- The Javan elephant (Elephas maximus sondaicus) was proposed by Paules Edward Pieris Deraniyagala in 1953, based on an illustration of a carving on the Buddhist monument of Borobudur in Java. He thought that the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) had indeed existed on the island and had gone extinct. It may be considered synonymous with the Sumatran elephant (E. maximus sumatranus). Fossils of the Asian elephant have been found in Pleistocene deposits on Java. The question of when elephants became extinct on Java is unsettled. Chinese chronicles contemporary with the period of Hindu influence in Java recorded that Javan kings rode on elephants, and that Java exported ivory to China. As elephants were, at least occasionally, transported by ship, it is possible that the elephants in Java during the period of Hindu influence had been imported from India. A tradition in the northeastern part of Borneo holds that the Borneo elephants that currently live in the wild there, and the elephants that formerly lived in the wild on the neighboring island of Sulu, are descended from elephants from Java that were presented by the "Raja of Java" (perhaps, the leader of Majapahit) to Rajah Baguinda of Sulu at the end of the 14th century. Another tradition holds that elephants were presented to the Sultan of Sulu by the East India Company in 1750. The lack of a fossil record of elephants on Borneo has been cited as support for the theory that elephants have been recently introduced to Borneo. Fernando, et al., found that the elephants on Borneo have been genetically isolated from other Asian elephant populations for approximately 300,000 years, and, assuming that any elephants introduced into Borneo by the East India Company were from India, Sumatra, or peninsular Malaya, concluded that the elephants in Borneo are indigenous, representing a colonization during the Pleistocene. The Earl of Cranbrook, et al. conclude that either an indigenous occupation of Borneo since the Pleistocene, or a recent introduction from Java, are plausible for the origin for the Borneo elephants. If the Borneo elephants are descended from Javan elephants, then the Javan elephants presumably would have also been genetically distinct from other Asian elephant populations. (en)
- Gajah jawa (Elephas maximus sondaicus) diusulkan oleh Paules Edward Pieris Deraniyagala pada tahun 1953, berdasarkan ilustrasi ukiran pada monumen Buddha candi Borobudur di Jawa. Dia mengira gajah Asia (Elephas maximus) memang pernah ada di pulau itu dan telah punah. Mungkin dianggap identik dengan gajah sumatera (E. maximus sumatranus). Fosil gajah Asia telah ditemukan pada endapan Pleistosen di Jawa. Pertanyaan tentang kapan gajah punah di Jawa tidak terjawab. Kronik Cina sezaman dengan masa pengaruh Hindu di Jawa mencatat bahwa raja-raja Jawa menunggangi gajah, dan bahwa Jawa mengekspor gading ke Cina. Karena gajah, setidaknya kadang-kadang diangkut dengan kapal, ada kemungkinan bahwa gajah di Jawa pada masa pengaruh Hindu didatangkan dari India. Sebuah tradisi di bagian timur laut Kalimantan menyatakan bahwa gajah Kalimantan yang saat ini hidup di alam liar di sana, dan gajah yang dulunya hidup di alam liar di pulau tetangga Sulu, adalah keturunan gajah dari Jawa yang dihadirkan oleh "Raja Jawa" (mungkin, pemimpin Majapahit) kepada Rajah Baguinda dari Sulu pada akhir abad ke-14. Tradisi lain menyatakan bahwa gajah disajikan kepada Sultan Sulu oleh East India Company pada tahun 1750. Kurangnya catatan fosil gajah di Kalimantan telah dikutip sebagai dukungan untuk teori bahwa gajah baru-baru ini diperkenalkan ke Kalimantan. Fernando, et al., menemukan bahwa gajah-gajah di Kalimantan telah diisolasi secara genetik dari populasi gajah Asia lainnya selama kurang lebih 300.000 tahun, dan, dengan asumsi bahwa setiap gajah yang dimasukkan ke Kalimantan oleh East India Company berasal dari India, Sumatra, atau Semenanjung Malaya, menyimpulkan bahwa gajah di Kalimantan adalah asli, mewakili kolonisasi selama Pleistosen. Earl of Cranbrook, dkk. menyimpulkan bahwa baik pendudukan asli Borneo sejak Pleistosen, atau introduksi baru-baru ini dari Jawa, masuk akal untuk asal usul gajah Borneo. Jika gajah Kalimantan adalah keturunan dari gajah Jawa, maka kemungkinan besar gajah Jawa juga secara genetik berbeda dari populasi gajah Asia lainnya. (in)
- L'elefante di Giava (Elephas maximus sondaicus Deraniyagala, 1950) è un'antica sottospecie di elefante asiatico vissuta nell'isola di Giava ed ora estinta. La sottospecie è stata classificata nel 1950 dopo le supposizioni del paleontologo e zoologo singalese Paul E. P. Deraniyagala, che ne indicò a modello gli elefanti rappresentati nei bassorilievi dell'VIII-IX secolo del tempio buddhista indonesiano di Borobudur. Daranyagala sottolineò le particolarità che distinguevano tali bassorilievi dalle altre sottospecie sino ad allora conosciute di elefante asiatico, e descrisse l'animale come un essere zannuto di dimensioni normali. (it)