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dbr:Dean_Gallery dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Modern_Two ;
dbo:wikiPageRedirects dbr:Modern_Two .
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dbr:Modern_Two rdf:type dbo:Building ,
dbo:Museum .
@prefix wikidata: .
dbr:Modern_Two rdf:type wikidata:Q33506 ,
wikidata:Q41176 ,
dbo:ArchitecturalStructure .
@prefix owl: .
dbr:Modern_Two rdf:type owl:Thing .
@prefix rdfs: .
dbr:Modern_Two rdfs:label "Modern Two"@en ,
"\u8FEA\u6069\u7F8E\u8853\u9928"@zh ,
"Dean Gallery"@de ,
"Dean Gallery"@nl ,
"Dean Gallery"@it ,
"Modern Two (Dean Gallery)"@fr ;
rdfs:comment "Modern Two, anciennement Dean Gallery, \u00E0 \u00C9dimbourg, est l'une des galeries d'art nationales d'\u00C9cosse. Elle fait partie des Galeries Nationales d'Ecosse. Depuis son ouverture, le b\u00E2timent a abrit\u00E9 la donation Paolozzi, une collection de ses \u0153uvres remises \u00E0 la Galerie nationale d'art moderne en 1994 par Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. Il contient une vaste collection d'art et de litt\u00E9rature Dada et surr\u00E9aliste, dont une grande part a \u00E9t\u00E9 donn\u00E9e par Gabrielle Keiller. Il est \u00E9galement utilis\u00E9 pour des expositions temporaires."@fr ,
"De Dean Gallery is een museum in Edinburgh, Schotland. Het maakt deel uit van de National Galleries of Scotland."@nl ,
"Modern Two, formerly the Dean Gallery, in Edinburgh, is one of the two buildings housing the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, one of Scotland's national art galleries. It is operated by the National Galleries of Scotland. Since its opening it has housed the Paolozzi Gift, a collection of his works given to the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in 1994 by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. It contains a large collection of Dada and Surrealist art and literature, much of which was given by Gabrielle Keiller. It is also used for temporary exhibitions."@en ,
"Die Dean Gallery ist eine Kunstgalerie in Edinburgh, Schottland, und Teil der .Sie wurde 1999 er\u00F6ffnet, direkt gegen\u00FCber der Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, der Schwestergalerie der Dean Gallery. 2011 wurden die Geb\u00E4ude in Modern Art One und entsprechend Modern Art Two umbenannt. Das Geb\u00E4ude der Dean Gallery wurde urspr\u00FCnglich von dem Architekten Thomas Hamilton als Waisenhaus entworfen. Sie beinhaltet eine gro\u00DFe Auswahl dadaistischer und surrealistischer Kunstwerke und Literatur, mit einigen Werken der Fotografin . Die Dean Gallery zeigt h\u00E4ufig auch Wechselausstellungen."@de ,
"La Dean Gallery \u00E8 una galleria d'arte a Edimburgo (Scozia) e forma parte delle Gallerie Nazionali della Scozia, in particolare della Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. \u00C8 stata inaugurata nel 1999 ed \u00E8 posta di fronte alla Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, con la quale \u00E8 appunto associata. Nel 2011 i due edifici sono stati rinominati rispettivamente \"Modern Art Two\" e \"Modern Art One\". Il palazzo originariamente era un orfanotrofio, disegnato nel 1830 dall'architetto scozzese Thomas Hamilton. La conversione della struttura in galleria \u00E8 stata progettata dall'architetto Terry Farrell. Dalla sua apertura ha ospitato il Lascito Paolozzi, collezione di opere dell'artista italo-scozzese Sir Eduardo Paolozzi, che ha donato alla Galleria di Arte Moderna succitata nel 1994. Ospita inol"@it ,
"\u8FEA\u6069\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ADean Gallery\uFF09\u662F\u4F4D\u65BC\u82F1\u570B\u8607\u683C\u862D\u611B\u4E01\u5821\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u8607\u683C\u862D\u570B\u7ACB\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u5206\u3002\u8FEA\u6069\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u5C0D\u9762\u662F\u8607\u683C\u862D\u73FE\u4EE3\u85DD\u8853\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u5176\u7684\u59CA\u59B9\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u3002\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u5EFA\u7BC9\u4FEE\u5EFA\u65BC1831\u5E74\u3002\u5728\u6210\u70BA\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u8A72\u5EFA\u7BC9\u66FE\u662F\u4E00\u5EA7\u6559\u80B2\u4E2D\u5FC3\u30021999\u5E74\u958B\u59CB\uFF0C\u8A72\u5EFA\u7BC9\u6539\u70BA\u4E00\u5EA7\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u3002"@zh ;
foaf:name "Modern Two"@en .
@prefix ns8: .
dbr:Modern_Two foaf:homepage ns8:scottish-national-gallery-modern-art ;
foaf:depiction ,
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix dbc: .
dbr:Modern_Two dcterms:subject dbc:Modern_art_museums ,
dbc:Scottish_contemporary_art ,
dbc:National_Galleries_of_Scotland ,
dbc:Surrealism ,
dbc:Art_museums_and_galleries_in_Edinburgh ,
dbc:National_galleries ,
dbc:Literary_museums_in_Scotland ,
dbc:Listed_museum_buildings_in_Scotland ,
dbc:Dada ,
dbc:Art_museums_established_in_1999 ,
dbc:Category_A_listed_buildings_in_Edinburgh ,
dbc:Culture_in_Edinburgh ;
dbo:abstract "Modern Two, formerly the Dean Gallery, in Edinburgh, is one of the two buildings housing the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, one of Scotland's national art galleries. It is operated by the National Galleries of Scotland. Since its opening it has housed the Paolozzi Gift, a collection of his works given to the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in 1994 by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. It contains a large collection of Dada and Surrealist art and literature, much of which was given by Gabrielle Keiller. It is also used for temporary exhibitions. The Dean Gallery is twinned with Modern One which lies on the opposite side of Belford Road."@en ,
"\u8FEA\u6069\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1ADean Gallery\uFF09\u662F\u4F4D\u65BC\u82F1\u570B\u8607\u683C\u862D\u611B\u4E01\u5821\u7684\u4E00\u5EA7\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u8607\u683C\u862D\u570B\u7ACB\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u5206\u3002\u8FEA\u6069\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u5C0D\u9762\u662F\u8607\u683C\u862D\u73FE\u4EE3\u85DD\u8853\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u5176\u7684\u59CA\u59B9\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u3002\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u7684\u5EFA\u7BC9\u4FEE\u5EFA\u65BC1831\u5E74\u3002\u5728\u6210\u70BA\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u8A72\u5EFA\u7BC9\u66FE\u662F\u4E00\u5EA7\u6559\u80B2\u4E2D\u5FC3\u30021999\u5E74\u958B\u59CB\uFF0C\u8A72\u5EFA\u7BC9\u6539\u70BA\u4E00\u5EA7\u7F8E\u8853\u9928\u3002"@zh ,
"Modern Two, anciennement Dean Gallery, \u00E0 \u00C9dimbourg, est l'une des galeries d'art nationales d'\u00C9cosse. Elle fait partie des Galeries Nationales d'Ecosse. Depuis son ouverture, le b\u00E2timent a abrit\u00E9 la donation Paolozzi, une collection de ses \u0153uvres remises \u00E0 la Galerie nationale d'art moderne en 1994 par Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. Il contient une vaste collection d'art et de litt\u00E9rature Dada et surr\u00E9aliste, dont une grande part a \u00E9t\u00E9 donn\u00E9e par Gabrielle Keiller. Il est \u00E9galement utilis\u00E9 pour des expositions temporaires. La Dean Gallery est jumel\u00E9e \u00E0 la Galerie nationale d'art moderne qui se trouve de l'autre c\u00F4t\u00E9 de Belford Road."@fr ,
"De Dean Gallery is een museum in Edinburgh, Schotland. Het maakt deel uit van de National Galleries of Scotland."@nl ,
"Die Dean Gallery ist eine Kunstgalerie in Edinburgh, Schottland, und Teil der .Sie wurde 1999 er\u00F6ffnet, direkt gegen\u00FCber der Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, der Schwestergalerie der Dean Gallery. 2011 wurden die Geb\u00E4ude in Modern Art One und entsprechend Modern Art Two umbenannt. Das Geb\u00E4ude der Dean Gallery wurde urspr\u00FCnglich von dem Architekten Thomas Hamilton als Waisenhaus entworfen. Der sp\u00E4tere Umbau des Hauses in eine Galerie wurde von Terry Farrell umgesetzt. Seit seiner Er\u00F6ffnung zeigt die Dean Gallery die Paolozzi-Schenkung. 1994 stiftete Sir Eduardo Paolozzi eine Auswahl seiner Sammlung der Gallery of Modern Art. Sie beinhaltet eine gro\u00DFe Auswahl dadaistischer und surrealistischer Kunstwerke und Literatur, mit einigen Werken der Fotografin . Die Dean Gallery zeigt h\u00E4ufig auch Wechselausstellungen. Eine Auswahl der ausgestellten Kunstwerke ist auch online zug\u00E4nglich."@de ,
"La Dean Gallery \u00E8 una galleria d'arte a Edimburgo (Scozia) e forma parte delle Gallerie Nazionali della Scozia, in particolare della Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. \u00C8 stata inaugurata nel 1999 ed \u00E8 posta di fronte alla Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, con la quale \u00E8 appunto associata. Nel 2011 i due edifici sono stati rinominati rispettivamente \"Modern Art Two\" e \"Modern Art One\". Il palazzo originariamente era un orfanotrofio, disegnato nel 1830 dall'architetto scozzese Thomas Hamilton. La conversione della struttura in galleria \u00E8 stata progettata dall'architetto Terry Farrell. Dalla sua apertura ha ospitato il Lascito Paolozzi, collezione di opere dell'artista italo-scozzese Sir Eduardo Paolozzi, che ha donato alla Galleria di Arte Moderna succitata nel 1994. Ospita inoltre un'ampia collezione di arte e letteratura dadaista e surrealista. La Galleria viene spesso usata per mostre temporanee. Una selezione di opere appare sul sito ufficiale internet."@it ;
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dbc:Listed_museum_buildings_in_Scotland ,
dbr:Scottish_National_Gallery_of_Modern_Art ,
dbc:Modern_art_museums ,
dbr:Royal_Mile ,
dbr:Waverley_Station ,
dbc:National_galleries ,
dbr:Lady_Glenorchy ,
dbr:English_Baroque ,
dbr:Lord_Provost .
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dbr:Modern_Two dbp:website ns8:scottish-national-gallery-modern-art .
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dbt:Scottish_Museums_and_Art_Galleries ,
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dbp:name "Modern Two"@en ;
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wikidata:Q2679817 .
@prefix dbpedia-de: .
dbr:Modern_Two owl:sameAs dbpedia-de:Dean_Gallery .
@prefix dbpedia-nl: .
dbr:Modern_Two owl:sameAs dbpedia-nl:Dean_Gallery ,
dbr:Modern_Two .
@prefix dbpedia-it: .
dbr:Modern_Two owl:sameAs dbpedia-it:Dean_Gallery ,
@prefix prov: .
dbr:Modern_Two prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
dbp:type "Art Museum"@en ;
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Modern_Two ;
dbp:formerName "Dean Gallery"@en ;
dbp:mapType "Scotland"@en .
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Modern_Two .
dbr:Dean_Village dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Modern_Two .
dbr:The_Dean_Gallery dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Modern_Two ;
dbo:wikiPageRedirects dbr:Modern_Two .