Service and Descriptor Document Cohen44132182Nattbuss 807 (English: Night Bus 807) is a Swedish thriller film based on the real murder of a young skinhead in 1992. The film was released to cinemas in Sweden on 28 February 1997, directed by David Flamholc. The film is based on a true story and events of the 1992 murder of a young boy in during the Stockholm Water Festival. The movie received mixed reviews but gained "cult" status by the younger audience in Sweden. The movie's script and dialogues are taken directly from the real murder investigation.Many scenes in the movie and most of the dialogue happened in real life, such as the fights, the hooliganism, the police hearings and many of the pieces of evidence found.6300.0Nattbuss 807Nattbuss 807 är en svensk thrillerfilm som hade biopremiär i Sverige den 28 februari 1997, i regi av David Flamholc. Filmen är baserad på en sann händelse, mordet på en ung kille i Stockholmsförorten Vendelsö.Nattbuss 807105.011114806850119763Nattbuss 8072811David FlamholcNattbuss 807SwedenNattbuss 807 (English: Night Bus 807) is a Swedish thriller film based on the real murder of a young skinhead in 1992. The film was released to cinemas in Sweden on 28 February 1997, directed by David Flamholc. The film is based on a true story and events of the 1992 murder of a young boy in during the Stockholm Water Festival. The movie received mixed reviews but gained "cult" status by the younger audience in Sweden.6300Leon FlamholcNattbuss 807 är en svensk thrillerfilm som hade biopremiär i Sverige den 28 februari 1997, i regi av David Flamholc. Filmen är baserad på en sann händelse, mordet på en ung kille i Stockholmsförorten Vendelsö.