- In law, a commutation is the substitution of a lesser penalty for that given after a conviction for a crime. The penalty can be lessened in severity, in duration, or both. Unlike most pardons by government and overturning by the court (a full overturning is equal to an acquittal), a commutation does not affect the status of a defendant's underlying criminal conviction. Although the concept of commutation may be used to broadly describe the substitution of a lesser criminal penalty for the original sentence, some jurisdictions have historically used the term only for the substitution of a sentence of a different character than was originally imposed by the court. For example, the substitution of a sentence of parole for the original sentence of incarceration. A jurisdiction that uses that definition of commutation would use another term, such as a remission, to describe a reduction of a penalty that does not change its character. A commutation does not reverse a conviction and the recipient of a commutation remains guilty in accordance with the original conviction. For example, someone convicted of capital murder may have their sentence of death commuted to life imprisonment, a lessening of the punishment that does not affect the underlying criminal conviction, as may occur on a discretionary basis or following upon a change in the law or judicial ruling that limits or eliminates the death penalty. In some jurisdictions a commutation of sentence may be conditional, meaning that the convicted person may be required to abide by specified conditions or may lose the benefit of the commutation. The conditions must be lawful and reasonable, and will typically expire when the convicted completes any remaining portion of their sentence. For example, the pardon may be conditioned upon the person's being a law-abiding citizen, such that if the beneficiary of the commutation commits a new crime before the condition expires the original sentence may be restored. (en)
- Eine Strafmilderung bezeichnet im deutschen Strafzumessungsrecht die Reduzierung der für einen bestimmten Straftatbestand eigentlich vorgesehenen Strafe. Gesetzlich geregelt ist die Strafmilderung überwiegend in § 49 StGB. Das Gesetz kennt zwei Formen der Strafmilderung: die Strafrahmenverschiebung nach § 49 Abs. 1 StGB oder die Strafmilderung nach § 49 Abs. 2 StGB. (de)
- Luditzea, zuzenbidean, legearen arabera ezarritako zama, betebehar edo zigorretatik aske geratzea da. Esate baterako, lan eginez penak luditzea. (eu)
- 감형권(減刑權)은 형의 선고를 받은 자에 대하여 선고받은 형을 경감하거나 형의 집행을 감경시켜 주는 국가원수의 특권을 말한다. 감형에는 두 종류가 있는데, 죄 또는 형의 종류를 정하여 일반적으로 행하는 일반감형과 특정인에 대하여 행하는 특별감형이 있다. 일반 감형은 국무 회의의 심의를 거쳐 대통령령으로 행하고 특별감형은 법무부 장관의 계고로 국무회의의 심의를 거쳐 대통령이 이를 행한다. 이 문서에는 다음커뮤니케이션(현 카카오)에서 GFDL 또는 CC-SA 라이선스로 배포한 글로벌 세계대백과사전의 내용을 기초로 작성된 글이 포함되어 있습니다. (ko)
- 减刑指的是对符合一定条件的犯人缩短刑期。减刑是從寬處分(clemency)的一種形式,且和赦免相關,一些看法更認為減刑是赦免的一種;但和多數形式的赦免不同的是,减刑不會影響一個罪犯是否有罪的事實,而赦免可能使得罪犯從有罪變成無罪。 (zh)
- Eine Strafmilderung bezeichnet im deutschen Strafzumessungsrecht die Reduzierung der für einen bestimmten Straftatbestand eigentlich vorgesehenen Strafe. Gesetzlich geregelt ist die Strafmilderung überwiegend in § 49 StGB. Das Gesetz kennt zwei Formen der Strafmilderung: die Strafrahmenverschiebung nach § 49 Abs. 1 StGB oder die Strafmilderung nach § 49 Abs. 2 StGB. (de)
- Luditzea, zuzenbidean, legearen arabera ezarritako zama, betebehar edo zigorretatik aske geratzea da. Esate baterako, lan eginez penak luditzea. (eu)
- 감형권(減刑權)은 형의 선고를 받은 자에 대하여 선고받은 형을 경감하거나 형의 집행을 감경시켜 주는 국가원수의 특권을 말한다. 감형에는 두 종류가 있는데, 죄 또는 형의 종류를 정하여 일반적으로 행하는 일반감형과 특정인에 대하여 행하는 특별감형이 있다. 일반 감형은 국무 회의의 심의를 거쳐 대통령령으로 행하고 특별감형은 법무부 장관의 계고로 국무회의의 심의를 거쳐 대통령이 이를 행한다. 이 문서에는 다음커뮤니케이션(현 카카오)에서 GFDL 또는 CC-SA 라이선스로 배포한 글로벌 세계대백과사전의 내용을 기초로 작성된 글이 포함되어 있습니다. (ko)
- 减刑指的是对符合一定条件的犯人缩短刑期。减刑是從寬處分(clemency)的一種形式,且和赦免相關,一些看法更認為減刑是赦免的一種;但和多數形式的赦免不同的是,减刑不會影響一個罪犯是否有罪的事實,而赦免可能使得罪犯從有罪變成無罪。 (zh)
- In law, a commutation is the substitution of a lesser penalty for that given after a conviction for a crime. The penalty can be lessened in severity, in duration, or both. Unlike most pardons by government and overturning by the court (a full overturning is equal to an acquittal), a commutation does not affect the status of a defendant's underlying criminal conviction. (en)