - 5 أغسطس 1799 في لندن) عسكري، وسياسي من مملكة بريطانيا العظمى. (ar)
- Richard Howe, 1. Earl Howe, KG (* 8. März 1726 in London; † 5. August 1799) war ein britischer Flottenadmiral und Erster Lord der Admiralität. (de)
- Richard Howe, 1.º Conde de Howe (8 de marzo de 1726 - 5 de agosto de 1799) fue un oficial naval británico que alcanzó el rango de Almirante de Flota y que prestó unos notables servicios especialmente durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos y las Guerras revolucionarias francesas. Richard Howe era hermano de George y William Howe. (es)
- Richard, 1er comte Howe (anglais : Earl Howe), connu sous le nom de Richard Howe puis lord Howe, né le 8 mars 1726 à Londres et mort le 5 août 1799, est un officier de marine de la Royal Navy britannique. Il se distingue en particulier pendant la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis et les guerres de la Révolution française. C’est le frère de William Howe et George Howe. Howe intègre la Navy à l'âge de treize ans et sert en mer tout au long de la guerre de Succession d'Autriche. Pendant la guerre de Sept Ans il se fait une réputation en dirigeant plusieurs opérations de débarquement contre les côtes françaises dans le cadre de la politique britannique de « descentes navales ». Il contribue à la victoire navale décisive britannique lors de la bataille des Cardinaux en 1759. Il doit cependant sa postérité au rôle qu'il a joué pendant la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis, au cours de laquelle il commande la flotte anglaise et joue le rôle de négociateur du traité de paix avec les insurgents américains, pendant les guerres de la Révolution française, il commande la flotte britannique en 1794 lors de la victoire du « combat de Prairial ». (fr)
- Admiral of the Fleet Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, KG (8 March 1726 – 5 August 1799) was a British naval officer. After serving throughout the War of the Austrian Succession, he gained a reputation for his role in amphibious operations against the French coast as part of Britain's policy of naval descents during the Seven Years' War. He also took part, as a naval captain, in the decisive British naval victory at the Battle of Quiberon Bay in November 1759. In North America, Howe is best known for his service during the American Revolutionary War, when he acted as a naval commander and a peace commissioner with the American rebels; he also conducted a successful relief during the Great Siege of Gibraltar in the later stages of the War. Howe later commanded the victorious British fleet during the Glorious First of June in June 1794 during the French Revolutionary Wars. (en)
- 初代ハウ伯爵リチャード・ハウ(英: Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe、1726年3月8日 - 1799年8月5日)は、イギリス海軍の提督。初代ハウ伯爵(グレートブリテン貴族)、ガーター勲爵士(KG)。弟のウィリアム・ハウと共にアメリカ独立戦争に従軍し、またフランス革命戦争でも名指揮官の評判を得た。 (ja)
- 제1대 하우 백작 리처드 하우(Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, KG, 1726년 3월 8일 – 1799년 8월 5일)은 영국 해군의 제독이다. 하우 백작(그레이트 브리튼 귀족), 가터 훈장을 받았다. 동생 윌리엄 하우와 함께 미국 독립 전쟁에 종군하였고, 프랑스 혁명 전쟁에서도 지휘관의 명성을 얻었다. (ko)
- Richard Howe (Londra, 8 marzo 1726 – Londra, 5 agosto 1799) è stato un ammiraglio britannico. Esperto ufficiale della Royal Navy, era il fratello di , morto in combattimento durante la guerra dei sette anni in America, e di William Howe. Esercitò il comando supremo navale delle squadre britanniche nei primi anni della Guerra d'indipendenza americana mentre il fratello minore William Howe guidava il corpo di spedizione terrestre inviato a reprimere la ribellione delle colonie. A causa del fallimento dei piani di guerra del fratello e della mancata efficacia delle misure di blocco navale attivate dalle sue squadre navali, Richard Howe venne richiamato in patria alla fine del 1778. Egli tuttavia conservò la fiducia dei suoi superiori e riprese la direzione di una parte della flotta britannica all'inizio delle guerre rivoluzionarie francesi dove ebbe modo di distinguersi raggiungendo alcuni successi. (it)
- Richard Howe, 1:e earl Howe, född den 8 mars 1726, död den 5 augusti 1799, var en brittisk amiral, bror till William Howe. Howe tog vid 13 års ålder värvning i marinen och tillbragte sin ungdomstid under ständiga resor och strider. Han fick 1744 löjtnantsfullmakt och ärvde 1758 lordskapet efter en broder samt avancerade sedan hastigt till kommendör. Howe blev ledamot av parlamentet 1757, lord av amiralitetet 1765 och avancerade från 1770 genom alla amiralsgraderna. Han blev 1783 förste lord av amiralitetet, 1788 earl och storamiral samt 1795 . Bland Howes många krigsbedrifter märks i synnerhet intagandet av Cherbourg (1758), provianteringen av Gibraltar (1782) trots den överlägsna spansk-franska örlogsflottan, som belägrade fästningen, och den stora segern över franska flottan vid Ouessant 1 juni 1794. Genom sitt välde över matroserna, vilka gav honom smeknamnet "svarte Dick", lyckades han (1797) stilla ett stort myteri på flottan. (sv)
- Richard Howe (ur. 8 marca 1726 w Londynie, zm. 5 sierpnia 1799) – brytyjski admirał, arystokrata i polityk. (pl)
- 第一代何奧伯爵理查德·何奧,KG,PC(英語:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe,1726年3月8日-1799年8月5日),英國海軍軍官及政治家,美國獨立戰爭期間曾為北美和西印度群岛舰队總司令,小皮特首相時期曾任第一海軍大臣。 何奧生於1729年,家世與英國皇庭淵源甚廣。父親第二代何奧子爵伊曼紐爾·何奧曾為英國下議院議員及巴巴多斯總督,母親經常出入英皇喬治二世及喬治三世的宮廷,而外婆更是喬治一世的私生女。伊曼紐爾一共生有三個兒子,分別為長子、次子理查德·何奧、及三子威廉·何奧。何奧兄弟的仕途雖受皇室蔭祐,但三人都是優秀的軍事將領:喬治·何奧受到詹姆斯·沃爾夫推崇,在鐘琴堡戰役前夕陣亡;而威廉·何奧則在美國獨立戰爭時期出任北美英軍總司令。 理查德·何奧年僅13歲,便獲准加入皇家英國海軍,到1744年(18歲)已陞任上尉。接著何奧參與鎮壓1745年詹姆斯黨叛亂,並在奧地利王位繼承戰爭中參與。七年戰爭期間,何奧屢立戰功,更獲得喬治·羅德尼大力讚賞。1758年,何奧從兄長繼承爵位,成為第四代何奧子爵,並在1762獲選為英國下議院議員,同時在英國海軍本部供職。任內何奧推動行政改革,改善海軍水手待遇,同時開發各種新式船艦、火炮、桅桿以及航海技術。1765年何奧曾任職於英國樞密院,並在1770年陞任少將,出任總司令。 美國獨立戰爭爆發後,何奧在1775年陞任中將,並在1776年調任,支援弟弟威廉·何奧的陸軍行動,同時擔任和平使者。理查德·何奧本身同情殖民地的政治理念,並且反對《強制法案》,又與班傑明·富蘭克林有深厚交情,但仍盡忠為英軍服務。他在獨立戰爭期間率先為北美艦隊引進旗號通訊,為海軍艦艇的通訊帶來徹底改革。然而何奧兄弟在戰爭中卻多次被批抨進取不足,而英軍也在獨立戰爭中漸處下風。1778年英國派出新任和平使者後,何奧決定辭職返國,並在離任前夕阻止的法國艦隊攻擊紐波特。 返國後何奧公開反對諾斯勳爵的戰爭政策,並且等到諾斯勳爵下台後才重新出海指揮。1782年何奧獲任命為總司令,在敵眾我寡的情況下,保護地中海的商船返回歐洲,同時成功補給了直布羅陀──該地自1779年6月便開始。戰爭要到1783年英國與法國及西班牙簽訂和約才告結束。 英法戰爭結束後,何奧被首相小皮特任命為第一海軍大臣,但兩人合作並不愉快。1788年何奧辭職,同時獲冊封為第一代何奧伯爵。1790年及1793年,何奧兩次重新指揮海峽艦隊,並在中戰勝法國艦隊。海戰後何奧年老退役,但喬治三世仍准許他保留海峽艦隊總司令的職銜。1797年何奧還運用自己的聲望,平息了皇家海軍的水手叛變。事後何奧更獲授嘉德勳章。 1799年何奧在倫敦病死。由於何奧死後沒有男嗣,何奧伯爵隨即斷絕,至於子爵之位則傳給弟弟威廉·何奧。 (zh)
- Ричард Хау, 1-й граф Хау (также Хоу, или Гоу) (англ. Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe; 8 марта 1726 — 5 августа 1799) — британский адмирал, прославившийся во время Американской войны за независимость и Французских революционных войн. Брат армейского генерала Уильяма Хау. (ru)
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- Channel Fleet
- HMS Glory
- North American Station
- Mediterranean Fleet
- HMS Cornwall
- HMS Dunkirk
- HMS Baltimore
- HMS Dolphin
- HMS Princess Amelia
- HMS Magnanime
- HMS Triton
- HMS Ripon
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- 38069 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cape_Horn
- dbr:Cape_Howe
- dbr:Ammunition
- dbr:Amphibious_warfare
- dbr:Prince_Edward,_Duke_of_York_and_Albany
- dbr:Privateer
- dbr:Samuel_Graves
- dbr:Midshipman
- dbr:Battle_of_Cape_Spartel
- dbr:Battle_of_Cape_St._Vincent_(1780)
- dbr:Battle_of_La_Guaira
- dbr:Battle_of_Quiberon_Bay
- dbr:Battle_of_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Battle_of_Saint_Cast
- dbr:Battles_of_Saratoga
- dbr:Benjamin_Franklin
- dbr:Boston
- dbr:Brest,_France
- dbr:Delaware_River
- dbc:Earls_in_the_Peerage_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:Howe_Sound
- dbr:John_Pitt,_2nd_Earl_of_Chatham
- dbr:John_Singleton_Copley
- dbr:Joseph_Galloway
- dbr:Peerage_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:Penn,_Buckinghamshire
- dbr:Richard_Curzon-Howe,_1st_Earl_Howe
- dbr:Richard_Spry
- dbr:USS_Spitfire_(1776)
- dbr:Ushant
- dbr:Vancouver,_British_Columbia
- dbr:Earl_of_Darlington
- dbr:Sloop-of-war
- dbr:Peerage_of_Ireland
- dbr:Post-captain
- dbr:Commander_(Royal_Navy)
- dbr:Commodore_(Royal_Navy)
- dbr:Massachusetts
- dbr:Mediterranean_Fleet
- dbr:Member_of_Parliament
- dbr:Russia
- dbr:Nor'easter
- dbc:British_MPs_1754–1761
- dbc:Royal_Navy_personnel_of_the_War_of_the_Austrian_Succession
- dbr:Edward_Boscawen
- dbr:Edward_Hawke,_1st_Baron_Hawke
- dbr:Edward_Vernon
- dbr:England
- dbr:Frederick_North,_Lord_North
- dbr:French_Revolutionary_Wars
- dbr:George_Anson,_1st_Baron_Anson
- dbr:George_Brydges_Rodney,_1st_Baron_Rodney
- dbr:George_Howe,_3rd_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:George_I_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:Gibraltar
- dbr:Glorious_First_of_June
- dbr:Gout
- dbr:Great_Siege_of_Gibraltar
- dbr:The_Right_Honourable
- dbr:Staten_Island_Peace_Conference
- dbr:Torbay_Inlet
- dbr:Arms_race
- dbr:Lieutenant_(navy)
- dbr:Lisbon
- dbr:London
- dbr:Long_Island
- dbr:Lord_Howe_Island
- dbr:Luis_de_Córdova_y_Córdova
- dbr:Board_of_Admiralty
- dbr:Ship_of_the_line
- dbr:Siege_of_Fort_Mifflin
- dbr:Siege_of_Yorktown
- dbr:Sir_Charles_Knowles,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Gilbert_Elliot,_3rd_Baronet,_of_Minto
- dbr:Sir_John_Barrow,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Peter_Parker,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:St_Paul's_Cathedral
- dbr:Île-d'Aix
- dbr:Emanuel_Howe,_2nd_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:John_Jeffreys_(1706–1766)
- dbr:Augustus_Keppel,_1st_Viscount_Keppel
- dbr:Baltic_Sea
- dbc:Knights_of_the_Garter
- dbc:People_educated_at_Westminster_School,_London
- dbr:Admiral
- dbr:Admiralty_(United_Kingdom)
- dbc:British_MPs_1761–1768
- dbc:British_MPs_1768–1774
- dbc:Peers_of_Great_Britain_created_by_George_III
- dbc:Royal_Navy_admirals_of_the_fleet
- dbc:Royal_Navy_personnel_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbc:Royal_Navy_personnel_of_the_French_Revolutionary_Wars
- dbc:Royal_Navy_personnel_of_the_Seven_Years'_War
- dbr:Torbay,_Western_Australia
- dbr:War_of_the_Austrian_Succession
- dbr:West_Indies
- dbr:Western_Approaches
- dbr:William_Barrington,_2nd_Viscount_Barrington
- dbr:William_Cavendish-Bentinck,_3rd_Duke_of_Portland
- dbr:William_Howe,_5th_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:William_Petty,_2nd_Earl_of_Shelburne
- dbr:William_Pitt_the_Younger
- dbr:Gale
- dbr:Galley
- dbr:Sixth-rate
- dbr:Action_of_8_June_1755
- dbr:Admiral_of_the_Fleet_(Royal_Navy)
- dbr:Alexander_Hood,_1st_Viscount_Bridport
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Cádiz
- dbr:Dartmouth_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Earl
- dbr:Earl_Howe
- dbr:Eton_College
- dbr:First_Sea_Lord
- dbr:Fort_Mercer
- dbr:Fort_Ticonderoga
- dbr:Baron_Howe
- dbr:Broad_pennant
- dbr:Nootka_Sound
- dbr:North_America_and_West_Indies_Station
- dbr:North_Sea
- dbr:Nottinghamshire
- dbr:Cargo_ship
- dbr:Charlotte_Howe,_Viscountess_Howe
- dbr:Fourth-rate
- dbr:Weather_gage
- dbr:Rear_admiral
- dbr:Richard_Hopkins_(died_1799)
- dbr:HMS_Baltimore_(1742)
- dbr:HMS_Cornwall_(1692)
- dbr:HMS_Dolphin_(1751)
- dbr:HMS_Dunkirk_(1754)
- dbr:HMS_Essex_(1679)
- dbr:HMS_Magnanime_(1748)
- dbr:HMS_Princess_Amelia_(1757)
- dbr:HMS_Rippon_(1712)
- dbr:HMS_Royal_Charles_(1673)
- dbr:HMS_Vigilant_(1777)
- dbr:Isles_of_Scilly
- dbr:Jacobite_rising_of_1745
- dbr:James_Gambier_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Texel
- dbr:Assheton_Curzon,_1st_Viscount_Curzon
- dbc:1799_deaths
- dbc:British_MPs_1774–1780
- dbc:British_MPs_1780–1784
- dbc:1726_births
- dbc:Lords_of_the_Admiralty
- dbr:Channel_Fleet
- dbr:Charles_Cornwallis,_1st_Marquess_Cornwallis
- dbr:Charles_Middleton,_1st_Baron_Barham
- dbr:Charles_Saunders_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Charles_Watson-Wentworth,_2nd_Marquess_of_Rockingham
- dbr:Albemarle_Street
- dbc:First_Sea_Lords_and_Chiefs_of_the_Naval_Staff
- dbr:John_Burgoyne
- dbr:John_Flaxman
- dbr:John_Forbes_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:John_Montagu,_4th_Earl_of_Sandwich
- dbr:Blockade
- dbc:Members_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom_for_Dartmouth
- dbr:Bomb_vessel
- dbr:Philadelphia_campaign
- dbr:Planned_French_invasion_of_Britain_(1759)
- dbr:Portsmouth
- dbr:Spithead_and_Nore_mutinies
- dbr:Fifth-rate
- dbr:Great_Britain_in_the_Seven_Years'_War
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Ireland
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:New_York_and_New_Jersey_campaign
- dbr:Newport,_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Order_of_the_Garter
- dbr:Raid_on_Cherbourg
- dbr:Raid_on_Rochefort
- dbr:Raid_on_St_Malo
- dbr:Seven_Years'_War
- dbr:British_Army_during_the_American_War_of_Independence
- dbr:Member_of_parliament
- dbr:Naval_flag_signalling
- dbr:Sortie
- dbr:Vice_admiral
- dbr:Waller_baronets
- dbr:Third_Sea_Lord
- dbr:Third-rate
- dbr:Sophia_von_Kielmansegg,_Countess_of_Darlington
- dbr:Loyalist_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Point_Judith,_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Knight_of_the_Order_of_the_Garter
- dbr:First-rate
- dbr:First_Lord_of_the_Admiralty
- dbr:Flagship
- dbr:Charles_Brett_(MP)
- dbr:Charles_Hector,_comte_d'Estaing
- dbr:Naval_Gold_Medal
- dbr:Vice-Admiral_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:Viscount_Howe
- dbr:Arthur_Holdsworth
- dbr:Russo-Turkish_War_(1787–92)
- dbr:St_Andrew's_Church,_Langar
- dbr:List_of_Governors_of_Barbados
- dbr:Treasurer_of_the_Navy
- dbr:Robert_Man
- dbr:J._K._Laughton
- dbr:HMS_Sphinx_(1775)
- dbr:Walter_Carey_(MP)
- dbr:Penn_Assheton_Curzon
- dbr:File:Quibcardinaux2.jpg
- dbr:Sophia_Howe,_2nd_Baroness_Howe
- dbr:File:Escadre_de_Richard_Howe_en_vue_de_Gibraltar_1782.jpg
- dbr:File:Loutherbourg-La_Victoire_de_Lord_Howe.jpg
- dbr:File:Die_Anlandung_der_Englischen_Trouppen_zu_Neu_Yorck_(cropped).jpeg
- dbr:File:Lord_Howe_on_the_Deck_of_the_'Queen_Charlotte',_1_June_1794_RMG_L8418.jpg
- dbr:File:Porslin._Medaljong._Vit_figur_mot...useet_-_89089_(cropped)_(cropped).tif
- dbr:File:Thomas_Gainsborough_-_Mary,_Countess_of_Howe_-_WGA08407.jpg
- dbr:HMS_Glory_(1747)
- dbr:HMS_Tryton_(1745)
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- Richard Howe, painted by John Singleton Copley, 1794 (en)
- (en)
- Channel Fleet (en)
- Mediterranean Fleet (en)
- HMS Dolphin (en)
- HMS Baltimore (en)
- HMS Cornwall (en)
- HMS Dunkirk (en)
- HMS Glory (en)
- HMS Magnanime (en)
- HMS Triton (en)
- HMS Princess Amelia (en)
- North American Station (en)
- HMS Ripon (en)
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- 1758 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Mary Hartop (en)
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- Arthur Holdsworth from 1780 (en)
- John Jeffreys to 1766 (en)
- Richard Hopkins 1766–1780 (en)
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- Howe, Richard Howe, Earl (en)
- 1757 (xsd:integer)
- 1758 (xsd:integer)
- 1763 (xsd:integer)
- 1765 (xsd:integer)
- 1770 (xsd:integer)
- 1776 (xsd:integer)
- 1782 (xsd:integer)
- 1783 (xsd:integer)
- 1788 (xsd:integer)
- 1792 (xsd:integer)
- 1796 (xsd:integer)
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- ريتشارد هاو (بالإنجليزية: Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe) (8 مارس 1726 في لندن - 5 أغسطس 1799 في لندن) عسكري، وسياسي من مملكة بريطانيا العظمى. (ar)
- Richard Howe, 1. Earl Howe, KG (* 8. März 1726 in London; † 5. August 1799) war ein britischer Flottenadmiral und Erster Lord der Admiralität. (de)
- Richard Howe, 1.º Conde de Howe (8 de marzo de 1726 - 5 de agosto de 1799) fue un oficial naval británico que alcanzó el rango de Almirante de Flota y que prestó unos notables servicios especialmente durante la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos y las Guerras revolucionarias francesas. Richard Howe era hermano de George y William Howe. (es)
- 初代ハウ伯爵リチャード・ハウ(英: Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe、1726年3月8日 - 1799年8月5日)は、イギリス海軍の提督。初代ハウ伯爵(グレートブリテン貴族)、ガーター勲爵士(KG)。弟のウィリアム・ハウと共にアメリカ独立戦争に従軍し、またフランス革命戦争でも名指揮官の評判を得た。 (ja)
- 제1대 하우 백작 리처드 하우(Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, KG, 1726년 3월 8일 – 1799년 8월 5일)은 영국 해군의 제독이다. 하우 백작(그레이트 브리튼 귀족), 가터 훈장을 받았다. 동생 윌리엄 하우와 함께 미국 독립 전쟁에 종군하였고, 프랑스 혁명 전쟁에서도 지휘관의 명성을 얻었다. (ko)
- Richard Howe (ur. 8 marca 1726 w Londynie, zm. 5 sierpnia 1799) – brytyjski admirał, arystokrata i polityk. (pl)
- Ричард Хау, 1-й граф Хау (также Хоу, или Гоу) (англ. Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe; 8 марта 1726 — 5 августа 1799) — британский адмирал, прославившийся во время Американской войны за независимость и Французских революционных войн. Брат армейского генерала Уильяма Хау. (ru)
- L'Almirall de la Flota Richard Howe, 1r comte Howe, KG (8 de març de 1726 - 5 d'agost de 1799) fou un oficial naval britànic. Després de servir durant tota la Guerra de Successió Austríaca, es va guanyar una reputació pel seu paper en operacions amfíbies contra la costa francesa com a part de la política britànica de descendència naval durant la Guerra dels Set Anys. També va participar, com a capità naval, en la decisiva victòria naval britànica a la , el novembre de 1759. (ca)
- Richard Howe, 1. hrabě Howe, 4. vikomt Howe (Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, 4th Viscount Howe, 4th Baron Howe of Glenawly, 1st Baron Howe of Langar, 6th Baronet Howe of Compton) (8. března 1726, Londýn, Anglie – 5. srpna 1799, Londýn, Anglie) byl britský admirál a úspěšný námořní vojevůdce válek 18. století v Evropě a v koloniích. Pocházel ze šlechtické rodiny, po matce byl spřízněn s hannoverskou dynastií a vzdáleným bratrancem britského krále Jiřího III. Za zásluhy byl v roce 1782 povýšen na hraběte, v letech 1783–1788 byl britským ministrem námořnictva (první lord admirality). V závěru kariéry dosáhl nejvyšší možné hodnosti velkoadmirála (Admiral of the Fleet), 1796) a obdržel Podvazkový řád (1797). Jeho mladší bratr William Howe byl generálem a za války proti USA vrchním velitelem v seve (cs)
- Richard, 1er comte Howe (anglais : Earl Howe), connu sous le nom de Richard Howe puis lord Howe, né le 8 mars 1726 à Londres et mort le 5 août 1799, est un officier de marine de la Royal Navy britannique. Il se distingue en particulier pendant la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis et les guerres de la Révolution française. C’est le frère de William Howe et George Howe. (fr)
- Admiral of the Fleet Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, KG (8 March 1726 – 5 August 1799) was a British naval officer. After serving throughout the War of the Austrian Succession, he gained a reputation for his role in amphibious operations against the French coast as part of Britain's policy of naval descents during the Seven Years' War. He also took part, as a naval captain, in the decisive British naval victory at the Battle of Quiberon Bay in November 1759. Howe later commanded the victorious British fleet during the Glorious First of June in June 1794 during the French Revolutionary Wars. (en)
- Richard Howe (Londra, 8 marzo 1726 – Londra, 5 agosto 1799) è stato un ammiraglio britannico. Esperto ufficiale della Royal Navy, era il fratello di , morto in combattimento durante la guerra dei sette anni in America, e di William Howe. Esercitò il comando supremo navale delle squadre britanniche nei primi anni della Guerra d'indipendenza americana mentre il fratello minore William Howe guidava il corpo di spedizione terrestre inviato a reprimere la ribellione delle colonie. (it)
- Richard Howe, 1:e earl Howe, född den 8 mars 1726, död den 5 augusti 1799, var en brittisk amiral, bror till William Howe. Howe tog vid 13 års ålder värvning i marinen och tillbragte sin ungdomstid under ständiga resor och strider. Han fick 1744 löjtnantsfullmakt och ärvde 1758 lordskapet efter en broder samt avancerade sedan hastigt till kommendör. Howe blev ledamot av parlamentet 1757, lord av amiralitetet 1765 och avancerade från 1770 genom alla amiralsgraderna. Han blev 1783 förste lord av amiralitetet, 1788 earl och storamiral samt 1795 . (sv)
- 第一代何奧伯爵理查德·何奧,KG,PC(英語:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe,1726年3月8日-1799年8月5日),英國海軍軍官及政治家,美國獨立戰爭期間曾為北美和西印度群岛舰队總司令,小皮特首相時期曾任第一海軍大臣。 何奧生於1729年,家世與英國皇庭淵源甚廣。父親第二代何奧子爵伊曼紐爾·何奧曾為英國下議院議員及巴巴多斯總督,母親經常出入英皇喬治二世及喬治三世的宮廷,而外婆更是喬治一世的私生女。伊曼紐爾一共生有三個兒子,分別為長子、次子理查德·何奧、及三子威廉·何奧。何奧兄弟的仕途雖受皇室蔭祐,但三人都是優秀的軍事將領:喬治·何奧受到詹姆斯·沃爾夫推崇,在鐘琴堡戰役前夕陣亡;而威廉·何奧則在美國獨立戰爭時期出任北美英軍總司令。 理查德·何奧年僅13歲,便獲准加入皇家英國海軍,到1744年(18歲)已陞任上尉。接著何奧參與鎮壓1745年詹姆斯黨叛亂,並在奧地利王位繼承戰爭中參與。七年戰爭期間,何奧屢立戰功,更獲得喬治·羅德尼大力讚賞。1758年,何奧從兄長繼承爵位,成為第四代何奧子爵,並在1762獲選為英國下議院議員,同時在英國海軍本部供職。任內何奧推動行政改革,改善海軍水手待遇,同時開發各種新式船艦、火炮、桅桿以及航海技術。1765年何奧曾任職於英國樞密院,並在1770年陞任少將,出任總司令。 (zh)
- ريتشارد هاو (إيرل هاو) (ar)
- Richard Howe (ca)
- Richard Howe, 4. vikomt Howe (cs)
- Richard Howe, 1. Earl Howe (de)
- Richard Howe (es)
- Richard Howe (fr)
- Richard Howe, I conte Howe (it)
- リチャード・ハウ (ja)
- 제1대 하우 백작 리처드 하우 (ko)
- Richard Howe (pl)
- Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe (en)
- Richard Howe (pt)
- Richard Howe, 1:e earl Howe (sv)
- Хау, Ричард (ru)
- 第一代何奧伯爵理查德·何奧 (zh)
- freebase:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- yago-res:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- http://d-nb.info/gnd/122297105
- http://viaf.org/viaf/37796225
- wikidata:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p074808826
- dbpedia-ar:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/ريتشارد_هوى
- dbpedia-ca:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-cs:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-cy:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-de:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-es:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-fa:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-fr:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-it:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-ja:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-ko:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-nn:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-no:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-pl:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-pt:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-ru:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-simple:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-sv:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- dbpedia-zh:Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/34f2w
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- dbr:Cape_Howe
- dbr:Cape_Spartel
- dbr:Robert_Linzee
- dbr:Robert_Stopford_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Roger_Curtis
- dbr:Ross_Donnelly
- dbr:Royal_Hospital_School
- dbr:Samuel_Barrington
- dbr:Samuel_Butcher_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Samuel_Sutton
- dbr:Samuel_Warren_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:England_expects_that_every_man_will_do_his_duty
- dbr:Battle_of_Bull's_Ferry
- dbr:Battle_of_Camperdown
- dbr:Battle_of_Cape_Spartel
- dbr:Battle_of_Monmouth
- dbr:Battle_of_Quiberon_Bay
- dbr:Battle_of_Red_Bank
- dbr:Battle_of_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Battle_of_Saint_Cast
- dbr:Battle_of_Staten_Island
- dbr:Battle_of_Ushant_(1782)
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Saintes
- dbr:Benjamin_Caldwell
- dbr:Benjamin_William_Page
- dbr:Blandford_Camp
- dbr:David_Collins_(lieutenant_governor)
- dbr:David_Milne_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:David_Watson_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:Howe_Sound
- dbr:Hugh_Cloberry_Christian
- dbr:Hugh_Downman
- dbr:Hyde_Parker_(Royal_Navy_officer,_born_1739)
- dbr:John_Pilfold
- dbr:John_Pitt,_2nd_Earl_of_Chatham
- dbr:John_Sullivan_(general)
- dbr:John_Willett_Payne
- dbr:Jonathan_Faulknor_the_elder
- dbr:Joseph_Galloway
- dbr:Joseph_Sydney_Yorke
- dbr:Joshua_Rowley
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1768_British_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1774_British_general_election
- dbr:List_of_knights_and_ladies_of_the_Garter
- dbr:List_of_ministerial_by-elections_to_the_Parliament_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:List_of_plant_genera_named_for_people_(K–P)
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1794
- dbr:Patience_Wright
- dbr:Perseverance-class_frigate
- dbr:Peter_Heywood
- dbr:Richard
- dbr:Richard_Byron_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Richard_Curzon-Howe,_1st_Earl_Howe
- dbr:Richard_Kempenfelt
- dbr:Richard_Lee_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Richard_Rodney_Bligh
- dbr:Richard_Stockton_(Continental_Congressman)
- dbr:Robert_Barlow_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Robert_Calder
- dbr:Robert_Duff_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Robert_Fanshawe_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Robert_Laurie_(engraver)
- dbr:Charles_Brett_(politician)
- dbr:USS_Wasp_(1775)
- dbr:David_Syrett
- dbr:James_Robert_Mosse
- dbr:John_Browne,_1st_Marquess_of_Sligo
- dbr:March_8
- dbr:List_of_islands_named_after_people
- dbr:List_of_military_leaders_in_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:List_of_peers_1780–1789
- dbr:List_of_peers_1790–1799
- dbr:List_of_people_educated_at_Westminster_School
- dbr:List_of_ships_and_sailors_of_the_Royal_Navy
- dbr:1799_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:Conference_House
- dbr:Constantine_Phipps,_2nd_Baron_Mulgrave
- dbr:Cornwallis's_Retreat
- dbr:Maurice_Suckling
- dbr:Mediterranean_Fleet
- dbr:Mediterranean_campaign_of_1798
- dbr:Chesterfield_House,_Westminster
- dbr:Ernest_Slingeneyer
- dbr:Thomas_O'Beirne
- dbr:Timeline_of_Australian_history
- dbr:William_Sibbald
- dbr:1776_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Christopher_Billop
- dbr:Christopher_Billopp_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Edward_Codrington
- dbr:Edward_Curzon,_6th_Earl_Howe
- dbr:Edward_Harvey
- dbr:Edward_Knowles_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Edward_O'Bryen
- dbr:Edward_Rotheram
- dbr:Edward_Thornbrough
- dbr:French_ship_Bretagne_(1766)
- dbr:French_ship_César_(1768)
- dbr:French_ship_Languedoc_(1766)
- dbr:French_ship_Vengeur_du_Peuple
- dbr:Friedrich_Wilhelm_von_Lossberg
- dbr:Frigate_action_of_29_May_1794
- dbr:George_Blagdon_Westcott
- dbr:George_Brydges_Rodney,_1st_Baron_Rodney
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:George_Cranfield_Berkeley
- dbr:George_Eyre
- dbr:George_Howe,_3rd_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:George_Montagu_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:George_Murray_(Royal_Navy_officer,_born_1759)
- dbr:George_Washington_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:George_Wilson_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Glatton_(1762_EIC_ship)
- dbr:Glorious_First_of_June
- dbr:Great_Fire_of_New_York_(1776)
- dbr:Great_Siege_of_Gibraltar
- dbr:Molyneux_Shuldham,_1st_Baron_Shuldham
- dbr:Montagu_Curzon
- dbr:The_Lee
- dbr:Thomas_Gage
- dbr:Thomas_Hurd
- dbr:Thomas_Macdonough
- dbr:Thomas_Mackenzie_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Thomas_Pakenham_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Thomas_Pringle_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Staten_Island_Peace_Conference
- dbr:Order_of_battle_at_the_Glorious_First_of_June
- dbr:Andrew_Doria_(1775_brig)
- dbr:Andrew_Mitchell_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:Andrew_Snape_Douglas
- dbr:Anthony_James_Pye_Molloy
- dbr:Bernard_Michael_Houseal
- dbr:Liberty's_Kids
- dbr:Lions_Bay
- dbr:Lord_Howe_Island
- dbr:Lord_Hugh_Seymour
- dbr:Louis_Thomas_Villaret_de_Joyeuse
- dbr:Lucius_Curtis
- dbr:Siege_of_Fort_Mifflin
- dbr:Sir_Albemarle_Bertie,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Charles_Cotton,_5th_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Charles_Knowles,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Charles_Saxton,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Edward_Hamilton,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_George_Bowyer,_5th_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Graham_Hamond,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Isaac_Coffin,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_John_Duckworth,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Michael_Seymour,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Peter_Parker,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Richard_Bickerton,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Richard_Hughes,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Richard_Onslow,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Richard_Strachan,_6th_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Robert_Howe_Bromley,_3rd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Robert_Kingsmill,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Robert_Laurie,_6th_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_Thomas_Pasley,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_William_Parker,_1st_Baronet,_of_Harburn
- dbr:Sir_William_Parker,_1st_Baronet,_of_Shenstone
- dbr:Staten_Island
- dbr:Emanuel_Howe,_2nd_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:Faulknor_family
- dbr:François_Joseph_Bouvet
- dbr:House_of_Seymour
- dbr:John_Jeffreys_(1706–1766)
- dbr:John_McArthur_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:William_Scott,_1st_Baron_Stowell
- dbr:Maritime_history_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Howe,_Richard
- dbr:Augustus_Keppel,_1st_Viscount_Keppel
- dbr:Britannia_Beach
- dbr:Throggs_Neck
- dbr:Timeline_of_Brest,_France
- dbr:Torbay,_Western_Australia
- dbr:Turtle_(submersible)
- dbr:Walter_Griffith
- dbr:West_Cape_Howe
- dbr:William_Barrington,_2nd_Viscount_Barrington
- dbr:William_Bligh
- dbr:William_Bradley_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:William_Brown_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:William_Cobbett
- dbr:William_Domett
- dbr:William_Hotham,_1st_Baron_Hotham
- dbr:William_Howe,_5th_Viscount_Howe
- dbr:William_Johnstone_Hope
- dbr:William_Peere_Williams-Freeman
- dbr:William_Prowse
- dbr:William_Vincent_(priest)
- dbr:William_Young_(Royal_Navy_officer,_born_1751)
- dbr:HMS_Howe
- dbr:James_Montagu_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:John_Elphinstone
- dbr:List_of_Australian_places_named_by_James_Cook
- dbr:Walter_Carey_(politician)
- dbr:63rd_(Royal_Naval)_Division
- dbr:Action_of_14_September_1779
- dbr:Action_of_6_November_1794
- dbr:Adam_Duncan,_1st_Viscount_Duncan
- dbr:Adam_Mackenzie
- dbr:Admiral-class_battlecruiser
- dbr:Admiral_of_the_Fleet_(Royal_Navy)
- dbr:Admiralty_House,_London
- dbr:Alexander_Hood,_1st_Viscount_Bridport
- dbr:Alexander_Hood_(Royal_Navy_officer,_born_1758)
- dbr:American_Revolution
- dbr:Daniel_Horsmanden
- dbr:Daniel_Orme
- dbr:Dartmouth_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Earl_Howe
- dbr:Evacuation_Day_(New_York)
- dbr:First_Pitt_ministry
- dbr:First_Sea_Lord_and_Chief_of_the_Naval_Staff
- dbr:Francis_Rawdon-Hastings,_1st_Marquess_of_Hastings
- dbr:Francis_Reynolds-Moreton,_3rd_Baron_Ducie
- dbr:Francis_William_Drake
- dbr:Bardengesang_auf_Gibraltar:_O_Calpe!_Dir_donnert's_am_Fuße
- dbr:Brest_Affair
- dbr:British_Army_during_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:North_America_and_West_Indies_Station
- dbr:Carlisle_Peace_Commission
- dbr:Cayetano_Valdés_y_Flores
- dbr:Charlotte_Howe,_Viscountess_Howe
- dbr:Christopher_Heath_(minister)
- dbr:Grand_Jubilee_of_1814
- dbr:History_of_Gibraltar
- dbr:Joseph_Hudson_(tobacconist)
- dbr:List_of_English_people
- dbr:List_of_Great_Britain_by-elections_(1754–1774)
- dbr:List_of_Great_Britain_by-elections_(1774–1790)
- dbr:List_of_Lord_Nelson_class_locomotives
- dbr:List_of_Lords_Commissioners_of_the_Admiralty
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1761_British_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1780_British_general_election
- dbr:List_of_Old_Etonians_born_in_the_18th_century
- dbr:List_of_Privy_Counsellors_(1714–1820)
- dbr:List_of_Royal_Navy_admirals_(1707–current)
- dbr:Pierre_Douville
- dbr:Richard_Hopkins_(died_1799)
- dbr:Richard_Howe
- dbr:Grey's_raid
- dbr:HMS_Active_(1758)
- dbr:HMS_Ardent_(1764)
- dbr:HMS_Babet_(1794)
- dbr:HMS_Barfleur_(1768)
- dbr:HMS_Bellerophon_(1786)
- dbr:HMS_Brunswick_(1790)
- dbr:HMS_Centurion_(1774)
- dbr:HMS_Circe_(1785)
- dbr:HMS_Edgar_(1779)
- dbr:HMS_Foudroyant_(1758)
- dbr:HMS_Howe_(1860)
- dbr:HMS_Howe_(1885)
- dbr:HMS_Howe_(32)
- dbr:HMS_Incendiary_(1782)
- dbr:HMS_Inconstant_(1783)
- dbr:HMS_Latona_(1781)
- dbr:HMS_Magnanime_(1748)
- dbr:HMS_Pallas_(1757)
- dbr:HMS_Pearl_(1762)
- dbr:HMS_Pegasus_(1779)
- dbr:HMS_Polyphemus_(1782)
- dbr:HMS_Queen_(1769)
- dbr:HMS_Queen_Charlotte_(1790)
- dbr:HMS_Raisonnable_(1768)
- dbr:HMS_Ranger_(1787)
- dbr:HMS_Roebuck_(1774)
- dbr:HMS_Royal_George_(1756)
- dbr:HMS_Royal_Sovereign_(1786)
- dbr:HMS_Russell_(1764)
- dbr:HMS_Sans_Pareil_(1794)
- dbr:HMS_Speedwell_(1780)
- dbr:HMS_Speedy_(1782)
- dbr:HMS_St_Albans_(1764)
- dbr:HMS_Sultan_(1775)
- dbr:HMS_Thames_(1758)
- dbr:HMS_Victory
- dbr:HMS_Vigilant_(1777)
- dbr:HM_galley_Pigot
- dbr:Harbor_Defenses_of_New_York
- dbr:Henry_Harvey
- dbr:Henry_Lidgbird_Ball
- dbr:Henry_Somerset,_9th_Duke_of_Beaufort
- dbr:Henry_Trollope
- dbr:Herbert_Sawyer_(Royal_Navy_officer,_died_1798)
- dbr:Admiral_Howe_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Isaac_Schomberg
- dbr:James_Bowen_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:James_Brisbane
- dbr:James_Coutts_Crawford
- dbr:James_Frederick_Lyon
- dbr:James_Gambier,_1st_Baron_Gambier
- dbr:James_Gambier_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:James_Gordon_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:James_Hawkins-Whitshed
- dbr:James_Malcolm_(Royal_Marines_officer)
- dbr:James_Newman-Newman
- dbr:James_Walker_(Royal_Navy_officer)
- dbr:The_Adams_Chronicles
is dbp:after
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is dbp:minister
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