- La Kolegio Corpus Christi aŭ en angla Corpus Christi College (kompleta nomo: The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, ofte mallongigita al simple "Corpus", signife Kristokorpo aŭ Kristokorpa Festo) estas kolegio de la Universitato Kembriĝo, Anglio. Ĝi elstaras kiel la unika kolegio fondita de urbanoj de Kembriĝo: Ĝi stariĝis en 1352 fare de la gildoj Corpus Christi kaj Blessed Virgin Mary, pro kio ĝi estas la sesa plej malnova kolegio en Kembriĝo. Kun ĉirkaŭ 500 studentoj, ĝi estas ankaŭ la dua plej malgranda el la tradiciaj kolegioj de la Universitato (post ), kaj la plej malgranda laŭ nombro de studentoj de . La Kolegio estas unu el plej akademie sukcesaj kolegioj en la Universitato Kembriĝo. Laŭ la neoficiala Tabelo Tompkins (kiu rangigas la kolegiojn laŭ la klaso de gradoj akiritaj de ties subgradanoj), la pozicio de Corpus en 2012 estis tria, kun 32.4% el ties subgradanoj akirantaj unuaklasajn rezultojn. Ties averaĝa pozicio estas 12 el 29. Corpus rangas inter la plej riĉaj el la kembriĝaj kolegioj laŭ fiksa havaĵo, escepte riĉa pri mono kaj tero.La havaĵo de la kolegio valoris 70 milionojn da pundoj fine de Junio 2011, kio lokigas ĝin kiel la tria el la universitataj kolegioj. Aldone al la havaĵo la kolegiaj konstruaĵoj valoris 116 milionojn da pundoj fine de la fiska jaro 2011. (eo)
- El Corpus Christi College (cuyo nombre completo es: The College of Corpus Christi and the blessed Virgin Mary, generalmente llamada Corpus) es uno de los colleges que forman la Universidad de Cambridge. Es famoso por ser el único college de Cambridge que fue fundado por los propios vecinos de Cambridge, en 1352 por los Gremios del Corpus Christi y la Sagrada Virgen María. Es el segundo college más pequeño tras Peterhouse, pero es el más pequeño en cuanto a número de estudiantes. (es)
- Corpus Christi College (full name: "The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary", often shortened to "Corpus"), is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. From the late 14th century through to the early 19th century it was also commonly known as St Benet's College. The college is notable as the only one founded by Cambridge townspeople: it was established in 1352 by the Guild of Corpus Christi and the Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary, making it the sixth-oldest college in Cambridge. With around 250 undergraduates and 200 postgraduates, it also has the second smallest student body of the traditional colleges of the University, after Peterhouse. The College has traditionally been one of the more academically successful colleges in the University of Cambridge. In the unofficial Tompkins Table, which ranks the colleges by the class of degrees obtained by their undergraduates, in 2012 Corpus was in third position, with 32.4% of its undergraduates achieving first-class degrees. The college's average position between 2003 and 2012 was 9th, and in the 2022 rankings it was placed 9th. Corpus ranks among the wealthiest Cambridge colleges in terms of fixed assets, being exceptionally rich in silver.The College's endowment was valued at £90.9M at the end of June 2017, while its net assets were valued at £227.4M. (en)
- Corpus Christi College, oft zu Corpus abgekürzt, ist ein College der Universität Cambridge. Es wurde 1352 gegründet und ist somit das sechsälteste der 31 Colleges der Universität Cambridge. Mit etwa 321 Undergraduates und 243 Postgraduates ist es nach dem Clare Hall College, Peterhouse und eines der kleinsten Colleges in Cambridge. Eine Besonderheit von Corpus Christi liegt darin, dass es als einziges College in Cambridge von zwei städtischen Zünften gegründet wurde. Die Bibliothek von Corpus heißt Parker Library. Das College weist traditionell hohe akademische Erfolgsquoten auf. In der jährlich herausgegebenen, inoffiziellen Tompkins-Tabelle belegte Corpus 2012 den dritten Platz, wobei 32,4 % der Undergraduates erstklassige Resultate erbrachten. Corpus gehört zu den reichsten Colleges in Cambridge. Am Ende des Geschäftsjahrs 2013 wurden die Liegenschaften von Corpus auf 118 Mio. £ geschätzt. Zudem verfügt die Institution über einen außerordentlichen Silberschatz und ist das einzige College in Cambridge, das während des Englischen Bürgerkriegs sein Silber nicht verkauft hat. (de)
- Corpus Christi est un des 31 collèges de l'université de Cambridge au Royaume-Uni. Il a été fondé en 1352, ce qui en fait le 8e des collèges de Cambridge dans l'ordre d'ancienneté. Son nom complet est "Le Collège du Corpus Christi et la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie" (The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary), souvent abrégé en "Corpus", ou même, autrefois, en "Le Corps" (The Body). Il est le seul collège à avoir été fondé par des bourgeois de Cambridge et non par de riches et puissants hauts personnages. Avec environ 250 étudiants de premier cycle et 200 étudiants de troisième cycle, il est le deuxième plus petit des collèges traditionnels de l'Université (après Peterhouse). Le Collège a traditionnellement connu de forts taux de réussite académique au sein de l'Université de Cambridge. Dans la table officieuse de Tompkins, qui classe les collèges par classe de diplômes obtenus par leurs étudiants de premier cycle, Corpus Christi était troisième en 2012, avec 32,4 % de ses étudiants de premier cycle à atteindre des résultats de première classe. La position moyenne du collège ces dernières années est entre la 9e et la 10e place. Corpus Christi est l'un des collèges de Cambridge les plus riches en termes d'actifs. Il dispose d'un trésor d'argenterie exceptionnel, étant le seul collège de Cambridge à n'avoir pas vendu son argenterie pendant la Révolution anglaise. La dotation de l'Ordre s'élevait à 97,4 M£ à la fin de juin 2016 et ses terrains et immeubles en pleine propriété étaient évalués à 118 M£ à la fin de l'exercice 2013. (fr)
- Corpus Christi College (nama lengkap: "The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary", sering disingkat "Corpus", atau pada masa sebelumnya "The Body") adalah sebuah kolese konstituen dari Universitas Cambridge. Perguruan tinggi tersebut didirikan pada 1352 oleh Guild of Corpus Christi dan Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary, menjadikannya kolese tertua keenam di Cambridge. (in)
- Il Corpus Christi College (nome completo: The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Collegio del Corpo di Cristo e della Beata Vergine Maria) è un college dell'Università di Cambridge. È particolare in quanto è l'unico college fondato dai cittadini di Cambridge, essendo stato fondato nel 1352 dalla Gilda del Corpo di Cristo e della Beata Vergine Maria. È il secondo college più piccolo, dopo il Peterhouse. (it)
- Corpus Christi College é um dos colégios (faculdades) de Cambridge. É o único college fundado pelos habitantes de Cambridge. Foi estabelecido em 1352 pela Guild of Corpus Christi e pela Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary o que significa que é o sexto college mais antigo em Cambridge. Com cerca de 500 alunos e fellows, é também o segundo mais pequeno dos colleges tradicionais da Universidade. (pt)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) – powszechnie znany jako „Corpus” – jedna z uczelni (college'ów) wchodząca w skład Uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Założona w 1352 roku, jako jedyna, przez mieszczan miasta Cambridge. Szósty spośród college’ów Uniwersytetu w Cambridge pod względem daty założenia; najmniejszy po Peterhouse pod względem ilości studiujących i nauczycieli (fellows), których jest około 500 osób, a także o najmniejszych naborach studentów.W nieoficjalnej , na której sklasyfikowane są wszystkie uczelnie wchodzące w skład Uniwersytetu w Cambridge, w roku 2012 „Corpus” był na trzecim miejscu. (pl)
- (См. также: Колледж Корпус-Кристи) Колледж Корпус-Кристи (англ. Corpus Christi College) — один из 31 колледжей Кембриджского университета в Великобритании. Основан в 1352 году. (ru)
- Corpus Christi College är ett college vid Cambridges universitet i England, beläget vid Trumpington Street i Cambridges historiska centrum. Colleget grundades 1352 av gillena Corpus Christi och Blessed Virgin Mary i Cambridge, och är därmed det enda colleget som grundats av stadens borgerskap. (sv)
- 劍橋大學基督聖體學院(英語:Corpus Christi College, Cambridge)是剑桥大学的一个学院。基督聖體學院是剑桥大学唯一一所由剑桥市民建立的学院,为纪念學基督聖體和圣母玛利亚始建于1352年。 基督圣体学院是剑桥大学仅次于彼得学院规模第二小的学院,也是招收本科人数最少的学院。 (zh)
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- 97199 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cambridge
- dbr:Cambridge_University_Library
- dbr:Campbell_Adamson
- dbr:Canterbury
- dbr:Benjamin_Carier
- dbr:Pound_sterling
- dbr:Privy_Council_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Protestantism
- dbr:Robin_Coombs
- dbr:Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbr:Royal_Institute_of_British_Architects
- dbr:Sam_Mendes
- dbr:Samuel_Wesley_(poet)
- dbr:Sanskrit
- dbr:Bower-Barff_process
- dbr:Engleby
- dbr:English_Dissenters
- dbr:Expulsion_(academia)
- dbr:List_of_chancellors_of_the_University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:George_Evans_Moule
- dbr:Monk
- dbr:Speaker_of_the_House_of_Commons_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Parker_Library_on_the_Web
- dbr:May_Ball
- dbr:Richard_Gough_(antiquarian)
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_procession
- dbr:Bene't_Street
- dbr:Bernard_Jenkin
- dbr:Bishop_of_Ely
- dbr:Black_Death
- dbr:Board_games
- dbr:Boris_Ord
- dbr:David_Dimbleby
- dbr:David_Gibbins
- dbr:David_Omand
- dbr:David_Sainsbury,_Baron_Sainsbury_of_Turville
- dbr:David_Saint-Jacques
- dbr:David_Starkey
- dbr:Alistair_Macdonald
- dbr:Alma_mater
- dbr:Anthony_Bottoms
- dbr:Holy_Orders
- dbr:Horsham_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Hugh_Bonneville
- dbr:John_Wesley
- dbr:List_of_Masters_of_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Attorney_General_of_Pakistan
- dbr:Patrick_Hodge,_Lord_Hodge
- dbr:Peasants'_Revolt
- dbr:Pelican
- dbr:Permanent_Representative_of_Indonesia_to_the_United_Nations
- dbr:Peter_Luff
- dbr:Peterhouse,_Cambridge
- dbr:Republic_of_Korea
- dbr:Rhodes_Boyson
- dbr:Richard_Boyle,_1st_Earl_of_Cork
- dbr:Richard_Henderson_(biologist)
- dbr:River_Cam
- dbr:Union_flag
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:Virgin_Mary
- dbr:Desmond_Lee
- dbr:Earl_of_Essex
- dbr:Ivo_Stourton
- dbr:Lida_Lopes_Cardozo_Kindersley
- dbr:James_D._Watson
- dbr:Sir_John_Cust,_3rd_Baronet
- dbr:Mary_(mother_of_Jesus)
- dbr:Paymaster_of_the_Forces
- dbr:Stewart_Sutherland,_Baron_Sutherland_of_Houndwood
- dbr:School_colors
- dbr:Tom_Utley
- dbr:Colleges_of_the_University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:Commander-in-Chief_Fleet
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_England
- dbr:Confederation_of_British_Industry
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_(feast)
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_College,_Oxford
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_College_Boat_Club_(Cambridge)
- dbr:Master_(college)
- dbr:Matthew_Paris
- dbr:Matthew_Parker
- dbr:Matthias_Mawson
- dbr:May_Week
- dbr:Medieval
- dbr:Chelsea_College_(17th_century)
- dbr:Opium
- dbr:Nigel_Trench,_7th_Baron_Ashtown
- dbr:Supporter
- dbr:Christopher_Andrew_(historian)
- dbr:Christopher_Hooley
- dbr:Christopher_Isherwood
- dbr:Christopher_Marlowe
- dbr:Church_of_England
- dbr:Church_of_St_Mary_the_Great,_Cambridge
- dbr:Cold_War
- dbr:Colin_Blakemore
- dbr:Colin_St_John_Wilson
- dbr:Edward_Curzon,_6th_Earl_Howe
- dbr:Edward_Higginbottom
- dbr:Edward_III
- dbr:Edward_IV_of_England
- dbr:Edward_Upward
- dbr:Elisabetta_Sirani
- dbr:Elizabeth_I
- dbr:Emma_Thompson
- dbr:English_Civil_War
- dbr:English_Reformation
- dbr:Geoffrey_Chaucer
- dbr:Geophysics
- dbr:George_Capel-Coningsby,_5th_Earl_of_Essex
- dbr:George_Paget_Thomson
- dbr:George_Wishart
- dbr:Germany
- dbr:Gonville_and_Caius_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Government_Communications_Headquarters
- dbr:Government_of_Punjab,_Pakistan
- dbr:Grand_Designs
- dbr:Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Pakistan)
- dbr:Monarchy_(TV_series)
- dbr:Mulberry
- dbr:Murray_Gold
- dbr:Corpus_Clock
- dbr:Thomas_Herring
- dbr:Thomas_Markaunt
- dbr:Thomas_Tenison
- dbr:Receiver_General
- dbr:Anglo-Saxons
- dbr:Antarctica
- dbr:Alumnus
- dbr:Levellers
- dbr:Linear_B
- dbr:Llewelyn_Powys
- dbr:London
- dbr:Lord_Chancellor
- dbr:MI5
- dbr:Makhdoom_Ali_Khan
- dbr:Chislehurst_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Simon_Heffer
- dbr:Simon_May
- dbr:Stanford_University
- dbr:Stephen_Dykes_Bower
- dbr:Stephen_Fry
- dbr:Stephen_Hales
- dbr:Stephen_Hawking
- dbr:Fellow
- dbr:Francis_Kett
- dbr:Hendon_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Henry_Butts
- dbr:Horace_Avory
- dbr:John_Lewis_(headmaster)
- dbr:Blessed_Virgin_Mary
- dbr:Oxbridge
- dbr:Porter_(college)
- dbr:Porterhouse_Blue
- dbr:Madeleine_Bunting
- dbr:Magdalene_Bridge
- dbr:Talbot_(dog)
- dbr:Tankard
- dbr:Will_Spens
- dbr:Matriculation
- dbr:Mid_Worcestershire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Oar_(sport_rowing)
- dbr:B._H._Liddell_Hart
- dbr:BBC_Four
- dbc:Alumni_of_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Bursar
- dbr:Catholic_Church
- dbr:Cavendish_Laboratory
- dbr:Thurning,_Norfolk
- dbr:Tom_Baker
- dbr:Tom_Sharpe
- dbr:Trinity_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Trinity_Hall,_Cambridge
- dbr:Trinity_Sunday
- dbr:UK_Independence_Party
- dbr:Walsham-le-Willows
- dbr:Wars_of_the_Roses
- dbr:Westminster
- dbr:Westminster_Abbey
- dbr:William_Henry_Dines
- dbr:William_St_Julien_Arabin
- dbr:William_Stukeley
- dbr:William_Wilkins_(architect)
- dbr:Garret
- dbr:Court_of_Appeal_of_England_and_Wales
- dbr:Harwich_and_North_Essex_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:John_Fletcher_(playwright)
- dbr:Justice_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Leckhampton,_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Greek_Orthodox
- dbr:John_Spencer_(Master_of_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge)
- dbr:Robert_Hamer
- dbr:Adolf_Hitler
- dbr:Alan_Wilson_(academic)
- dbr:Downing_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Dudley_Senanayake
- dbr:E._P._Thompson
- dbr:Ecologist
- dbr:Eric_Sams
- dbr:Ernest_Rutherford
- dbr:Eton_College
- dbr:Evangelicalism
- dbr:Financial_Secretary_to_the_Treasury
- dbr:Francis_Crick
- dbr:Francis_Maude
- dbr:Anglo-Saxon_Chronicle
- dbr:Brent_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Nobel_Prize
- dbr:Norman_Conquest
- dbr:North_Shropshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:North_Warwickshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Norwich
- dbr:Oscar_Wilde
- dbr:Owen_Paterson
- dbr:Oxford
- dbr:Pakistan_Tehreek-e-Insaf
- dbr:Charter
- dbr:Christopher_Kelly_(historian)
- dbr:Christopher_de_Hamel
- dbr:Edward_Byles_Cowell
- dbr:Formal_(university)
- dbr:Gordon_Wolstenholme
- dbr:Grange_Road,_Cambridge
- dbr:Grantchester_Grind
- dbr:John_Robinson_(pastor)
- dbr:John_Wildman
- dbr:Joseph_Blakesley
- dbr:Sydney_Copeman
- dbr:William_Dowsing
- dbr:John_Michael_Gorst
- dbr:Prince_of_Wales
- dbr:Puritan
- dbr:Richard_Armstrong_(conductor)
- dbr:Richard_Reynolds_(martyr)
- dbr:Richard_Rigby
- dbr:Mariawald_Abbey
- dbr:Hallé_Orchestra
- dbr:Hastings_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Helen_Oyeyemi
- dbr:Henry_Macintosh
- dbr:Henry_VIII_of_England
- dbr:Henry_of_Grosmont,_1st_Duke_of_Lancaster
- dbr:Her_Majesty's_Chief_Inspector_of_Prisons
- dbr:History_of_Anglo-Saxon_England
- dbr:Isaac_Newton
- dbr:Italy
- dbr:J._J._Thomson
- dbr:James_Burnell-Nugent
- dbr:James_I_of_England
- dbr:Courtyard
- dbr:Terence_Etherton
- dbr:Test_Acts
- dbr:The_Eagle,_Cambridge
- dbr:File:Corpus-girton-bump.jpg
- dbr:Hallowe'en
- dbr:Michael_William_McCrum
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Canterbury
- dbr:Attorney_General
- dbr:ADC_Theatre
- dbr:Charles_Wesley
- dbr:Charles_Yorke
- dbr:Alan_Cook
- dbr:Albert_Harland
- dbc:Fellows_of_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Jeremy_Blacker
- dbr:Jeremy_Stuart-Smith
- dbr:Joe_Farman
- dbr:John_Cameron_(musician)
- dbr:John_Chadwick
- dbr:John_Cowper_Powys
- dbr:John_Jegon
- dbr:Karol_Sikora
- dbr:Kenneth_Falconer_(mathematician)
- dbr:Kevin_McCloud
- dbr:King's_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Lady_Eleanor_Talbot
- dbr:Bishop_of_Aston
- dbr:Bishop_of_Blackburn
- dbr:Bishop_of_Cloyne
- dbr:Bishop_of_Derry
- dbr:Bishop_of_Gloucester
- dbr:Bishop_of_Guildford
- dbr:Blue_plaque
- dbr:Susanna_Clarke
- dbr:Colchester_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:High_Court_judge_(England_and_Wales)
- dbr:Robert_Townley_Caldwell
- dbr:Tatton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Tompkins_Table
- dbr:Trumpington_Street
- dbr:Sir_William_Ashburnham,_5th_Baronet
- dbr:Mob_Quad
- dbr:Paten
- dbr:T._E._Utley
- dbr:Regius_Professor_of_Mathematics
- dbr:Pilgrim_Fathers
- dbr:Dissolution_of_the_Monasteries
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- Quarterly gules and azure, in the first and fourth quarters a pelican in its piety and in the second and third three lily-flowers slipped and leaved all argent. (en)
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- Corpus Christi College New Court (en)
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- May the old house flourish (en)
- The Guild of Corpus Christi, (en)
- The Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary (en)
- Chancellors of the University ex officio (en)
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- The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the University of Cambridge (en)
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- Floreat Antiqua Domus (en)
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- United Kingdom Cambridge Central (en)
- United Kingdom Cambridge (en)
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- Corpus Christi College (en)
- Informal: Bene’t College or Benedict College (en)
- Arms of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.svg (en)
- Arms of Corpus Christi College (en)
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- El Corpus Christi College (cuyo nombre completo es: The College of Corpus Christi and the blessed Virgin Mary, generalmente llamada Corpus) es uno de los colleges que forman la Universidad de Cambridge. Es famoso por ser el único college de Cambridge que fue fundado por los propios vecinos de Cambridge, en 1352 por los Gremios del Corpus Christi y la Sagrada Virgen María. Es el segundo college más pequeño tras Peterhouse, pero es el más pequeño en cuanto a número de estudiantes. (es)
- Corpus Christi College (nama lengkap: "The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary", sering disingkat "Corpus", atau pada masa sebelumnya "The Body") adalah sebuah kolese konstituen dari Universitas Cambridge. Perguruan tinggi tersebut didirikan pada 1352 oleh Guild of Corpus Christi dan Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary, menjadikannya kolese tertua keenam di Cambridge. (in)
- Il Corpus Christi College (nome completo: The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Collegio del Corpo di Cristo e della Beata Vergine Maria) è un college dell'Università di Cambridge. È particolare in quanto è l'unico college fondato dai cittadini di Cambridge, essendo stato fondato nel 1352 dalla Gilda del Corpo di Cristo e della Beata Vergine Maria. È il secondo college più piccolo, dopo il Peterhouse. (it)
- Corpus Christi College é um dos colégios (faculdades) de Cambridge. É o único college fundado pelos habitantes de Cambridge. Foi estabelecido em 1352 pela Guild of Corpus Christi e pela Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary o que significa que é o sexto college mais antigo em Cambridge. Com cerca de 500 alunos e fellows, é também o segundo mais pequeno dos colleges tradicionais da Universidade. (pt)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) – powszechnie znany jako „Corpus” – jedna z uczelni (college'ów) wchodząca w skład Uniwersytetu w Cambridge. Założona w 1352 roku, jako jedyna, przez mieszczan miasta Cambridge. Szósty spośród college’ów Uniwersytetu w Cambridge pod względem daty założenia; najmniejszy po Peterhouse pod względem ilości studiujących i nauczycieli (fellows), których jest około 500 osób, a także o najmniejszych naborach studentów.W nieoficjalnej , na której sklasyfikowane są wszystkie uczelnie wchodzące w skład Uniwersytetu w Cambridge, w roku 2012 „Corpus” był na trzecim miejscu. (pl)
- (См. также: Колледж Корпус-Кристи) Колледж Корпус-Кристи (англ. Corpus Christi College) — один из 31 колледжей Кембриджского университета в Великобритании. Основан в 1352 году. (ru)
- Corpus Christi College är ett college vid Cambridges universitet i England, beläget vid Trumpington Street i Cambridges historiska centrum. Colleget grundades 1352 av gillena Corpus Christi och Blessed Virgin Mary i Cambridge, och är därmed det enda colleget som grundats av stadens borgerskap. (sv)
- 劍橋大學基督聖體學院(英語:Corpus Christi College, Cambridge)是剑桥大学的一个学院。基督聖體學院是剑桥大学唯一一所由剑桥市民建立的学院,为纪念學基督聖體和圣母玛利亚始建于1352年。 基督圣体学院是剑桥大学仅次于彼得学院规模第二小的学院,也是招收本科人数最少的学院。 (zh)
- La Kolegio Corpus Christi aŭ en angla Corpus Christi College (kompleta nomo: The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, ofte mallongigita al simple "Corpus", signife Kristokorpo aŭ Kristokorpa Festo) estas kolegio de la Universitato Kembriĝo, Anglio. Ĝi elstaras kiel la unika kolegio fondita de urbanoj de Kembriĝo: Ĝi stariĝis en 1352 fare de la gildoj Corpus Christi kaj Blessed Virgin Mary, pro kio ĝi estas la sesa plej malnova kolegio en Kembriĝo. Kun ĉirkaŭ 500 studentoj, ĝi estas ankaŭ la dua plej malgranda el la tradiciaj kolegioj de la Universitato (post ), kaj la plej malgranda laŭ nombro de studentoj de . (eo)
- Corpus Christi College (full name: "The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary", often shortened to "Corpus"), is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. From the late 14th century through to the early 19th century it was also commonly known as St Benet's College. Corpus ranks among the wealthiest Cambridge colleges in terms of fixed assets, being exceptionally rich in silver.The College's endowment was valued at £90.9M at the end of June 2017, while its net assets were valued at £227.4M. (en)
- Corpus Christi College, oft zu Corpus abgekürzt, ist ein College der Universität Cambridge. Es wurde 1352 gegründet und ist somit das sechsälteste der 31 Colleges der Universität Cambridge. Mit etwa 321 Undergraduates und 243 Postgraduates ist es nach dem Clare Hall College, Peterhouse und eines der kleinsten Colleges in Cambridge. Eine Besonderheit von Corpus Christi liegt darin, dass es als einziges College in Cambridge von zwei städtischen Zünften gegründet wurde. Die Bibliothek von Corpus heißt Parker Library. (de)
- Corpus Christi est un des 31 collèges de l'université de Cambridge au Royaume-Uni. Il a été fondé en 1352, ce qui en fait le 8e des collèges de Cambridge dans l'ordre d'ancienneté. Son nom complet est "Le Collège du Corpus Christi et la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie" (The College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary), souvent abrégé en "Corpus", ou même, autrefois, en "Le Corps" (The Body). Il est le seul collège à avoir été fondé par des bourgeois de Cambridge et non par de riches et puissants hauts personnages. (fr)
- Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (en)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) (de)
- Kolegio Corpus Christi (Kembriĝo) (eo)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) (es)
- Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (in)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) (fr)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) (it)
- Corpus Christi College (pt)
- Corpus Christi College (Cambridge) (pl)
- Колледж Корпус-Кристи (Кембридж) (ru)
- Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (sv)
- 剑桥大学基督圣体学院 (zh)
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- dbr:Caddington
- dbr:Cambridge
- dbr:Cambridge,_Corpus_Christi_College,_MS_178
- dbr:Cambridge_Students'_Union
- dbr:Campbell_Adamson
- dbr:Beachborough_Manor
- dbr:Benjamin_Agus
- dbr:Benjamin_Carier
- dbr:Benjamin_Gough
- dbr:Benjamin_Hoadly_(physician)
- dbr:Robert_Masters_(historian)
- dbr:Robin_Coombs
- dbr:Robin_Ross
- dbr:Roger_Manners,_5th_Earl_of_Rutland
- dbr:Ronald_Mansbridge
- dbr:Samuel_Bradford
- dbr:Samuel_Wesley_(poet)
- dbr:Sawley_Abbey
- dbr:Elias_Sydall
- dbr:List_of_alumni_of_King's_College_London
- dbr:List_of_clocks
- dbr:List_of_current_heads_of_University_of_Cambridge_colleges
- dbr:List_of_fictional_Cambridge_colleges
- dbr:List_of_foreign_recipients_of_the_Ordre_des_Palmes_Académiques
- dbr:Michael_Stanhope_(priest)
- dbr:Mac_Durnan_Gospels
- dbr:Moray_McLaren
- dbr:Parker_Library_on_the_Web
- dbr:University_Challenge_1996–97
- dbr:Uncial_0313
- dbr:Richard_Gough_(antiquarian)
- dbr:Robert_Moss_(priest)
- dbr:Corpus_Christi,_Cambridge
- dbr:Barrie_Gavin
- dbr:Barry_Gardiner
- dbr:Barry_Pain
- dbr:Basil_Bartlett
- dbr:Ben_Ashenden
- dbr:Bene't_Street
- dbr:Benedict_Birnberg
- dbr:Benjamin_Forster_(antiquary)
- dbr:Bernard_Jenkin
- dbr:Bernard_Porter
- dbr:Bob_Shennan
- dbr:Boris_Ord
- dbr:Brentwood_School,_Essex
- dbr:Brian_Parsons
- dbr:David_Brading
- dbr:David_Chapman_(cricketer)
- dbr:David_Clary
- dbr:David_Cobham
- dbr:David_Gibbins
- dbr:David_Hoyle_(priest)
- dbr:David_Ibbetson
- dbr:David_Mervyn_Blow
- dbr:David_Omand
- dbr:David_Pinsent
- dbr:David_Pitcairn
- dbr:David_Ramsbotham,_Baron_Ramsbotham
- dbr:David_Saint-Jacques
- dbr:Denton_Thompson
- dbr:Dewi_Bridges
- dbr:Alfred_Page_(priest)
- dbr:Algernon_Ward
- dbr:Alistair_Macdonald
- dbr:Andrew_Dokett
- dbr:Andrew_Haldenby
- dbr:Ann_Buckley
- dbr:Anna_Whitelock
- dbr:Anthony_Hamilton_(Archdeacon_of_Colchester)
- dbr:Anthony_Higgin
- dbr:Anthony_Morris_Storer
- dbr:Hugh_Bonneville
- dbr:Hugh_Davidson_(marketer)
- dbr:Hugh_Henry_Home_Popham
- dbr:Hugh_Norman-Walker
- dbr:Hugh_Owen_(cricketer)
- dbr:Hugh_Roberts_(art_historian)
- dbr:John_Murrell_(chemist)
- dbr:John_Palgrave_Simpson
- dbr:John_Pardoe
- dbr:John_Ramsbotham
- dbr:John_Spencer_(priest)
- dbr:John_Taylor_(inventor)
- dbr:John_Vaughan_(naturalist)
- dbr:John_Vere_Hopgood
- dbr:John_Went
- dbr:John_Young_(brewer)
- dbr:John_de_Salis,_9th_Count_de_Salis-Soglio
- dbr:Jon_Thoday
- dbr:Jonathan_Cake
- dbr:Jonathan_D._C._Turner
- dbr:Jonathan_Friedland
- dbr:Judy_Hirst
- dbr:List_of_English_and_Welsh_endowed_schools_(19th_century)
- dbr:List_of_churches_in_Cambridge
- dbr:Patrick_Hodge,_Lord_Hodge
- dbr:Paul_Callaghan
- dbr:Paul_Mellars
- dbr:Peasants'_Revolt
- dbr:Pelican
- dbr:Pembroke_Street,_Cambridge
- dbr:Peter_Fibiger_Bang
- dbr:Peter_Foster_(judge)
- dbr:Peter_Luff
- dbr:Peter_Maxey
- dbr:Peter_Walker_(bishop)
- dbr:Peter_Warren_(archaeologist)
- dbr:Repton_School
- dbr:Rhodes_Boyson
- dbr:Richard_Barber
- dbr:Richard_Boyle,_1st_Earl_of_Cork
- dbr:Richard_David_Barnett
- dbr:Richard_Drayton
- dbr:Richard_Fletcher_(bishop)
- dbr:Richard_Henderson_(biologist)
- dbr:Richard_Hudson_(linguist)
- dbr:Richard_Jefferson_(cricketer)
- dbr:Richard_Sterne_(bishop)
- dbr:Richard_Talbert
- dbr:Richard_Wildash
- dbr:Robert_Caldwell_(academic)
- dbr:Robert_Greene_(dramatist)
- dbr:Robert_Gregg_Bury
- dbr:Robert_Hiscox
- dbr:Charles_Alford_(priest)
- dbr:Charles_Chapman_(cricketer,_born_1806)
- dbr:Charles_Clarke_(judge)
- dbr:Charles_Clerke_(footballer)
- dbr:Charles_Copland
- dbr:Charles_Erskine_(1716–1749)
- dbr:Charles_Freegrove_Winzer
- dbr:Charles_Henry_Newmarch
- dbr:Charles_McBurney_(archaeologist)
- dbr:Charles_Ogilvie_(civil_servant)
- dbr:University_Challenge
- dbr:University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:CCCC
- dbr:Victor_Willing
- dbr:Victoria_Atkins
- dbr:David_Blair_(journalist)
- dbr:David_Bowen_(pathologist)
- dbr:David_Griffiths_(archdeacon_of_Monmouth)
- dbr:David_Hopkin_(magistrate)
- dbr:David_Park_(art_historian)
- dbr:De_expugnatione_Lyxbonensi
- dbr:Derek_Williams_(filmmaker)
- dbr:Desmond_Lee
- dbr:Donald_McKenzie_(academic)
- dbr:Donald_Spence_Jones
- dbr:Duncan_Wilson
- dbr:Eadmer
- dbr:Ine_of_Wessex
- dbr:International_Qajar_Studies_Association
- dbr:Ivo_Stourton
- dbr:J.P.C._Roach
- dbr:J._A._Stevens
- dbr:James_A._Shapiro
- dbr:James_Rigby_Beevor
- dbr:James_Tabor_(Registrary)
- dbr:Jamie_Whyte
- dbr:John_Aucher
- dbr:John_Barnardiston
- dbr:John_Barret_(theologian)
- dbr:John_Bertalot
- dbr:John_Birch_(diplomat)
- dbr:John_Bowker_(theologian)
- dbr:John_Boys_(priest)
- dbr:John_Brasbrigg
- dbr:Scotichronicon
- dbr:Libellus_de_expugnatione_Terrae_Sanctae_per_Saladinum
- dbr:List_of_historic_buildings_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_illuminated_later_Anglo-Saxon_manuscripts
- dbr:List_of_illuminated_manuscripts
- dbr:List_of_institutions_of_the_University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:List_of_judges_of_the_Court_of_Appeal_of_England_and_Wales
- dbr:List_of_libraries
- dbr:List_of_masters_of_Corpus_Christi_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:List_of_people_educated_at_Bedford_School
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Bradford
- dbr:List_of_people_from_the_University_of_Oxford_in_academic_disciplines
- dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_Cambridge_Union
- dbr:List_of_residential_colleges
- dbr:Sir_John_Cust,_3rd_Baronet
- dbr:Oxnead
- dbr:Paul_Nimmo
- dbr:Stewart_Sutherland,_Baron_Sutherland_of_Houndwood
- dbr:Proverbia_Grecorum
- dbr:Psychomachia
- dbr:Patrick_Muir_Renison
- dbr:William_Bagshaw
- dbr:Timeline_of_Cambridge
- dbr:1350s_in_England
- dbr:1352
- dbr:Colleges_of_the_University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:Conrad_Noel
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_College,_Oxford
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_College_Boat_Club_(Cambridge)
- dbr:Cow_tipping
- dbr:Crystal_Fighters
- dbr:Ancrene_Wisse
- dbr:Mary_Warnock,_Baroness_Warnock
- dbr:Master_(college)
- dbr:Matt_Thompson_(priest)
- dbr:Matthew_Paris
- dbr:Matthew_Parker
- dbr:Matthias_Mawson
- dbr:Gates_Cambridge_Scholarship
- dbr:Gathorne_Gathorne-Hardy,_5th_Earl_of_Cranbrook
- dbr:Geoffrey_Best
- dbr:Geoffrey_Bushnell
- dbr:Geoffrey_Jones_(academic)
- dbr:George_D'Oyly
- dbr:George_Dove
- dbr:George_Gardner_(priest)
- dbr:Martin_Nourse
- dbr:Nathanael_Salmon
- dbr:New_Court_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nicolette_Bethel
- dbr:Norman_Warren_(priest)
- dbr:Octavius_Mathias
- dbr:Oliver_St_John,_1st_Earl_of_Bolingbroke
- dbr:Otho-Corpus_Gospels
- dbr:Nigel_Trench,_7th_Baron_Ashtown
- dbr:Robert_Priseman
- dbr:Scalacronica
- dbr:The_Boat_Race_1953
- dbr:Simon_Godsill
- dbr:Stephen_Nettles
- dbr:Stephen_Potts
- dbr:Uncial_0312
- dbr:William_Latymer
- dbr:Quentin_Summerfield
- dbr:Rachel_Neaman
- dbr:William_Alan_Wood
- dbr:William_Chafy
- dbr:William_Colman
- dbr:William_Hey_(judge)
- dbr:William_Sowode
- dbr:1847_University_of_Cambridge_Chancellor_election
- dbr:1996_New_Year_Honours
- dbr:Chris_Bryant_(writer)
- dbr:Chris_Hann
- dbr:Christ's_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Christmas_University_Challenge
- dbr:Christopher_Andrew_(historian)
- dbr:Christopher_Evans_(theologian)
- dbr:Christopher_Isherwood
- dbr:Christopher_Lewis_(priest)
- dbr:Christopher_Longuet-Higgins
- dbr:Christopher_Marlowe
- dbr:Christopher_Watts
- dbr:Church_of_St_Andrew_and_St_Mary,_Grantchester
- dbr:Clare,_Suffolk
- dbr:Colin_Blakemore
- dbr:Colin_St_John_Wilson
- dbr:Alexander_Duncan_(doctor)
- dbr:Alexander_Wallace_(priest)
- dbr:Edward_Bramwell_Clarke
- dbr:Edward_Curzon,_6th_Earl_Howe
- dbr:Edward_Higginbottom
- dbr:Edward_Upward
- dbr:Edwin_Regan
- dbr:Elizabeth_Butler-Sloss,_Baroness_Butler-Sloss
- dbr:Emma_Wilson
- dbr:Frank_Sandon
- dbr:Freddie_Owen
- dbr:Frederic_C._Lawrence
- dbr:Frederick_Baldwin_Adams_Jr.
- dbr:Frederick_Hervey,_4th_Earl_of_Bristol
- dbr:Frederick_Lawton_(judge)
- dbr:Frederick_York_St_Leger
- dbr:G._Michael_Bancroft
- dbr:Gamani_Corea
- dbr:Geoffrey_Rowell
- dbr:George_Capel-Coningsby,_5th_Earl_of_Essex
- dbr:George_Chrystal
- dbr:George_Paget_Thomson
- dbr:George_Wishart
- dbr:Gerard_McBurney
- dbr:Godfrey_Harvey
- dbr:Gordon_Selwyn
- dbr:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Cambridge
- dbr:Graham_Dawbarn
- dbr:Graham_Usher_(bishop)
- dbr:Grantchester
- dbr:Minuscule_288
- dbr:Moya_Cannon
- dbr:Corpus_Christi_Carol
- dbr:Corpus_Clock
- dbr:The_Latymer_School
- dbr:The_Wilberforce_Society
- dbr:Thomas_Arnold
- dbr:Thomas_Fuller
- dbr:Thomas_Green_(bishop)
- dbr:Thomas_Harding_(writer)
- dbr:Thomas_Herring
- dbr:Thomas_Ignatius_Maria_Forster
- dbr:Thomas_Langley
- dbr:Thomas_Markaunt
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