- للاطلاع على الألبوم، انظر خارج الطباعة خارج الطباعة تعتبر العنصر أو العمل غير المطبوع أو بند التجارة أو العمل مثل: الكتاب، هو شيئًا لم يعد يتم نشره. ينطبق هذا المصطلح على جميع أنواع المواد المطبوعة والوسائط المرئية وتسجيلات الفيديو. (ar)
- An out-of-print (OOP) or out-of-commerce item or work is something that is no longer being published. The term applies to all types of printed matter, visual media, sound recordings, and video recordings. An out-of-print book is a book that is no longer being published. The term can apply to specific editions of more popular works, which may then go in and out of print repeatedly, or to the sole printed edition of a work, which is not picked up again by any future publishers for reprint. Most works that have ever been published are out of print at any given time, while certain highly popular books, such as the Bible, are always "in print". Less popular out-of-print books are often rare and may be difficult to acquire unless scanned or electronic copies of the books are available. With the advent of book scanning, and print-on-demand technology, fewer and fewer works are now considered truly out of print. A publisher creates a print run of a fixed number of copies of a new book. Print runs for most modern books number in the thousands. These books can be ordered in bulk by booksellers, and when all the bookseller's copies are sold, the bookseller has the option to order additional copies. If the initial print run sells out and demand still exists, the publisher will have more copies printed, if possible. When the book is no longer selling either at a rate fast enough to pay for the inventory or stock costs, or to justify another print run, the publisher will cease to print additional copies, and may remainder or pulp the remaining unsold copies. When all of the books in a print run have been sold to booksellers, the book is said to be "out of print", meaning that a bookseller cannot get any further copies from the publisher. If a book sells out unexpectedly quickly, it may be considered out of print briefly when its initial print run is exhausted, but is usually soon reprinted. Publishers may choose to list a book as "out of stock indefinitely", instead of declaring it out of print, as the publisher may have to give up copyright when declaring it out of print. Publishers will often let a book go out of stock for long periods, then reprint the book, usually with a new cover and formatting, to catch the presumably built up demand for the book. The author or their estate may have copyright reverted to them once the publisher has declared it out of print. The longer a book has been out of print, the more difficult it may be to obtain a copy. If there is enough demand for an out-of-print book, and all copyright issues can be resolved, another publisher may republish the book in the same manner as the original publisher might have reprinted it. In some cases, an out-of-print book, even one that sold very poorly, may be republished if the author becomes popular again. A reader who wishes to purchase an out-of-print book must either find a bookseller that still has a copy, wait for another print run, or find someone who will sell their own copy as a used book. The advent of the Internet has made this process much easier, as many websites sell used books offered by bookstores and individuals. Some publishers intentionally limit the print run of some or all titles to fewer copies than the anticipated demand, in creating limited editions marketed to collectors. In these cases, there is an implicit or explicit promise to collectors that the book will not be reprinted, at least in the same form as originally published. For instance, Madonna's book Sex, with a limited edition print run, was the most requested out-of-print book from 2011 to 2015 in BookFinder.com and remains as one of the most in-demand out-of-print publications of all time according to Barry Walters from Rolling Stone. (en)
- 絶版(ぜっぱん、ぜつばん)とは、書物を重版しなくなること。 音楽・映像ソフトにおける「廃盤(はいばん)」に相当する。また工業製品一般の製造終了については、台帳から製品番号(品番)を抹消することから「廃番(はいばん)」と呼んで区別する。ただしこの3つの言葉は意味や発音が類似するため、一般には厳密に区別せず混用されている場合も多い。 (ja)
- 絕版是不再出版的產品,如絕版的桌上遊戲、書籍、唱片、紅酒、貨幣、版畫、郵票、手工藝及藝術品等。常見的絕版原因是停產、限量發行(預算不足、限縮主打客群或飢餓行銷)、物料短缺、版權限制、法例規定、及製作科技更新、失傳等。 絕版商品有些是因為缺乏買家,所以上游決定停產;也有些是以上原因,現存版本成為絕版,奇貨可居。 (zh)
- للاطلاع على الألبوم، انظر خارج الطباعة خارج الطباعة تعتبر العنصر أو العمل غير المطبوع أو بند التجارة أو العمل مثل: الكتاب، هو شيئًا لم يعد يتم نشره. ينطبق هذا المصطلح على جميع أنواع المواد المطبوعة والوسائط المرئية وتسجيلات الفيديو. (ar)
- 絶版(ぜっぱん、ぜつばん)とは、書物を重版しなくなること。 音楽・映像ソフトにおける「廃盤(はいばん)」に相当する。また工業製品一般の製造終了については、台帳から製品番号(品番)を抹消することから「廃番(はいばん)」と呼んで区別する。ただしこの3つの言葉は意味や発音が類似するため、一般には厳密に区別せず混用されている場合も多い。 (ja)
- 絕版是不再出版的產品,如絕版的桌上遊戲、書籍、唱片、紅酒、貨幣、版畫、郵票、手工藝及藝術品等。常見的絕版原因是停產、限量發行(預算不足、限縮主打客群或飢餓行銷)、物料短缺、版權限制、法例規定、及製作科技更新、失傳等。 絕版商品有些是因為缺乏買家,所以上游決定停產;也有些是以上原因,現存版本成為絕版,奇貨可居。 (zh)
- An out-of-print (OOP) or out-of-commerce item or work is something that is no longer being published. The term applies to all types of printed matter, visual media, sound recordings, and video recordings. An out-of-print book is a book that is no longer being published. The term can apply to specific editions of more popular works, which may then go in and out of print repeatedly, or to the sole printed edition of a work, which is not picked up again by any future publishers for reprint. (en)