- El Partit Comunista d'Austràlia (en anglès Communist Party of Austràlia) va ser un partit comunista que va ser fundat l'any 1920 a Austràlia, i que es va dissoldre l'any 1991. (ca)
- الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي Communist Party of Australia تأسس عام 1920 وحل في عام 1991. فشكل أعضاؤه حزبا جديدا سموه الحزب الاشتراكي الأسترالي، ثم أعادوا تسميته بالاسم الأول وهو الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي. بلغ الحزب أوج قوتها في الأربعينات وواجه خطر الحظر عام 1951. وعلى الرغم من انه لا يشكل حزبا سياسيا له وزن يهدد بقية الأحزاب حاليا، إلا أن له تأثير كبير على النقابات العمالية والحركات الاجتماعية والثقافة الوطنية. تأسس الحزب الشيوعي في سيدني في أكتوبر 1920 من قبل مجموعة من الاشتراكيين المتأثرين بالثورة الروسية الشيوعية في روسيا 1917. (ar)
- Die Communist Party of Australia (CPA) wurde 1920 gegründet, 1991 aufgelöst und im Oktober 1996 nannte sich die Socialist Party of Australia zur Communist Party of Australia um. Die CPA entwickelte ihre größte Stärke in den 1940er Jahren und war 1951 von einem Parteiverbot bedroht. Obwohl es ihr nie gelang einen großen Wahlerfolg zu erringen, hatte sie bedeutenden Einfluss auf die australischen Gewerkschaften, sozialen Bewegungen und nationale Kultur Australiens. (de)
- The Communist Party of Australia (CPA), known as the Australian Communist Party (ACP) from 1944 to 1951, was an Australian political party founded in 1920. The party existed until roughly 1991, with its membership and influence having been in a steady decline since its peak in 1945. Like most communist parties in the west, the party was heavily involved in the labour movement and the trade unions. Its membership, popularity and influence grew significantly during most of the interwar period before reaching its climax in 1945, where the party achieved a membership of slightly above 22,000 members. Although the party did not achieve a federal MP, Fred Paterson was elected to the Parliament of Queensland (for Bowen) at the 1944 state election. He won re-election in 1947 before the seat was abolished. The party also held office in over a dozen local government areas across New South Wales and Queensland. After nineteen years of activity, the CPA was formally banned on 15 June 1940 under the relatively new Menzies government (1939–1941). The party was banned under the National Security (Subversive Associations) Regulations 1940. Two-and-a-half years later, the party was again a lawful organisation. When the party contested the federal election eight months later, it received its biggest vote total. Getting a total of 81,816 votes (1.93–2.00%), the party received over 20,000 in Victoria and Queensland, and over 19,000 in New South Wales. It was the party's biggest vote total since the 1934 federal election. However, by the late 1960s the party fell into single digit numbers before a brief spike in the mid 1970s. By the mid to late 1980s the party was effectively stagnant and the party was soon dissolved. To the present, the party is the fourth-oldest political party in Australian political history since Federation, lasting for 70 years, 122 days. (en)
- El Partido Comunista de Australia (en inglés Communist Party of Australia; acrónimo CPA) fue un partido político comunista fundado en 1920 en Australia y disuelto en 1991. (es)
- Le Parti communiste d'Australie (Communist Party of Australia, CPA) fut fondé en 1920 et dissous en 1991. Sa puissance politique atteignit son maximum pendant les années 1940, et il dut faire face à une demande d'interdiction en 1951. Bien qu'il ne présentât jamais en Australie une menace sérieuse à l'ordre établi, il eut une influence significative sur les syndicats, les mouvements sociaux et la culture nationale. (fr)
- Коммунистическая партия Австралии — политическая партия в Австралии. Основана в 1920 году. В результате раскола в 1964 году появилась Марксистско-ленинская коммунистическая партия Австралии. В 1991 году Коммунистическая партия Австралии самораспустилась. (ru)
- Комуністична партія Австралії (англ. Communist Party of Australia) була заснована у 1920 і розпущена у 1991. Партія набула своєї найбільшої сили у 1940-их і стикнулась із загрозою заборони партії у 1951 році. Хоча партія ніколи не займала домінуючу позицію в австралійській політиці, вона мала значний вплив на профспілки, соціальні течії і національну культуру. (uk)
- 澳大利亚共产党(英語:Communist Party of Australia),简称澳共(CPA),是澳大利亚历史上的的一个共产主义政党。1920年10月,澳大利亚左派和社会主义小组于悉尼召开会议。同年11月,建党,伊尔斯曼当选总书记。1930年代,曾组织多次罢工。1935年,提出反战反法西斯口号。1951年,制订党纲《澳大利亚走向社会主义的道路》,主张和平实现社会主义。1964年,中蘇分裂之後,支持中國共産黨和毛主义的黨員退党并另外組建了澳大利亚共产党(马列)。1971年,苏联镇压布拉格之春运动,当时的澳共中央对镇压持批判态度,因此坚持支持苏共的亲苏派于1971年另行组建澳大利亞社会党。冷战后期,澳共在意识形态上趋向主张民主、反对苏联模式、和平演变资本主义的欧洲共产主义。该党出版党报《》和党刊《澳大利亚左翼评论》。1991年,澳大利亚共产党解散,其成员另组“新左翼党”。1992年,新左翼党解散。1990年成立的从澳共继承超过300万美元的资产,并保存其档案。 原来的澳大利亞共產黨解散后,1971年成立的澳大利亚社会党于1996年更名为“澳大利亞共產黨”。 (zh)
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- 1984 (xsd:integer)
- March 1991 (en)
- A de facto flag used by the CPA.svg (en)
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- 1923 (xsd:integer)
- [[#Foundation and early years (en)
- Marx House, Sydney, New South Wales (en)
- Communism (en)
- Marxism–Leninism (en)
- (en)
- Factions: (en)
- After 1971: (en)
- Anti-Stalinism (en)
- Before 1971: (en)
- Eurocommunism (en)
- Marxist Feminism (en)
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- Colourised version of the logo used by the CPA.svg (en)
- File:Eureka Youth League Badge.jpg (en)
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- Communist Party of Australia (en)
- Australian Communist Party (en)
- Eureka Youth League (en)
- (en)
- The Australian Communist (en)
- The Communist (en)
- The International Socialist (en)
- The Young Worker (en)
- Tribune (en)
- Workers' Weekly (en)
- (en)
- Left-wing (en)
- Far-left (en)
- After 1971: (en)
- Before 1971: (en)
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- “All power to the workers” (en)
- Socialist Party of Australia (en)
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- El Partit Comunista d'Austràlia (en anglès Communist Party of Austràlia) va ser un partit comunista que va ser fundat l'any 1920 a Austràlia, i que es va dissoldre l'any 1991. (ca)
- الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي Communist Party of Australia تأسس عام 1920 وحل في عام 1991. فشكل أعضاؤه حزبا جديدا سموه الحزب الاشتراكي الأسترالي، ثم أعادوا تسميته بالاسم الأول وهو الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي. بلغ الحزب أوج قوتها في الأربعينات وواجه خطر الحظر عام 1951. وعلى الرغم من انه لا يشكل حزبا سياسيا له وزن يهدد بقية الأحزاب حاليا، إلا أن له تأثير كبير على النقابات العمالية والحركات الاجتماعية والثقافة الوطنية. تأسس الحزب الشيوعي في سيدني في أكتوبر 1920 من قبل مجموعة من الاشتراكيين المتأثرين بالثورة الروسية الشيوعية في روسيا 1917. (ar)
- Die Communist Party of Australia (CPA) wurde 1920 gegründet, 1991 aufgelöst und im Oktober 1996 nannte sich die Socialist Party of Australia zur Communist Party of Australia um. Die CPA entwickelte ihre größte Stärke in den 1940er Jahren und war 1951 von einem Parteiverbot bedroht. Obwohl es ihr nie gelang einen großen Wahlerfolg zu erringen, hatte sie bedeutenden Einfluss auf die australischen Gewerkschaften, sozialen Bewegungen und nationale Kultur Australiens. (de)
- El Partido Comunista de Australia (en inglés Communist Party of Australia; acrónimo CPA) fue un partido político comunista fundado en 1920 en Australia y disuelto en 1991. (es)
- Le Parti communiste d'Australie (Communist Party of Australia, CPA) fut fondé en 1920 et dissous en 1991. Sa puissance politique atteignit son maximum pendant les années 1940, et il dut faire face à une demande d'interdiction en 1951. Bien qu'il ne présentât jamais en Australie une menace sérieuse à l'ordre établi, il eut une influence significative sur les syndicats, les mouvements sociaux et la culture nationale. (fr)
- Коммунистическая партия Австралии — политическая партия в Австралии. Основана в 1920 году. В результате раскола в 1964 году появилась Марксистско-ленинская коммунистическая партия Австралии. В 1991 году Коммунистическая партия Австралии самораспустилась. (ru)
- Комуністична партія Австралії (англ. Communist Party of Australia) була заснована у 1920 і розпущена у 1991. Партія набула своєї найбільшої сили у 1940-их і стикнулась із загрозою заборони партії у 1951 році. Хоча партія ніколи не займала домінуючу позицію в австралійській політиці, вона мала значний вплив на профспілки, соціальні течії і національну культуру. (uk)
- 澳大利亚共产党(英語:Communist Party of Australia),简称澳共(CPA),是澳大利亚历史上的的一个共产主义政党。1920年10月,澳大利亚左派和社会主义小组于悉尼召开会议。同年11月,建党,伊尔斯曼当选总书记。1930年代,曾组织多次罢工。1935年,提出反战反法西斯口号。1951年,制订党纲《澳大利亚走向社会主义的道路》,主张和平实现社会主义。1964年,中蘇分裂之後,支持中國共産黨和毛主义的黨員退党并另外組建了澳大利亚共产党(马列)。1971年,苏联镇压布拉格之春运动,当时的澳共中央对镇压持批判态度,因此坚持支持苏共的亲苏派于1971年另行组建澳大利亞社会党。冷战后期,澳共在意识形态上趋向主张民主、反对苏联模式、和平演变资本主义的欧洲共产主义。该党出版党报《》和党刊《澳大利亚左翼评论》。1991年,澳大利亚共产党解散,其成员另组“新左翼党”。1992年,新左翼党解散。1990年成立的从澳共继承超过300万美元的资产,并保存其档案。 原来的澳大利亞共產黨解散后,1971年成立的澳大利亚社会党于1996年更名为“澳大利亞共產黨”。 (zh)
- The Communist Party of Australia (CPA), known as the Australian Communist Party (ACP) from 1944 to 1951, was an Australian political party founded in 1920. The party existed until roughly 1991, with its membership and influence having been in a steady decline since its peak in 1945. Like most communist parties in the west, the party was heavily involved in the labour movement and the trade unions. Its membership, popularity and influence grew significantly during most of the interwar period before reaching its climax in 1945, where the party achieved a membership of slightly above 22,000 members. Although the party did not achieve a federal MP, Fred Paterson was elected to the Parliament of Queensland (for Bowen) at the 1944 state election. He won re-election in 1947 before the seat was ab (en)
- Communist Party of Australia (en)
- الحزب الشيوعي الأسترالي (ar)
- Partit Comunista d'Austràlia (1920) (ca)
- Communist Party of Australia (de)
- Partido Comunista de Australia (1920) (es)
- Parti communiste d'Australie (1920-1991) (fr)
- Коммунистическая партия Австралии (ru)
- 澳大利亚共产党 (zh)
- Комуністична партія Австралії (uk)
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- Communist Party of Australia (en)
- Australian Communist Party (en)
is dbo:nationalAffiliation
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- dbr:Candidates_of_the_1953_New_South_Wales_state_election
- dbr:Candidates_of_the_1959_New_South_Wales_state_election
- dbr:Candidates_of_the_1962_New_South_Wales_state_election
- dbr:Amirah_Inglis
- dbr:Ben_Ellis_(playwright)
- dbr:Robert_Marsden_Hope
- dbr:Ruby_Payne-Scott
- dbr:Sam_Aarons
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Bowen
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_Division_of_Port_Adelaide
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_district_of_Bowen
- dbr:Eyl_(disambiguation)
- dbr:List_of_foreign_delegations_at_24th_PCF_Congress_(1982)
- dbr:Maritime_Union_of_Australia
- dbr:Menzies_government_(1939–1941)
- dbr:Menzies_government_(1949–1966)
- dbr:National_Civic_Council
- dbr:Members_of_the_Queensland_Legislative_Assembly,_1944–1947
- dbr:Members_of_the_Queensland_Legislative_Assembly,_1947–1950
- dbr:Party_Builder
- dbr:Pat_Clancy_(trade_unionist)
- dbr:Proletarian_literature
- dbr:Sydney_Push
- dbr:Workers_of_the_world,_unite!
- dbr:1920
- dbr:1920_in_Australia
- dbr:1931_Parkes_by-election
- dbr:1936_Bowen_state_by-election
- dbr:1944_in_Australia
- dbr:1946_Pilbara_strike
- dbr:1948_Geelong_state_by-election
- dbr:1948_Guildford-Midland_state_by-election
- dbr:1948_Queensland_railway_strike
- dbr:1949_Australian_coal_strike
- dbr:1949_Central_Queensland_cyclone
- dbr:1949_Ipswich_state_by-election
- dbr:1949_Kurilpa_state_by-election
- dbr:1950_in_Australia
- dbr:1951_Macquarie_by-election
- dbr:1951_in_Australia
- dbr:Bartlett_Adamson
- dbr:Ben_Chifley
- dbr:Bill_Barry_(politician)
- dbr:Bill_Edmonds
- dbr:Bill_Hayden
- dbr:Bill_Knott_(politician)
- dbr:Bill_Onus
- dbr:Bill_Wentworth
- dbr:Bob_Gould_(activist)
- dbr:Bob_Hawke
- dbr:Bob_Watson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Bowen,_Queensland
- dbr:David_Martin_(poet)
- dbr:Dawn_(magazine)
- dbr:Death_and_state_funeral_of_Josip_Broz_Tito
- dbr:Democratic_Labour_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Denis_Lovegrove
- dbr:Alfred_Jacobs
- dbr:Annette_Cameron
- dbr:History_of_the_Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:History_of_the_Communist_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:John_Spicer_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Troy_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Wheeldon
- dbr:John_Wren
- dbr:Juanita_Nielsen
- dbr:Judah_Waten
- dbr:List_of_The_Doctor_Blake_Mysteries_episodes
- dbr:List_of_communist_parties
- dbr:List_of_left-wing_political_parties
- dbr:List_of_political_ideologies
- dbr:Percy_Clarey
- dbr:Peter_Cundall
- dbr:Results_of_the_1983_Australian_federal_election_(House_of_Representatives)
- dbr:Revolutions_of_1989
- dbr:Ric_Throssell
- dbr:Robert_Boylen
- dbr:Daisy_Marchisotti
- dbr:Union_of_Australian_Women
- dbr:United_Australia_Party
- dbr:Victorian_Socialist_Party
- dbr:Vince_Gair
- dbr:Deaths_in_February_1997
- dbr:Don_Syme_(politician)
- dbr:Doris_McRae
- dbr:Dorothy_Hewett
- dbr:Doug_Bardolph
- dbr:Industrial_Groups
- dbr:Industrial_unionism
- dbr:October_30
- dbr:List_of_historical_political_parties_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_mayors_of_Lake_Macquarie
- dbr:List_of_mayors_of_Randwick
- dbr:Sam_Lewis_(trade_unionist)
- dbr:Power_Without_Glory
- dbr:Rita_Smith
- dbr:The_International_Socialist_(newspaper)
- dbr:What_About_the_People?
- dbr:10th_anniversary_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China
- dbr:1931_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1934_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1977_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1980_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:Collinsville_Cemetery,_Queensland
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia_(1971)
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia_(Marxist–Leninist)
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia_–_Queensland
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_New_Zealand
- dbr:Max_Bound
- dbr:Max_Falstein
- dbr:Russel_Ward
- dbr:SEARCH_Foundation
- dbr:Elliott_Johnston
- dbr:Ernie_Thornton
- dbr:George_Godfrey_(journalist)
- dbr:New_Theatre,_Melbourne
- dbr:Rex_Mortimer
- dbr:Reg_Bartley
- dbr:Timeline_of_Australian_history
- dbr:Zelda_D'Aprano
- dbr:1888_in_Scotland
- dbr:Christian_Jollie_Smith
- dbr:Christina_Stead
- dbr:Clarrie_Isaacs
- dbr:Alf_Clint
- dbr:Edward_McTiernan
- dbr:Eliot_V._Elliott
- dbr:Entryism
- dbr:Frank_Hill_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Frank_McManus_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Fred_Katz
- dbr:Fred_Paterson
- dbr:Freda_Brown
- dbr:Geoffrey_Reed
- dbr:George_Petersen
- dbr:Gerald_Mahoney
- dbr:Minto_Communist_Training_School
- dbr:Mona_Brand
- dbr:Municipality_of_Redfern
- dbr:The_North_Queensland_Guardian
- dbr:Thomas_Playford_IV
- dbr:Eric_Lambert_(author)
- dbr:Ernest_Burgmann
- dbr:Upsurge
- dbr:Military_history_of_Australia
- dbr:Pat_Devanny
- dbr:Western_Australian_Farmers_Federation
- dbr:1935_Queensland_state_election
- dbr:1937_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1938_Queensland_state_election
- dbr:1941_Queensland_state_election
- dbr:1944_New_South_Wales_state_election
- dbr:1944_Queensland_state_election
- dbr:1944_South_Australian_state_election
- dbr:1946_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1949_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1951_Australian_Communist_Party_ban_referendum
- dbr:1951_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1953_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1954_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1955_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1958_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1959_Cook's_River_state_by-election
- dbr:1961_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1963_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1966_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1969_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1969_Queensland_state_election
- dbr:1972_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1973_Australian_referendum_(Prices)
- dbr:1974_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1975_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2012_Port_Adelaide_state_by-election
- dbr:Angas_Street
- dbr:Bernard_Smith_(art_historian)
- dbr:Lee_Rhiannon
- dbr:Len_Fox
- dbr:Levuka
- dbr:Liberal_Movement_(Australia)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Lionel_Murphy
- dbr:Louise_Overacker
- dbr:Magnus_Cormack
- dbr:Maitland,_New_South_Wales
- dbr:Bobbin_Up
- dbr:Stan_Taylor_(barrister)
- dbr:Stanley_Bruce
- dbr:State_Labor_Party
- dbr:Stephen_Murray-Smith
- dbr:Stuart_Macintyre
- dbr:Collinsville_mine_disaster
- dbr:Communist_Review
- dbr:Della_Elliott
- dbr:Federated_Ironworkers'_Association_of_Australia
- dbr:Federated_Moulders'_(Metals)_Union_of_Australia
- dbr:Francis_Hagai
- dbr:Frank_Hardy
- dbr:Harry_Gould_(editor)
- dbr:Henrietta_Greville
- dbr:Ian_Milner
- dbr:Ian_Turner_(Australian_political_activist)
- dbr:John_Meredith_(folklorist)
- dbr:Kevin_Borland
- dbr:Kevin_Healy
- dbr:Lesbia_Harford
- dbr:Pietro_Baracchi
- dbr:Overland_(magazine)
- dbr:Petrov_Affair
- dbr:Peter_Symon
- dbr:Matthew_Baird_(politician)
- dbr:Max_Julius
- dbr:1952_Port_Melbourne_state_by-election
- dbr:1952_Victorian_Legislative_Council_election
- dbr:1957_International_Meeting_of_Communist_and_Workers_Parties
- dbr:1960_International_Meeting_of_Communist_and_Workers_Parties
- dbr:1964_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1964_in_Australia
- dbr:1967_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1969_International_Meeting_of_Communist_and_Workers_Parties
- dbr:Australia
- dbr:Australian_Broadcasting_Corporation
- dbr:Australian_Communist_Party_v_Commonwealth
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Non-Communist)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Tasmanian_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_split_of_1955
- dbr:Australian_Security_Intelligence_Organisation
- dbr:Australian_Workers'_Union
- dbr:Australian_labour_movement
- dbr:Bank_of_New_South_Wales_building,_Townsville
- dbr:Barbara_Curthoys
- dbr:CPA_Australia
- dbr:Celia_(1989_film)
- dbr:Tom_Dougherty_(union_official)
- dbr:Tom_Eastick
- dbr:Tom_Hughes_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Tom_Walsh_(trade_unionist)
- dbr:Walter_Murdoch
- dbr:Warburton,_Western_Australia
- dbr:William_Earsman
- dbr:William_McMahon
- dbr:Gladys_Dorothy_O'Shane
- dbr:H._M._Wicks
- dbr:Hedwig_Ross
- dbr:James_Normington_Rawling
- dbr:John_Halfpenny
- dbr:Kath_Williams
- dbr:Katharine_Susannah_Prichard
- dbr:Laurie_Short
- dbr:List_of_Australian_flags
- dbr:List_of_Brighton_Grammar_School_people
- dbr:Ruth_Hope_Crow
- dbr:3rd_World_Congress_of_the_Communist_International
- dbr:4ZZZ
- dbr:Adela_Pankhurst
- dbr:Aileen_Palmer
- dbr:Al-Kateb_v_Godwin
- dbr:Alan_Finger
- dbr:Alex_Macdonald_(trade_unionist)
- dbr:Alexander_William_Sheppard
- dbr:2nd_Congress_of_the_Communist_Party_of_India
- dbr:Currawong_Workers'_Holiday_Camp
- dbr:Curtin_House
- dbr:Cyril_Chambers
- dbr:Daniel_Mannix
- dbr:Eastern_Suburbs_Memorial_Park
- dbr:Edna_Ryan_(activist)
- dbr:Eric_Aarons
- dbr:Eric_Burhop
- dbr:Eric_Woodward
- dbr:Ernest_Riordan
- dbr:Esmonde_Higgins
- dbr:Eureka_Flag
- dbr:Eureka_Youth_League
- dbr:Eurocommunism
- dbr:Flo_Cluff
- dbr:Forbes,_New_South_Wales
- dbr:Angry_Penguins
- dbr:Brian_Manning_(trade_unionist_and_activist)
- dbr:Brian_McGahen
- dbr:Nick_McKenna
- dbr:Nick_Origlass
- dbr:Noel_Counihan
- dbr:P._R._Stephensen
- dbr:Chummy_Fleming
- dbr:Edward_Ambrose_Dyson
- dbr:Grace_Bardsley
- dbr:Grahame_Garner
- dbr:History_of_Australia_(1945–present)
- dbr:History_of_New_South_Wales
- dbr:John_Sendy
- dbr:Joyce_Stevens
- dbr:Judy_Mundey
- dbr:Ken_Gee_(judge)
- dbr:Left-wing_nationalism
- dbr:Left_Alliance_(Australia)
- dbr:List_of_Rhodes_Scholars
- dbr:Roy_Dalgarno
- dbr:Richard_Dixon_(communist)
- dbr:H._B._Higgins
is dbp:1blankname
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is dbp:motherParty
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is dbp:national
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is dbp:office
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is dbp:party
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