- The Yu-Gi-Oh! series features an extensive cast of characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. The series takes place in a fictional city in Japan called Domino City, in which most of the characters that appear in the series originate. Many plot elements are also influenced by Egypt and Egyptian mythology, and as such, Egyptian characters also appear within the story. The original manga of Yu-Gi-Oh! tells the tale of Yugi Mutou, a timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, but is often bullied around. One day, he solves an ancient artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle, causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler. From that moment onwards, whenever Yugi or one of his friends is threatened by those with darkness in their hearts, this "Dark Yugi" shows himself and challenges them to dangerous "Shadow Games" which reveal the true nature of someone's heart, the losers of these contests often being subjected to a dark punishment called a "Penalty Game". As the series progresses, Yugi and his friends (Katsuya Jonouchi, Anzu Mazaki, Hiroto Honda, Miho Nosaka (in the 1998 series), and later Ryo Bakura) learn that this other Yugi inside of his puzzle is actually the spirit of a nameless Pharaoh from Egyptian times who had lost his memories. As Yugi and his companions attempted to help the Pharaoh regain his memories, they find themselves going through many trials as they wager their lives facing off against others that wield the mysterious Millennium Items and the dark power of the Shadow Games. The Japanese names in Western order (given name before family name) and English manga names are listed first and the English anime names are listed second, when applicable. (en)
- Cette liste détaille les personnages de l'univers du manga Yu-Gi-Oh! créé par Kazuki Takahashi. (fr)
- Berikut ini adalah daftar karakter utama dari manga Yu-Gi-Oh! dan seri pertama Yu-Gi-Oh! anime dan Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster (dikenal di luar Jepang hanya sebagai Yu-Gi-Oh!) Anime. Nama-nama Jepang dalam urutan Barat (diberi nama sebelum nama keluarga) yang terdaftar pertama dan nama anime Inggris terdaftar kedua, ketika berlaku. (in)
- 遊☆戯☆王の登場人物(ゆうぎおうのとうじょうじんぶつ)は、高橋和希による漫画『遊☆戯☆王』に登場する架空の人物の一覧である。アニメ版二作品『遊☆戯☆王』、『遊☆戯☆王デュエルモンスターズ』に登場したアニメオリジナルキャラクターに関しては遊☆戯☆王の登場人物 (アニメオリジナル)を参照。 (ja)
- Dit is een lijst van personages uit de manga en animefranchise Yu-Gi-Oh!. De lijst bevat de personages uit de originele manga en de hierop gebaseerde animatieseries en films. (nl)
- Questa è la lista dei personaggi che appaiono nella serie manga e anime Yu-Gi-Oh!. (it)
- 遊戲王系列角色列表是日本漫画家高橋和希所著的漫画作品《遊戲王》及改編的动画《遊戲王》、《遊戲王-怪獸之決鬥》所登場的角色一覽。原作漫畫曾經改編成兩部動畫、且都進行了相當多的原創劇情,因此配音員部份、若無特別標明則為動畫版第二作的配音員。 (zh)