- 173.06 (dbd:squareKilometre)
- Faial (en portuguès Ilha do Faial, 'illa de la fageda') és la cinquena illa més gran de l'arxipèlag de les Açores, Portugal. La seva capital és Horta. La població és de 15.476 hab. L'àrea és de 173 km². L'illa, d'origen volcànic, alberga un dels museus amb les millors tecnologies i recursos sobre els volcans. Es troba en la Ponta dos Capelinhos, zona on l'any 57-58 van emergir, a conseqüència d'una erupció, terres noves. Recorda un paisatge de la lluna. (ca)
- Faial je ostrov v Atlantském oceánu, součást portugalského zámořského území Azory. Je nejzápadnějším ostrovem centrální azorské skupiny (Grupo Central) a s rozlohou 173 km² pátým největším z Azorských ostrovů. Žije na něm okolo 15 000 obyvatel, téměř polovina z nich v hlavním městě . Tvoří jednu obec, rozdělenou na třináct farností: Angústias, Capelo, Castelo Branco, Cedros, Conceição, Feteira, Flamengos, Matriz, Praia do Almoxarife, Pedro Miguel, Praia do Norte, Ribeirinha a Salão. Ostrov má letiště a stanici podmořského kabelu, přístav v Hortě je často využíván jachtaři. (cs)
- Faial ist die fünftgrößte Insel der portugiesischen Inselgruppe der Azoren. Sie wird wegen der vielen blauen Hortensienhecken auch Ilha Azul (dt.: „blaue Insel“) genannt. Faial spielte von jeher eine besondere Rolle, ob als Zwischenstation der frühen Transatlantikflüge, ob als Zentrum für die Telekommunikation zwischen Europa und Amerika oder als wichtiger Yachthafen. (de)
- Το Φαϊάλ (πορτογαλικά: Faial) είναι νησί στον Ατλαντικό που ανήκει στην Πορτογαλία και συγκεκριμένα στο νησιωτικό σύμπλεγμα των Αζορών. Έχει έκταση 173,1 τ.χλμ. και 15.038 κατοίκους σύμφωνα με την απογραφή του 2011. Πρωτεύουσα του νησιού είναι η πόλη Όρτα με 6.400 κατοίκους (2001). (el)
- Faial Island (Portuguese pronunciation: [fɐˈjaɫ]), also known in English as Fayal, is a Portuguese island of the Central Group (Portuguese: Grupo Central) of the Azores. The Capelinhos Volcano, the westernmost point of the island, may be considered the westernmost point of Europe, if the Monchique Islet, near Flores Island, is considered part of North America, for it sits on the North American Plate. Its largest town is Horta. With its nearest neighbours, Pico (east across the channel) and São Jorge (northeast across the channel), it forms an area commonly known as the Triângulo (English: Triangle). The island has also been referred to as the Ilha Azul (English: Blue Island), derived from the writings of Portuguese poet Raul Brandão, due to the large quantity of hydrangeas that bloom during the summer months: "The man that had the idea to border the road with these plants should have a statue on the island. In no other place do they prosper better: they need a covering of light, humidity and heat...they are in their place. Their blue is the blue that adorns the Azores on lipid days...this is a blue that is even more blue, the bunches of flowers of a colour more intense and fresh. They are in every direction: rising along the roads and the fields, forming hedges; they serve to divide the plots and to cover the peaceful animals." — Raul Brandão, As Ilhas Desconhecidas (1926), p.33 (en)
- La isla de Fayal (en portugués: Faial) es la quinta isla más grande del archipiélago de las Azores, Portugal. Su capital es Horta. (es)
- Faial uhartea Azoreetako (Portugal) erdialdeko uhartea da, 173 km²-ko azalera daukana eta 2001ean 14.875 biztanle zituena. “Ilha Azul” (Uharte urdina) ezizena ematen zaio. (eu)
- Faial (en portugais : Ilha do Faial) est une île volcanique faisant partie du groupe central de l'archipel des Açores. Sa superficie est de 173 km2. Le sommet de l’île, le Cabeço Gordo, culmine à 1 043 mètres d’altitude et surplombe une caldeira de deux kilomètres de diamètre et de 400 mètres de profondeur. La ville principale de l’île est Horta. L’île la plus proche est Pico située à 6,1 kilomètres à l'est-sud-est. (fr)
- Pulau Faial adalah sebuah pulau di kepulauan Azores, Portugal. Gunung berapi , titik paling barat dari pulau itu, mungkin juga menjadi titik paling barat di Eropa, jika , dekat Pulau Flores, dianggap sebagai bagian dari Amerika Utara, karena ia berada di Lempeng Amerika Utara. Pada tahun 2001, pulau ini memiliki jumlah penduduk sebanyak 14.875 jiwa dan memiliki luas wilayah 173,06 km². (in)
- 파이알섬(포르투갈어: Ilha do Faial)은 포르투갈령 아소르스 제도의 섬 중 하나이다. 인구는 약 15,000명이며, 가장 높은 지점은 해발 1043m인 이다. 산 정상에는 칼데라가 있다. 아소르스 자치 지방의 입법 수도인 오르타가 파이알섬의 최대도시다. (ko)
- Faial è un'isola dell'arcipelago delle Azzorre con una superficie di 173 km². L'isola è anche chiamata Ilha Azul, l'"isola azzurra", dal poeta Raul Brandão a causa della grande quantità di ortensie presenti sull'isola. La popolazione ammonta a circa 15.000 abitanti, capoluogo dell'isola è il comune di Horta composto da 13 freguesias. L'isola ha origine vulcanica, il punto più elevato è il (1043 m s.l.m.) la cui caldera ha un diametro di due chilometri ed è profonda circa 500 m. Il Capelinhos, vulcano monogenetico situato nell'estremo ovest dell'isola, può essere considerato anche come l'estremo punto occidentale del continente europeo: infatti l'isola di Flores (con l'isolotto del Monchique), situata 220 km a nordovest, benché politicamente parte delle Azzorre, sorge sul lato sinistro della dorsale medio atlantica, il che la rende geograficamente nordamericana. Essendo a sua volta particolarmente prossima alla dorsale, Faial è soggetta a violente eruzioni vulcaniche. Nell'anno 1672 una grande eruzione causò la morte di diverse persone, mentre l'attività più recente risale al periodo tra il dicembre 1957 e il maggio 1958, quando un'eruzione provocò l'ampliamento della superficie dell'isola di circa 2,4 km², formando la Ponta dos Capelinhos. Nel 1998 un forte terremoto ha colpito l'isola creando diversi danni nei centri abitati. (it)
- Faial (Portugees: Ilha do Faial) is een Portugees eiland dat gelegen is in het centrale gedeelte van de Azoren. (nl)
- ファイアル島(Ilha do Faial)はポルトガルのアゾレス諸島にあり、アゾレス諸島を構成する9の島の1つ。 カンラン石の一種(Fayalite)は本島で発見されたことにちなみ命名された。 (ja)
- Faial (od drzewka Myrica Faya Aiton z rodziny woskownicowatych, porastającego obficie okolicę) – portugalska wyspa wulkaniczna w centralnej części zaliczanego do Makaronezji archipelagu azorskiego, położona naprzeciw charakterystycznego stratowulkanu Pico, oddzielonego od niej cieśniną o średniej szerokości 3 km, w której dużą atrakcję turystyczną stanowią obecnie liczne delfiny zwyczajne, sejwale i kaszaloty. Powierzchnia wyspy wynosi 173 km², a jej przeciętne wymiary to 20 km długości i 25 km szerokości. Najwyższy punkt stanowi wierzchołek Cabeço Gordo (dosłownie Gruba Głowa), wznoszący się na wysokość 1043 m n.p.m. Spośród lokalnych wydarzeń historycznych na uwagę zasługuje stosunkowo duża liczba flamandzkich osadników, którzy zasiedlali wyspę począwszy od XV wieku, oraz erupcja Vulcão dos Capelinhos z 1957 roku, w wyniku której powierzchnia wyspy zwiększyła się o niecałe 1,5 km². Stolicą Faial jest miasteczko Horta, skupiające 6636 z niecałych 15 tysięcy aktualnych mieszkańców wyspy - jest to zarazem popularne miejsce postoju dla jachtów, przemierzających Atlantyk. Ludność wyspy zajmuje hodowlą bydła oraz uprawą winorośli i kukurydzy. (pl)
- Фаял (порт. Faial) — один из 9 населённых островов Азорского архипелага (Португалия), вместе с островами Грасиоза, Пику, Сан-Жоржи и Терсейра входит в центральную группу Азорских островов. (ru)
- Faial är en portugisisk ö som tillhör ögruppen Azorerna cirka 1 500 km väster om Portugal i Atlanten. Tillsammans med Pico, Terceira, São Jorge och Graciosa tillhör den centrala gruppen i Azorerna. Det är på Faial som sammanträder sedan 1990, men där finns även en viktig del i Azorernas universitet. Det är i huvudstaden som institutet för oceanografi, fiske och friskvård ligger. (sv)
- A ilha do Faial situa-se no extremo ocidental do Grupo Central do arquipélago dos Açores, separada da ilha do Pico por um estreito braço de mar com de 8,3 km (ou 4,5 milhas náuticas) de largura, conhecido por canal do Faial. A ilha tem a forma aproximada de um pentágono irregular, com 21 km de comprimento no sentido leste-oeste e uma largura máxima de 14 km, a que corresponde uma área de 172,43 km². A população residente é de 14 356 habitantes (2021), a maioria dos quais na Horta, cidade onde se localiza o parlamento açoriano e sede do único concelho da ilha. O clima é temperado oceânico, com temperaturas médias anuais do ar que oscilam entre os 13 °C no Inverno e os 22 °C no Verão, com frequentes vendavais e uma humidade relativa do ar em média acima dos 79%. A ilha é servida pelo Aeroporto da Horta, com ligações aéreas regulares para as restantes ilhas e para o exterior do arquipélago. O Porto da Horta foi um importante entreposto nas ligações marítimas e aéreas (hidroaviões) e por cabo submarino no Atlântico Norte, mantendo uma actividade relevante como porto comercial e local de escala de iates nas travessias entre o continente americano e a Europa. A ilha é localmente conhecida por ilha Azul, designação que foi popularizada a partir da descrição de Raul Brandão em Ilhas Desconhecidas. O Vulcão dos Capelinhos, extremo Oeste da ilha, pode ser considerado também o extremo Oeste da Europa caso o Ilhéu de Monchique, nas Flores, seja considerado parte da América insular uma vez que assenta na Placa Norte-Americana. (pt)
- О́стрів Фая́л (порт. Ilha do Faial, МФА: [ˈi.ʎɐ du faj.ˈaɫ], «Буковий») — вулканічний острів у північній частині Атлантичного океану. Складова Азорського архіпелагу. Володіння Португалії, автономного регіону Азорські острови. Один із 9 заселених островів архіпелагу. На території острова розташований муніципалітет Орта. Разом із островами Грасіоза, Піку, Сан-Жорже та Терсейра належить до Центральної групи Азорських островів. Площа — 172,43 км². Населення — 15063 осіб (2001). (uk)
- 法亞爾島是葡萄牙的火山島,位於大西洋海域,屬於亞速群島的一部分,長21.2公里、寬16.29公里,面積173.06平方公里,最高點海拔高度1,043米,人口約10,500。 (zh)
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- 173060000.000000 (xsd:double)
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- 14334 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- 46819 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cabeço_Gordo
- dbr:Caldeira_Volcano
- dbr:Capelinhos
- dbr:Capelo
- dbr:Carmelites
- dbr:Castelo_Branco_(Horta)
- dbr:Praia_do_Almoxarife
- dbr:Praia_do_Norte
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Portugal
- dbr:Salão
- dbr:European_Plate
- dbr:1926_Horta_earthquake
- dbr:Brazil
- dbr:Deported
- dbr:António_José_de_Ávila,_1st_Duke_of_Ávila_and_Bolama
- dbr:António_José_de_Ávila,_2nd_Marquis_of_Ávila_and_Bolama
- dbr:Horta,_Azores
- dbr:Horta_Airport
- dbr:Hydrangea
- dbr:José_de_Almeida_de_Ávila
- dbr:Pedro_Miguel
- dbr:Ribeirinha_(Horta)
- dbr:Robert_Devereux,_2nd_Earl_of_Essex
- dbr:Dairy
- dbr:Conceição_(Horta)
- dbr:Conquest_of_the_Azores
- dbr:Corvo_Island
- dbr:Ana_Luís
- dbr:Mass_(liturgy)
- dbr:Massachusetts
- dbr:Matriz_(Horta)
- dbr:Mediterranean_climate
- dbr:Oceanic_climate
- dbc:Faial_Island
- dbr:Elizabeth_of_Portugal
- dbr:Gaspar_Frutuoso
- dbr:George_Clifford,_3rd_Earl_of_Cumberland
- dbr:Great_Britain
- dbr:Monchique_Islet
- dbr:NOAA
- dbr:Condor_seamount
- dbc:Islands_of_the_Azores
- dbc:Mountains_of_Portugal
- dbr:Erdapfel
- dbr:Martin_Behaim
- dbr:IPMA
- dbr:Angústias
- dbr:Liberal_Wars
- dbr:Caldera
- dbc:Calderas_of_Portugal
- dbr:Fruit
- dbr:Josse_van_Huerter
- dbr:Franciscan
- dbr:Pedro_IV_of_Portugal
- dbr:Poet
- dbr:Horta_(Azores)
- dbr:Azores
- dbr:Cedros_(Horta)
- dbr:Cereal
- dbr:Whale
- dbr:Action_of_Faial
- dbr:Earthquake
- dbr:East_Indies
- dbr:Europe
- dbr:Fayalite
- dbr:Feteira_(Horta)
- dbr:First_Portuguese_Republic
- dbr:Flamengos
- dbr:Flanders
- dbr:Flores_Island_(Azores)
- dbr:France
- dbr:North_America
- dbr:North_American_Plate
- dbr:Oxford_University_Press
- dbr:Cattle
- dbr:Cinco_Chagas
- dbr:Diogo_de_Teive
- dbr:Myrica_faya
- dbr:Potato
- dbr:Grotto
- dbr:Isabella_of_Portugal,_Duchess_of_Burgundy
- dbr:Isatis_tinctoria
- dbr:Island
- dbr:Isthmus
- dbr:James_Cook
- dbr:Teresa_Madruga
- dbr:Humid_subtropical_climate
- dbr:Atlantic_Ocean
- dbc:Stratovolcanoes_of_Portugal
- dbr:John_F._Kennedy
- dbr:São_Jorge_Island
- dbr:Wine
- dbr:Diurnal_temperature_variation
- dbr:Manuel_de_Arriaga
- dbr:Pico_Island
- dbr:Pirate
- dbr:Portugal
- dbr:Portuguese_Marine_Corps
- dbr:Portuguese_language
- dbr:Portuguese_people
- dbr:Spain
- dbr:Faial_Nature_Park
- dbr:Infanta
- dbr:Insolation
- dbr:Ocean_City,_Maryland
- dbr:Olivine
- dbr:Catalan_Atlas
- dbr:Raul_Brandão
- dbr:Meat
- dbr:Valentim_Fernandes
- dbr:Volcano
- dbr:Gulf_Stream
- dbr:UTC−01:00
- dbr:Scrimshaw
- dbr:Willem_van_der_Haegen
- dbr:List_of_volcanoes_in_Azores
- dbr:Nantes,_France
- dbr:Ascension_Day
- dbr:President_of_the_Legislative_Assembly_of_the_Azores
- dbr:File:American_privateer_"General_Armstrong"_Capt._Sam._C._Reid_-_lith._
- dbr:File:Capelinhos_Volcano_in_Faial_Island_(21508142443).jpg
- dbr:File:Dragoeiros,_Dracaena_draco,_Jardi...ilha_do_Faial,_Açores,_Portugal_1.JPG
- dbr:File:FaialAzoresNorte.JPG
- dbr:File:Igreja_de_Nossa_Senhora_da_Ajuda,...,_ilha_do_Faial,_Açores,_Portugal.JPG
- dbr:File:Manuel_de_Arriaga_-_Fotografia_Vasques.png
- dbr:File:Morro_do_Castelo_Branco,_Faial_-_Açores.jpg
- dbr:File:Old_shipping_days_in_Boston_(1918)_(14781040371).jpg
- dbr:File:Praia_do_Almoxarife,_areal,_Conce...,_ilha_do_Faial,_Açores,_Portugal.JPG
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- 79 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 12.200000 (xsd:double)
- 12.500000 (xsd:double)
- 14.800000 (xsd:double)
- 14.900000 (xsd:double)
- 63.400000 (xsd:double)
- 71.400000 (xsd:double)
- 21.100000 (xsd:double)
- 21.700000 (xsd:double)
- 4.800000 (xsd:double)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
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- 25.300000 (xsd:double)
- 25.500000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 19.300000 (xsd:double)
- 19.400000 (xsd:double)
- 22.300000 (xsd:double)
- 22.400000 (xsd:double)
- 54.500000 (xsd:double)
- 66.800000 (xsd:double)
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- 81 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
- 13 (xsd:integer)
- 13.100000 (xsd:double)
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- 111.100000 (xsd:double)
- 122.900000 (xsd:double)
- 20.800000 (xsd:double)
- 21.500000 (xsd:double)
- 5.300000 (xsd:double)
- 5.600000 (xsd:double)
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- Radar image of Faial Island next to Pico and São Jorge islands (en)
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- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 16.200000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
- 11.400000 (xsd:double)
- 11.500000 (xsd:double)
- 13.700000 (xsd:double)
- 13.900000 (xsd:double)
- 94 (xsd:integer)
- 117.800000 (xsd:double)
- 20.200000 (xsd:double)
- 21.200000 (xsd:double)
- 4.600000 (xsd:double)
- 4.900000 (xsd:double)
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- Island of Faial, as seen from the summit of the island of Pico (en)
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- FAI Faial Island.JPG (en)
- 16.400000 (xsd:double)
- 16.600000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 12.100000 (xsd:double)
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- 90 (xsd:integer)
- 95.300000 (xsd:double)
- 19.700000 (xsd:double)
- 20.400000 (xsd:double)
- 4.300000 (xsd:double)
- 4.800000 (xsd:double)
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- 24.200000 (xsd:double)
- 24.300000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 81 (xsd:integer)
- 18.300000 (xsd:double)
- 18.500000 (xsd:double)
- 21.200000 (xsd:double)
- 21.400000 (xsd:double)
- 33.500000 (xsd:double)
- 34 (xsd:integer)
- 27.600000 (xsd:double)
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- 13.900000 (xsd:double)
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- 21.200000 (xsd:double)
- 21.400000 (xsd:double)
- 81 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
- 16 (xsd:integer)
- 16.200000 (xsd:double)
- 18.600000 (xsd:double)
- 18.800000 (xsd:double)
- 47.200000 (xsd:double)
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- 25.200000 (xsd:double)
- 26.900000 (xsd:double)
- 10.500000 (xsd:double)
- 11.800000 (xsd:double)
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- dbr:Atlantic_Ocean
- 3720.0 (dbd:second)
- right (en)
- Horta Airport, Castelo Branco, elevation: , 1972-1990 (en)
- Location of the island of Faial in the archipelago of the Azores (en)
- 16.500000 (xsd:double)
- 16.700000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
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- 14.200000 (xsd:double)
- 14.300000 (xsd:double)
- 74.900000 (xsd:double)
- 88.600000 (xsd:double)
- 21 (xsd:integer)
- 21.400000 (xsd:double)
- 4.700000 (xsd:double)
- 4.900000 (xsd:double)
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- 81 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
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- 58.700000 (xsd:double)
- 74.900000 (xsd:double)
- 24 (xsd:integer)
- 26.600000 (xsd:double)
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- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 19.200000 (xsd:double)
- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 83 (xsd:integer)
- 14.500000 (xsd:double)
- 14.700000 (xsd:double)
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- 123.800000 (xsd:double)
- 136.300000 (xsd:double)
- 22.800000 (xsd:double)
- 24 (xsd:integer)
- 7.500000 (xsd:double)
- 7.600000 (xsd:double)
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- 21.400000 (xsd:double)
- 21.700000 (xsd:double)
- 79 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 16.300000 (xsd:double)
- 16.500000 (xsd:double)
- 18.900000 (xsd:double)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 102.400000 (xsd:double)
- 115.300000 (xsd:double)
- 25.800000 (xsd:double)
- 26.200000 (xsd:double)
- 10.400000 (xsd:double)
- 10.900000 (xsd:double)
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- 80 (xsd:integer)
- 82 (xsd:integer)
- 18.600000 (xsd:double)
- 18.700000 (xsd:double)
- 21.400000 (xsd:double)
- 21.500000 (xsd:double)
- 94 (xsd:integer)
- 95.600000 (xsd:double)
- 28.100000 (xsd:double)
- 30.400000 (xsd:double)
- 10.700000 (xsd:double)
- 12.500000 (xsd:double)
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- "The man that had the idea to border the road with these plants should have a statue on the island. In no other place do they prosper better: they need a covering of light, humidity and heat...they are in their place. Their blue is the blue that adorns the Azores on lipid days...this is a blue that is even more blue, the bunches of flowers of a colour more intense and fresh. They are in every direction: rising along the roads and the fields, forming hedges; they serve to divide the plots and to cover the peaceful animals." (en)
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- 38.5825 -28.704722222222223
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- Faial (en portuguès Ilha do Faial, 'illa de la fageda') és la cinquena illa més gran de l'arxipèlag de les Açores, Portugal. La seva capital és Horta. La població és de 15.476 hab. L'àrea és de 173 km². L'illa, d'origen volcànic, alberga un dels museus amb les millors tecnologies i recursos sobre els volcans. Es troba en la Ponta dos Capelinhos, zona on l'any 57-58 van emergir, a conseqüència d'una erupció, terres noves. Recorda un paisatge de la lluna. (ca)
- Faial je ostrov v Atlantském oceánu, součást portugalského zámořského území Azory. Je nejzápadnějším ostrovem centrální azorské skupiny (Grupo Central) a s rozlohou 173 km² pátým největším z Azorských ostrovů. Žije na něm okolo 15 000 obyvatel, téměř polovina z nich v hlavním městě . Tvoří jednu obec, rozdělenou na třináct farností: Angústias, Capelo, Castelo Branco, Cedros, Conceição, Feteira, Flamengos, Matriz, Praia do Almoxarife, Pedro Miguel, Praia do Norte, Ribeirinha a Salão. Ostrov má letiště a stanici podmořského kabelu, přístav v Hortě je často využíván jachtaři. (cs)
- Faial ist die fünftgrößte Insel der portugiesischen Inselgruppe der Azoren. Sie wird wegen der vielen blauen Hortensienhecken auch Ilha Azul (dt.: „blaue Insel“) genannt. Faial spielte von jeher eine besondere Rolle, ob als Zwischenstation der frühen Transatlantikflüge, ob als Zentrum für die Telekommunikation zwischen Europa und Amerika oder als wichtiger Yachthafen. (de)
- Το Φαϊάλ (πορτογαλικά: Faial) είναι νησί στον Ατλαντικό που ανήκει στην Πορτογαλία και συγκεκριμένα στο νησιωτικό σύμπλεγμα των Αζορών. Έχει έκταση 173,1 τ.χλμ. και 15.038 κατοίκους σύμφωνα με την απογραφή του 2011. Πρωτεύουσα του νησιού είναι η πόλη Όρτα με 6.400 κατοίκους (2001). (el)
- La isla de Fayal (en portugués: Faial) es la quinta isla más grande del archipiélago de las Azores, Portugal. Su capital es Horta. (es)
- Faial uhartea Azoreetako (Portugal) erdialdeko uhartea da, 173 km²-ko azalera daukana eta 2001ean 14.875 biztanle zituena. “Ilha Azul” (Uharte urdina) ezizena ematen zaio. (eu)
- Faial (en portugais : Ilha do Faial) est une île volcanique faisant partie du groupe central de l'archipel des Açores. Sa superficie est de 173 km2. Le sommet de l’île, le Cabeço Gordo, culmine à 1 043 mètres d’altitude et surplombe une caldeira de deux kilomètres de diamètre et de 400 mètres de profondeur. La ville principale de l’île est Horta. L’île la plus proche est Pico située à 6,1 kilomètres à l'est-sud-est. (fr)
- Pulau Faial adalah sebuah pulau di kepulauan Azores, Portugal. Gunung berapi , titik paling barat dari pulau itu, mungkin juga menjadi titik paling barat di Eropa, jika , dekat Pulau Flores, dianggap sebagai bagian dari Amerika Utara, karena ia berada di Lempeng Amerika Utara. Pada tahun 2001, pulau ini memiliki jumlah penduduk sebanyak 14.875 jiwa dan memiliki luas wilayah 173,06 km². (in)
- 파이알섬(포르투갈어: Ilha do Faial)은 포르투갈령 아소르스 제도의 섬 중 하나이다. 인구는 약 15,000명이며, 가장 높은 지점은 해발 1043m인 이다. 산 정상에는 칼데라가 있다. 아소르스 자치 지방의 입법 수도인 오르타가 파이알섬의 최대도시다. (ko)
- Faial (Portugees: Ilha do Faial) is een Portugees eiland dat gelegen is in het centrale gedeelte van de Azoren. (nl)
- ファイアル島(Ilha do Faial)はポルトガルのアゾレス諸島にあり、アゾレス諸島を構成する9の島の1つ。 カンラン石の一種(Fayalite)は本島で発見されたことにちなみ命名された。 (ja)
- Фаял (порт. Faial) — один из 9 населённых островов Азорского архипелага (Португалия), вместе с островами Грасиоза, Пику, Сан-Жоржи и Терсейра входит в центральную группу Азорских островов. (ru)
- Faial är en portugisisk ö som tillhör ögruppen Azorerna cirka 1 500 km väster om Portugal i Atlanten. Tillsammans med Pico, Terceira, São Jorge och Graciosa tillhör den centrala gruppen i Azorerna. Det är på Faial som sammanträder sedan 1990, men där finns även en viktig del i Azorernas universitet. Det är i huvudstaden som institutet för oceanografi, fiske och friskvård ligger. (sv)
- О́стрів Фая́л (порт. Ilha do Faial, МФА: [ˈi.ʎɐ du faj.ˈaɫ], «Буковий») — вулканічний острів у північній частині Атлантичного океану. Складова Азорського архіпелагу. Володіння Португалії, автономного регіону Азорські острови. Один із 9 заселених островів архіпелагу. На території острова розташований муніципалітет Орта. Разом із островами Грасіоза, Піку, Сан-Жорже та Терсейра належить до Центральної групи Азорських островів. Площа — 172,43 км². Населення — 15063 осіб (2001). (uk)
- 法亞爾島是葡萄牙的火山島,位於大西洋海域,屬於亞速群島的一部分,長21.2公里、寬16.29公里,面積173.06平方公里,最高點海拔高度1,043米,人口約10,500。 (zh)
- Faial Island (Portuguese pronunciation: [fɐˈjaɫ]), also known in English as Fayal, is a Portuguese island of the Central Group (Portuguese: Grupo Central) of the Azores. The Capelinhos Volcano, the westernmost point of the island, may be considered the westernmost point of Europe, if the Monchique Islet, near Flores Island, is considered part of North America, for it sits on the North American Plate. Its largest town is Horta. — Raul Brandão, As Ilhas Desconhecidas (1926), p.33 (en)
- Faial è un'isola dell'arcipelago delle Azzorre con una superficie di 173 km². L'isola è anche chiamata Ilha Azul, l'"isola azzurra", dal poeta Raul Brandão a causa della grande quantità di ortensie presenti sull'isola. La popolazione ammonta a circa 15.000 abitanti, capoluogo dell'isola è il comune di Horta composto da 13 freguesias. L'isola ha origine vulcanica, il punto più elevato è il (1043 m s.l.m.) la cui caldera ha un diametro di due chilometri ed è profonda circa 500 m. Nel 1998 un forte terremoto ha colpito l'isola creando diversi danni nei centri abitati. (it)
- Faial (od drzewka Myrica Faya Aiton z rodziny woskownicowatych, porastającego obficie okolicę) – portugalska wyspa wulkaniczna w centralnej części zaliczanego do Makaronezji archipelagu azorskiego, położona naprzeciw charakterystycznego stratowulkanu Pico, oddzielonego od niej cieśniną o średniej szerokości 3 km, w której dużą atrakcję turystyczną stanowią obecnie liczne delfiny zwyczajne, sejwale i kaszaloty. Powierzchnia wyspy wynosi 173 km², a jej przeciętne wymiary to 20 km długości i 25 km szerokości. Najwyższy punkt stanowi wierzchołek Cabeço Gordo (dosłownie Gruba Głowa), wznoszący się na wysokość 1043 m n.p.m. Spośród lokalnych wydarzeń historycznych na uwagę zasługuje stosunkowo duża liczba flamandzkich osadników, którzy zasiedlali wyspę począwszy od XV wieku, oraz erupcja Vulcão (pl)
- A ilha do Faial situa-se no extremo ocidental do Grupo Central do arquipélago dos Açores, separada da ilha do Pico por um estreito braço de mar com de 8,3 km (ou 4,5 milhas náuticas) de largura, conhecido por canal do Faial. A ilha tem a forma aproximada de um pentágono irregular, com 21 km de comprimento no sentido leste-oeste e uma largura máxima de 14 km, a que corresponde uma área de 172,43 km². A população residente é de 14 356 habitantes (2021), a maioria dos quais na Horta, cidade onde se localiza o parlamento açoriano e sede do único concelho da ilha. O clima é temperado oceânico, com temperaturas médias anuais do ar que oscilam entre os 13 °C no Inverno e os 22 °C no Verão, com frequentes vendavais e uma humidade relativa do ar em média acima dos 79%. A ilha é servida pelo Aeropor (pt)
- Faial Island (en)
- Illa de Faial (ca)
- Faial (cs)
- Faial (de)
- Φαϊάλ (el)
- Isla de Fayal (es)
- Faial uhartea (eu)
- Pulau Faial (in)
- Faial (île) (fr)
- Faial (it)
- ファイアル島 (ja)
- 파이알섬 (ko)
- Faial (nl)
- Ilha do Faial (pt)
- Faial (pl)
- Фаял (Азорские острова) (ru)
- Faial (sv)
- 法亞爾島 (zh)
- Фаял (uk)
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- dbr:Cabeço_Gordo
- dbr:Cabras_Islets
- dbr:Caldeira_Volcano
- dbr:Calheta,_Azores
- dbr:Calheta_de_Nesquim
- dbr:Capelinhos
- dbr:Capelo
- dbr:Capital_city
- dbr:Carvoeiro_(Lagoa)
- dbr:Castelo_Branco_(Horta)
- dbr:Praia_do_Almoxarife
- dbr:Praia_do_Norte
- dbr:Princess_Royal_(1810_ship)
- dbr:Rui_Gonçalves_da_Câmara_III
- dbr:Salão
- dbr:Faial
- dbr:List_of_airports_by_ICAO_code:_L
- dbr:List_of_beaches_in_the_Azores
- dbr:Whale_watching
- dbr:1926_Horta_earthquake
- dbr:1946_Atlantic_hurricane_season
- dbr:2008_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:2012_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:Battle_of_Fayal
- dbr:Ben_Carlin
- dbr:Botanical_Garden_of_Faial
- dbr:Departamento_de_Oceanografia_e_Pescas
- dbr:Antonio_Perry
- dbr:António_Inocêncio_Moreira_de_Carvalho
- dbr:António_José_de_Ávila,_1st_Duke_of_Ávila_and_Bolama
- dbr:António_José_de_Ávila,_2nd_Marquis_of_Ávila_and_Bolama
- dbr:Arceuthobium_azoricum
- dbr:History_of_the_Azores
- dbr:Horta,_Azores
- dbr:Horta_(district)
- dbr:Horta_Airport
- dbr:Horta_Football_Association
- dbr:Hurricane_Alex_(2016)
- dbr:Hurricane_Lorenzo_(2019)
- dbr:José_Cândido_da_Silveira_Avelar
- dbr:José_da_Costa_Nunes
- dbr:José_do_Canto
- dbr:List_of_Indo-European_languages
- dbr:List_of_airports_in_Portugal
- dbr:List_of_islands_by_highest_point
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1758
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1760
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1763
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1775
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1779
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1781
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1782
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1785
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1786
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1787
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1788
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1789
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1790
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1792
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1797
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1801
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1806
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1807
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- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1810
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1812
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1813
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1814
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1816
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1817
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1819
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1880
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1920
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1922
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_2005
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_2018
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1842
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1844
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1867
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1874
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_April_1880
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1821
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1868
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1883
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1829
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1833
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1834
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1839
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1841
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1853
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1859
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1860
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1870
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1872
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1879
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1880
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1885
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1917
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1843
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1846
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1853
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1862
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1866
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1869
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1875
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1879
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1837
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1838
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1849
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1851
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1856
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1858
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1874
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1877
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1824
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1829
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1832
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1839
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1877
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1837
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1842
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1871
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1824
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1831
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1834
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1841
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1843
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1862
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1864
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1877
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1880
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1820
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1824
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1825
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1830
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1843
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1845
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1850
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1861
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1917
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1826
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1830
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1835
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1837
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1840
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1841
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1849
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1851
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1857
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1860
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1865
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1867
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1879
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1820
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1824
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1836
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1837
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1840
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1846
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1848
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1851
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1881
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1824
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1825
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1826
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1847
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1848
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1851
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1862
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1871
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1874
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1878
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1885
- dbr:Patrick_N._L._Bellinger
- dbr:Pedro_Miguel
- dbr:Ribeiras
- dbr:Ribeirinha_(Horta)
- dbr:USS_Galatea_(SP-714)
- dbr:USS_Mattaponi_(AO-41)
- dbr:USS_Missouri_(1841)
- dbr:USS_PC-552
- dbr:University_of_the_Azores
- dbr:Urzelina
- dbr:Vila_do_Corvo
- dbr:Vitorino_Nemésio
- dbr:Donatary_captain
- dbr:Duke_of_Faial
- dbr:List_of_islands_by_name_(F)
- dbr:List_of_islands_in_Macaronesia
- dbr:List_of_islands_in_the_Atlantic_Ocean
- dbr:List_of_islands_of_Portugal
- dbr:List_of_lakes_of_Portugal
- dbr:List_of_marinas
- dbr:List_of_ships_captured_in_the_18th_century
- dbr:List_of_ships_named_Nimrod
- dbr:Pseudobrookite
- dbr:11th_Regional_Legislature_(Azores)
- dbr:1522_Vila_Franca_earthquake
- dbr:1926_Atlantic_hurricane_season
- dbr:1980_Azores_Islands_earthquake
- dbr:Commerce_(1791_ship)
- dbr:Conceição_(Horta)
- dbr:Concord_(1784_ship)
- dbr:Conquest_of_the_Azores
- dbr:Convent_of_Nossa_Senhora_do_Carmo_(Horta)
- dbr:Matriz_(Horta)
- dbr:SATA_Air_Açores_Flight_530M
- dbr:SMS_Freya_(1874)
- dbr:SS_Anglo-Australian_(1927)
- dbr:SS_Ben_H._Miller
- dbr:Sahar_Hassamain_Synagogue
- dbr:Rachel_(ship)
- dbr:Timeline_of_Portuguese_history_(Second_Republic)
- dbr:1995_Atlantic_hurricane_season
- dbr:1998_in_Portugal
- dbr:Christopher_Hampton
- dbr:Church_of_Nossa_Senhora_dos_Milagres_(Corvo)
- dbr:Church_of_Santa_Bárbara_(Horta)
- dbr:Cleopatra's_Barge
- dbr:Alexandre_da_Sagrada_Família
- dbr:Frederick_William_I,_Duke_of_Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck
- dbr:French_submarine_Poncelet_(Q141)
- dbr:Gaspar_Frutuoso
- dbr:General_Armstrong
- dbr:Goldcrest
- dbr:Mount_Pico
- dbr:Condor_seamount
- dbr:Corbitis_Atlas
- dbr:Cornaro_Atlas
- dbr:Martin_Behaim
- dbr:Opisthoteuthis_grimaldii
- dbr:1976_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:2020_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:André_Gonçalves_(painter)
- dbr:Angra_do_Heroísmo
- dbr:Angústias
- dbr:Liga_Meo_Azores
- dbr:Lighthouse_of_Ponta_dos_Capelinhos
- dbr:Lighthouse_of_Ponta_dos_Rosais
- dbr:Lighthouse_of_Vale_Formoso
- dbr:Luís_da_Silva_Mouzinho_de_Albuquerque
- dbr:MV_Cruzeiro_do_Canal
- dbr:Madalena,_Azores
- dbr:Madalena_Islets
- dbr:Caldera
- dbr:Água_de_Pena
- dbr:John_Nicholson_Inglefield
- dbr:Josse_van_Aertrycke
- dbr:Josse_van_Huerter
- dbr:José_Francisco_da_Terra_Brum
- dbr:Manuel_Maria_da_Terra_Brum
- dbr:Marlin_fishing
- dbr:May_1919
- dbr:Medici-Laurentian_Atlas
- dbr:Portuguese_Americans
- dbr:1996_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:1998_Azores_Islands_earthquake
- dbr:1st_Regional_Legislature_(Azores)
- dbr:2000_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:2004_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:Azores
- dbr:Azores_Voyage_of_1589
- dbr:Cedros_(Horta)
- dbr:Celestial_Empire_(clipper)
- dbr:Central_Group,_Azores
- dbr:Cephalopod_size
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_2022_Atlantic_hurricane_season
- dbr:Torhout
- dbr:Transmaçor
- dbr:Vulcão_da_Urzelina
- dbr:Gabriel_de_Vallseca
- dbr:Fayal,_Azores
- dbr:Juniperus_brevifolia
- dbr:2016_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:2022_Atlantic_hurricane_season
- dbr:2024_Azorean_regional_election
- dbr:A_Voyage_Round_the_World
- dbr:Action_of_Faial
- dbr:Administrative_divisions_of_Portugal
- dbr:Almeida_Garrett
- dbr:Amar_Demais
- dbr:Amiot_120
- dbr:Amélie_of_Leuchtenberg
- dbr:29th_meridian_west
- dbr:Curry_Cabral
- dbr:Curtiss_NC-4
- dbr:Ernst_Lindemann
- dbr:Eurovision_Song_Contest_2018
- dbr:Faial-Pico_Channel
- dbr:Fayal_Township,_St._Louis_County,_Minnesota
- dbr:Fayalite
- dbr:Feteira_(Horta)
- dbr:Flamengos
- dbr:Flores_Island_(Azores)
- dbr:Fort_of_Greta_(Horta)
- dbr:Fort_of_Santa_Cruz_(Horta)
- dbr:Fortress_of_São_João_Baptista_(Angra_do_Heroísmo)
- dbr:Francisco_de_Borja_Garção_Stockler
- dbr:Francisco_de_Mascarenhas
- dbr:Anglo-Portuguese_Alliance
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is dbp:namedFor
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is dbp:place
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is foaf:primaryTopic
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