- Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 1987 es van celebrar l'11 de juny de 1987. Va guanyar novament el Partit Conservador, que mantenia el poder des de 1979. La candidata conservadora Margaret Thatcher va assolir una fita històrica que cap altre primer ministre ha aconseguit en el segle xx, guanyant per segona vegada i mantenint-se al poder durant tres mandants consecutius. El Partit Laborista va guanyar algunes posicions, amb una vintena d'escons més, però van ser insuficients per derrotar la "dama de ferro". Els resultats foren una gerra d'aigua freda per l'Aliança SD-Liberals (que després s'unificaria en el partit Liberal Demòcrata) que esperava formar govern amb els laboristes, molts més diputats i per contra en va perdre un. (ca)
- The 1987 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday, 11 June 1987, to elect 650 members to the House of Commons. The election was the third consecutive general election victory for the Conservative Party, and second landslide under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, who became the first Prime Minister since the Earl of Liverpool in 1820 to lead a party into three successive electoral victories. The Conservatives ran a campaign focusing on lower taxes, a strong economy and strong defence. They also emphasised that unemployment had just fallen below the 3 million mark for the first time since 1981, and inflation was standing at 4%, its lowest level since the 1960s. National newspapers also continued to largely back the Conservative Government, particularly The Sun, which ran anti-Labour articles with headlines such as "Why I'm backing Kinnock, by Stalin". The Labour Party, led by Neil Kinnock following Michael Foot's resignation in the aftermath of their landslide defeat at the 1983 general election, was slowly moving towards a more centrist policy platform following the promulgation of a left-wing one under its previous leader Michael Foot. The main aim of the Labour Party was simply to re-establish itself as the main progressive centre-left alternative to the Conservatives, after the rise of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) forced Labour onto the defensive. Indeed, the Labour Party succeeded in doing so at this general election. The Alliance between the SDP and the Liberal Party was renewed but co-leaders David Owen and David Steel could not agree whether to support either major party in the event of a hung parliament. The Conservatives were returned to government, having suffered a net loss of only 21 seats, leaving them with 376 MPs and a reduced but still strong majority of 102 seats. Labour succeeded in resisting the challenge by the SDP–Liberal Alliance to maintain its position as HM Official Opposition. Moreover, Labour managed to increase its vote share in Scotland, Wales and the North of England. Yet Labour still returned only 229 MPs to Westminster, and in certain London constituencies which Labour had held before the election; the Conservatives actually made gains. The election was a disappointment for the Alliance, which saw its vote share fall and suffered a net loss of one seat as well as former SDP leader Roy Jenkins losing his seat to Labour. This led to the two parties merging completely soon afterwards to become the Liberal Democrats. In Northern Ireland, the main unionist parties maintained their alliance in opposition to the Anglo-Irish Agreement, however the Ulster Unionists lost two seats to the Social Democratic and Labour Party. One of the UUP losses was former Cabinet Minister, Enoch Powell; famous for his stance against immigration and formerly a Conservative. To date, the Conservatives have not matched or surpassed their 1987 seat total in any general election held since, although they would record a greater share of the popular vote in the 2019 general election. The 50th Parliament is the last time to date that a Conservative government has lasted a full term with an overall majority of seats in Parliament, as the small 1992 election majority had dwindled to nil by the 1997 dissolution, it had to form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats to form a government in 2010, and the narrow majority gained at the 2015 general election was lost when a snap election was called two years later and resulted in a hung parliament; with Labour making their first net gains in twenty years. The election night was covered live on the BBC and presented by David Dimbleby, Peter Snow and Sir Robin Day. It was also broadcast on ITV and presented by Sir Alastair Burnet, Peter Sissons and Alastair Stewart. The 1987 general election saw the election of the first Black Members of Parliament: Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng and Bernie Grant, all as representatives for the Labour Party. Other newcomers included future Cabinet member David Blunkett and future SNP Leader Alex Salmond. MPs leaving the House of Commons as a result of this election included former Labour Prime Minister James Callaghan, Keith Joseph, Jim Prior, Ian Mikardo, former SDP leader and Labour Cabinet Minister Roy Jenkins, former Health Minister Enoch Powell (who had defected to the UUP in Northern Ireland in 1974 after from the Conservatives) and Clement Freud. (en)
- Die britische Unterhauswahl 1987 fand am 11. Juni 1987 statt und war der dritte Sieg in Folge für Margaret Thatcher und die Konservativen. Sie war die erste Premierministerin seit Robert Jenkinson, 2. Earl of Liverpool, die drei aufeinanderfolgende Wahlen gewinnen konnte. Nach ihr gelang dies aber auch Tony Blair (Labour Party). (de)
- Las elecciones generales de 1987 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el jueves 11 de junio de 1987. (es)
- Les élections générales britanniques de 1987 se tiennent le 11 juin afin d'élire les 650 membres de la Chambre des communes. Il s'agit de la troisième victoire électorale consécutive pour le Parti conservateur mené par Margaret Thatcher, ce qui constitue une première nationale, tous partis confondus, depuis la triple victoire de Robert Jenkinson au XIXe siècle. (fr)
- Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 1987 si tennero l'11 giugno e videro la vittoria del Partito Conservatore di Margaret Thatcher, che fu confermata Primo Ministro; nel 1990 fu sostituita da John Major, esponente dello stesso partito. (it)
- 1987년 영국 총선은 전체 650석의 영국 하원 의원들을 선출하기 위해 1987년 6월 11일에 실시되었다. (ko)
- 1987年イギリス総選挙(1987ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 1987)は、英国議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の下院議員を選出するため1987年6月11日に行なわれた、イギリスの総選挙である。 (ja)
- As eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 1987 foram realizadas a 11 de junho para eleger os 650 assentos para a Câmara dos Comuns do Reino Unido. Após quatro anos de forte crescimento económico, com o desemprego e a inflação a caírem para os números mais em décadas, o Partido Conservador, liderado por Margaret Thatcher, obteve a sua terceira vitória eleitoral consecutiva, perdendo, apenas 21 parlamentares em relação a 1983, e, assim, conservando a sua maioria absoluta. Graças a um programa focado no forte crescimento económico e, também, apoiados por grande parte da imprensa britânica, além de beneficiaram com a forte divisão nos partidos de oposição, os conservadores mantiveram-se no poder, com muitos a questionarem quando que é que estes iriam perder o poder. O Partido Trabalhista, liderado por , partiu para estas eleições com o principal objectivo de se afirmar, claramente, como o maior partido de oposição ao governo conservador, estatuto ameaçado pela aliança do Partido Liberal com o Partido Social Democrata em 1983. Com um programa moderado, desviando-se do radicalismo do seu anterior líder Michael Foot, os trabalhistas conseguiram recuperar votos e parlamentares, e, assim, confirmarem-se como o maior partido de oposição. A aliança entre o Partido Liberal e o Partido Social Democrata, apesar de ter perdidos votos e parlamentares, voltou a obter mais de 20% dos votos, mas, devido ao sistema eleitoral, ficou-se pelos 22 parlamentares. Margaret Thatcher, após as eleições, manteve-se como primeira-ministra do Reino Unido, mas, em 1990 viria a resignar do cargo, sendo substituída por John Major. (pt)
- Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien den 11 juni 1987 var den tredje segern i rad för premiärminister Margaret Thatcher och hennes konservativa parti. Labour, med partiledaren Neil Kinnock, gjorde ett bättre resultat än i det föregående valet, men var långt ifrån att besegra regeringen. Valdeltagandet var 32 530 204 (75,3 %) (sv)
- 1987年6月11日舉行的英國大選,選出650名英國下議院議員。這次選舉是由保守黨的撒切爾夫人贏得連續三次大選勝利,是自1820年羅伯特·詹金遜,第二代利物浦伯爵以來連續第三次選舉的勝利,撒切爾夫人亦成為英國20世紀在位最久的首相。 保守黨在競選中側重於降低稅率,一個強大的經濟和國防政策。當時失業率已降至1981年以來的首次低於3萬,而通脹率在4%左右,站在大約20年的最低水平。小報媒體也有大力支持保守黨,特別是英國太陽報,一直發表反勞工的文章。 由金諾克領導的工黨,慢慢走向更中間派的政策平台。工黨這次只為了重新建立自己作為中間偏左的主要進步路線。而社會民主黨和自由黨之間聯盟合作領導人大衛·歐文和戴維·斯蒂爾在是否支持懸峙國會的意見上出現分歧。 這次保守黨政府減少21個席位,取得376席,但繼續蟬聯多數黨地位。社民-自由聯盟並在蘇格蘭,威爾士和英格蘭北部增加不少選票。工黨只取得229席,三連敗。社民-自由聯盟取得22席,前社民黨領袖羅伊·詹金斯失去他的議席。這導致了雙方最終合併成為完全的英國自由民主黨。在北愛爾蘭,主要工會各方保持他們的聯盟,反對盎格魯-愛爾蘭協議,然而Ulster工會會員失去了兩個席位,兩席原屬社會民主黨和工黨。 (zh)
- Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 1987 года — свободные демократические выборы, происходившие 11 июня 1987 года. Консерваторы под руководством Маргарет Тэтчер одержали третью подряд победу, однако разрыв между ними и лейбористами сократился со 188 до 147 мандатов. (ru)
- Die britische Unterhauswahl 1987 fand am 11. Juni 1987 statt und war der dritte Sieg in Folge für Margaret Thatcher und die Konservativen. Sie war die erste Premierministerin seit Robert Jenkinson, 2. Earl of Liverpool, die drei aufeinanderfolgende Wahlen gewinnen konnte. Nach ihr gelang dies aber auch Tony Blair (Labour Party). (de)
- Las elecciones generales de 1987 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el jueves 11 de junio de 1987. (es)
- Les élections générales britanniques de 1987 se tiennent le 11 juin afin d'élire les 650 membres de la Chambre des communes. Il s'agit de la troisième victoire électorale consécutive pour le Parti conservateur mené par Margaret Thatcher, ce qui constitue une première nationale, tous partis confondus, depuis la triple victoire de Robert Jenkinson au XIXe siècle. (fr)
- Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 1987 si tennero l'11 giugno e videro la vittoria del Partito Conservatore di Margaret Thatcher, che fu confermata Primo Ministro; nel 1990 fu sostituita da John Major, esponente dello stesso partito. (it)
- 1987년 영국 총선은 전체 650석의 영국 하원 의원들을 선출하기 위해 1987년 6월 11일에 실시되었다. (ko)
- 1987年イギリス総選挙(1987ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 1987)は、英国議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の下院議員を選出するため1987年6月11日に行なわれた、イギリスの総選挙である。 (ja)
- Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien den 11 juni 1987 var den tredje segern i rad för premiärminister Margaret Thatcher och hennes konservativa parti. Labour, med partiledaren Neil Kinnock, gjorde ett bättre resultat än i det föregående valet, men var långt ifrån att besegra regeringen. Valdeltagandet var 32 530 204 (75,3 %) (sv)
- 1987年6月11日舉行的英國大選,選出650名英國下議院議員。這次選舉是由保守黨的撒切爾夫人贏得連續三次大選勝利,是自1820年羅伯特·詹金遜,第二代利物浦伯爵以來連續第三次選舉的勝利,撒切爾夫人亦成為英國20世紀在位最久的首相。 保守黨在競選中側重於降低稅率,一個強大的經濟和國防政策。當時失業率已降至1981年以來的首次低於3萬,而通脹率在4%左右,站在大約20年的最低水平。小報媒體也有大力支持保守黨,特別是英國太陽報,一直發表反勞工的文章。 由金諾克領導的工黨,慢慢走向更中間派的政策平台。工黨這次只為了重新建立自己作為中間偏左的主要進步路線。而社會民主黨和自由黨之間聯盟合作領導人大衛·歐文和戴維·斯蒂爾在是否支持懸峙國會的意見上出現分歧。 這次保守黨政府減少21個席位,取得376席,但繼續蟬聯多數黨地位。社民-自由聯盟並在蘇格蘭,威爾士和英格蘭北部增加不少選票。工黨只取得229席,三連敗。社民-自由聯盟取得22席,前社民黨領袖羅伊·詹金斯失去他的議席。這導致了雙方最終合併成為完全的英國自由民主黨。在北愛爾蘭,主要工會各方保持他們的聯盟,反對盎格魯-愛爾蘭協議,然而Ulster工會會員失去了兩個席位,兩席原屬社會民主黨和工黨。 (zh)
- Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 1987 года — свободные демократические выборы, происходившие 11 июня 1987 года. Консерваторы под руководством Маргарет Тэтчер одержали третью подряд победу, однако разрыв между ними и лейбористами сократился со 188 до 147 мандатов. (ru)
- Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 1987 es van celebrar l'11 de juny de 1987. Va guanyar novament el Partit Conservador, que mantenia el poder des de 1979. La candidata conservadora Margaret Thatcher va assolir una fita històrica que cap altre primer ministre ha aconseguit en el segle xx, guanyant per segona vegada i mantenint-se al poder durant tres mandants consecutius. El Partit Laborista va guanyar algunes posicions, amb una vintena d'escons més, però van ser insuficients per derrotar la "dama de ferro". (ca)
- The 1987 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday, 11 June 1987, to elect 650 members to the House of Commons. The election was the third consecutive general election victory for the Conservative Party, and second landslide under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, who became the first Prime Minister since the Earl of Liverpool in 1820 to lead a party into three successive electoral victories. (en)
- As eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 1987 foram realizadas a 11 de junho para eleger os 650 assentos para a Câmara dos Comuns do Reino Unido. Após quatro anos de forte crescimento económico, com o desemprego e a inflação a caírem para os números mais em décadas, o Partido Conservador, liderado por Margaret Thatcher, obteve a sua terceira vitória eleitoral consecutiva, perdendo, apenas 21 parlamentares em relação a 1983, e, assim, conservando a sua maioria absoluta. Graças a um programa focado no forte crescimento económico e, também, apoiados por grande parte da imprensa britânica, além de beneficiaram com a forte divisão nos partidos de oposição, os conservadores mantiveram-se no poder, com muitos a questionarem quando que é que estes iriam perder o poder. (pt)