{ "@context": {
"P50119": { "@id": "http://www.rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/P50119" },
"P50102": { "@id": "http://www.rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/P50102" },
"P5010": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5010" },
"P1003": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P1003" },
"OP5001": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/OP5001", "@type": "@id" },
"P5003": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5003" },
"P50116": { "@id": "http://www.rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/P50116" },
"P1002": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P1002" },
"P5011": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5011" },
"sameAs": { "@id": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs", "@type": "@id" },
"P1100": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P1100" },
"P50104": { "@id": "http://www.rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/P50104" },
"P5001": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5001" },
"P5024": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5024" },
"OP5002": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/OP5002", "@type": "@id" },
"P5002": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5002" },
"P5012": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/P5012" },
"label": { "@id": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label" },
"id": { "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/def/id" } },
"@graph": [
{ "@id": "https://datos.bne.es/resource/XX1127698",
"@type": "https://datos.bne.es/def/C1005",
"label": "Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell,",
"sameAs": [ "http://data.bnf.fr/11987995",
"http://isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/0000000121178738" ],
"OP5001": [ "https://datos.bne.es/resource/XX2746161",
"https://datos.bne.es/resource/XX2337007" ],
"OP5002": [ "https://datos.bne.es/resource/bimo0001326617",
"https://datos.bne.es/resource/Mimo0000637642" ],
"P50102": "Ingl\u00E9s",
"P50119": "Londres",
"P50104": [ "Escritores",
"Jefes y oficiales",
"Escultores" ],
"P50116": "Masculino",
"P5024": [ "http://viaf.org/viaf/122004815/",
"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q12665" ],
"id": "XX1127698",
"P1002": [ "Scautismo, 1946",
"CDMARC names, 1997",
"Baden-Powell, las dos vidas de un h\u00E9roe, 1992",
"Mis aventuras como esp\u00EDa, 2015",
"Juegos de explorador, 1914",
"Gu\u00EDa para el jefe de tropa, 1958",
"Escultismo para muchachos, 2010",
"Robert S. Baden-Powell, 1994",
"La vida de B.P. en cuadros : la historia de lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, 1979" ],
"P1003": [ "port. (Robert Baden-Powell)",
"port. (general Sir R.S.S. Baden Powell; fundador de los exploradores ingleses) p. 1 de la cub. (Genl. Sir R. Baden Powell)",
"port. (Lord Baden-Powell de Gilwell)",
"p. 26, etc. (Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell, n. 22-2-1857, m. 1941; Lord Baden-Powell de Gilwell)",
"port. (Sir Robert Baden-Powell)",
"port. (de Sir Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell of Gilwell)",
"(Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941)" ],
"P1100": [ "#La vida de B.P. en cuadros : la historia de lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, 1979",
"#Baden-Powell, las dos vidas de un h\u00E9roe, 1992#p. 26, etc. (Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell, n. 22-2-1857, m. 1941; Lord Baden-Powell de Gilwell)",
"#Robert S. Baden-Powell, 1994",
"#Gu\u00EDa para el jefe de tropa, 1958#port. (Lord Baden-Powell de Gilwell)",
"#Escultismo para muchachos, 2010#port. (de Sir Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell of Gilwell)",
"#Scautismo, 1946#port. (Sir Robert Baden-Powell)",
"#Juegos de explorador, 1914#port. (general Sir R.S.S. Baden Powell; fundador de los exploradores ingleses) p. 1 de la cub. (Genl. Sir R. Baden Powell)",
"#Mis aventuras como esp\u00EDa, 2015#port. (Robert Baden-Powell)",
"#CDMARC names, 1997#(Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941)" ],
"P5001": "Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell,",
"P5002": "1857-1941",
"P5003": "Baron",
"P5010": "1857",
"P5011": "1941",
"P5012": [ "Baden Powell",
"Baden Powell, R. S. S.,",
"Baden-Powell, Robert S.",
"Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell,",
"Baden-Powell de Gilwell,",
"B. P.",
"Baden-Powell, Robert,",
"Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth,",
"Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell,",
"Baden-Powell, Robert" ] }
] }