- Blue Heelers is an Australian police drama series that was produced by Southern Star Group and ran for 12 years on the Seven Network, from 1994 to 2006. Although based around the policing of the town, the series generally depicted the everyday lives and relationships of the residents of Mount Thomas, a fictional small town in Victoria. The series was one of the highest-rated and most-awarded programs in the history of Australian television, having won 25 Logie awards, it is equal as the most awarded show in Logies history with The Don Lane Show. It is also noted for its two main stars Lisa McCune, a four-time recipient of the Gold Logie, and John Wood, who also won Gold. (en)
- Blue Heelers es un drama policiaco australiano, que comenzó sus transmisiones el 14 de enero de 1994 por medio de la cadena Seven Network y terminó sus transmisiones el 4 de junio del 2006. La serie fue creada por Tony Morphett y Hal McElroy, y contó con la participación de actores como David Wenham, Hugh Jackman, Alan Dale, Kat Stewart, Gary Sweet, Sullivan Stapleton, Chris Vance, Sam Worthington, Emily Browning, Radha Mitchell, Frances O'Connor, Asher Keddie, Marshall Napier, Anthony Hayes, Vince Colosimo, Matt Passmore, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Brett Climo, Matthew Le Nevez, Felix Williamson, Brett Tucker, Nicholas Bishop, Josh Lawson, Libby Tanner, Ian Smith, Stefan Dennis, Tara Morice, Jack Finsterer, John Jarratt, Peter Hardy, Robert Mammone, Lachy Hulme, Marcus Graham, Manu Bennett, Scott Major, Sweeney Young, Viva Bianca, David Lyons, Stephen Curry, Bernard Curry, Kristian Schmid, Andy McPhee, Michala Banas, Ryan Corr, Angus McLaren, Nikolai Nikolaeff, Luke Hemsworth, Eliza Taylor-Cotter, entre otros... En el 2006 después de 12 años la cadena anunció que después de trece temporadas la serie sería cancelada. (es)
- Blue Heelers - Poliziotti con il cuore (Blue Heelers) è una serie televisiva poliziesca australiana. È il telefilm australiano con la vita più lunga: i suoi 510 episodi sono stati infatti trasmessi da Seven Network dal gennaio 1994 fino al giugno del 2006. Solo , presente in prima serata per 13 anni dal 1964 al 1977, può essergli accostato nelle statistiche. (it)
- Policjanci z Mt. Thomas (ang. Blue Heelers, 1994-2006) – australijski serial telewizyjny nadawany przez stację Seven Network od 18 stycznia 1994 r. do 4 czerwca 2006 r. W Polsce emitowany na kanałach AXN i AXN Crime. (pl)
- Blue Heelers, 1994-2006, australisk TV-serie om en polisstation i den lilla orten Mt Thomas. Under 90-talet var serien Australiens mest sedda, och den belönades med en rad Logie-awards. Efter 14 säsonger las serien ned 2006. Originalensemblen bestod bland annat av Martin Sacks (1994-2005) och (1994-1999). Hugh Jackman dyker upp i en gästroll i ett avsnitt 1996. Serien sändes under en kortare period på Kanal 5 under slutet av 1990-talet. Säsong 1-6 är släppta på DVD, och säsong 7-14 planeras att släppas under 08/09. (sv)
- Blue Heelers is an Australian police drama series that was produced by Southern Star Group and ran for 12 years on the Seven Network, from 1994 to 2006. Although based around the policing of the town, the series generally depicted the everyday lives and relationships of the residents of Mount Thomas, a fictional small town in Victoria. The series was one of the highest-rated and most-awarded programs in the history of Australian television, having won 25 Logie awards, it is equal as the most awarded show in Logies history with The Don Lane Show. It is also noted for its two main stars Lisa McCune, a four-time recipient of the Gold Logie, and John Wood, who also won Gold. (en)
- Blue Heelers - Poliziotti con il cuore (Blue Heelers) è una serie televisiva poliziesca australiana. È il telefilm australiano con la vita più lunga: i suoi 510 episodi sono stati infatti trasmessi da Seven Network dal gennaio 1994 fino al giugno del 2006. Solo , presente in prima serata per 13 anni dal 1964 al 1977, può essergli accostato nelle statistiche. (it)
- Policjanci z Mt. Thomas (ang. Blue Heelers, 1994-2006) – australijski serial telewizyjny nadawany przez stację Seven Network od 18 stycznia 1994 r. do 4 czerwca 2006 r. W Polsce emitowany na kanałach AXN i AXN Crime. (pl)
- Blue Heelers, 1994-2006, australisk TV-serie om en polisstation i den lilla orten Mt Thomas. Under 90-talet var serien Australiens mest sedda, och den belönades med en rad Logie-awards. Efter 14 säsonger las serien ned 2006. Originalensemblen bestod bland annat av Martin Sacks (1994-2005) och (1994-1999). Hugh Jackman dyker upp i en gästroll i ett avsnitt 1996. Serien sändes under en kortare period på Kanal 5 under slutet av 1990-talet. Säsong 1-6 är släppta på DVD, och säsong 7-14 planeras att släppas under 08/09. (sv)
- Blue Heelers es un drama policiaco australiano, que comenzó sus transmisiones el 14 de enero de 1994 por medio de la cadena Seven Network y terminó sus transmisiones el 4 de junio del 2006. La serie fue creada por Tony Morphett y Hal McElroy, y contó con la participación de actores como David Wenham, Hugh Jackman, Alan Dale, Kat Stewart, Gary Sweet, Sullivan Stapleton, Chris Vance, Sam Worthington, Emily Browning, Radha Mitchell, Frances O'Connor, Asher Keddie, Marshall Napier, Anthony Hayes, Vince Colosimo, Matt Passmore, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Brett Climo, Matthew Le Nevez, Felix Williamson, Brett Tucker, Nicholas Bishop, Josh Lawson, Libby Tanner, Ian Smith, Stefan Dennis, Tara Morice, Jack Finsterer, John Jarratt, Peter Hardy, Robert Mammone, Lachy Hulme, Marcus Graham, Manu Bennett, S (es)